
Qinhan New Town and Fengdong New Town in Xixian New Area issued notices to adjust epidemic prevention and control measures

author:Bright Net

Qinhan New City on orderly to do a good job

Notice of normalization of epidemic prevention and control work

In order to do a good job in scientific and accurate epidemic prevention and control, according to the current epidemic prevention and control situation, after the study and decision of the Qinhan New Town Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, from now on, the production and living order in the jurisdiction will be restored steadily and orderly. The following notice is hereby issued on matters related to the normalization of epidemic prevention and control:

1. Strict regional border traffic inspection and control

Continue to do a good job in foreign defense import work, strengthen the control of high-speed bayonets and border bayonets in the Qinhan New City area, except for vehicles that really need to pass through such as epidemic prevention and control, emergency rescue, and people's livelihood protection, other vehicles are not allowed to enter or leave the new city. It is strictly forbidden for relevant personnel and vehicles from medium- and high-risk areas to enter the new city. Strict restrictions on the travel of people and vehicles to the districts and counties where medium- and high-risk areas are located. If it is truly necessary to leave due to special circumstances, a certificate shall be issued and the relevant approval procedures shall be performed.

II. Strengthen the control of those returning from abroad

In strict accordance with the requirements of the "Work Plan for the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic Prevention and Control of Returnees in Qinhan New Town", carry out refined mapping of returnees, establish detailed work accounts, and implement grid management. Guide the medium- and high-risk areas in the jurisdiction to celebrate the New Year as much as possible during the Spring Festival, and the low-risk areas "do not return home unless necessary". Where it is truly necessary to return, classify and implement requirements such as isolation and control, health monitoring, and nucleic acid testing, strengthen personal protection on the way back home, stagger the peak to return home, and cooperate with the inspection of health codes, nucleic acid certificates, and itinerary codes after returning home, and accurately implement control and control.

III. Strictly control all kinds of gathering activities

Large-scale conferences, activities, forums, performances, exhibitions and promotions, etc. must not be held, and activities such as garden tours, temple fairs, fairs, folk customs, and square dances must not be organized. Tourist attractions, KTV, chess and card rooms, Internet cafes, tea rooms, offline education and training institutions and other places that are not necessary for the lives of the masses will continue to be suspended. Strictly implement prevention and control requirements such as "postponing red affairs, simplifying white affairs, and not handling banquets". Advocate non-essential non-mobility, avoid crowd gathering, and reduce the risk of epidemic transmission. Public security and urban management departments organized forces to continue to patrol and increase the intensity of investigation and handling of violations of laws and regulations.

IV. Orderly opening up community (rural) control

The existing community (rural) card points have not been withdrawn, and the force on duty has not been reduced. Each household can have 1 person going out to purchase daily necessities every two days; other family members are generally not allowed to go out except for participating in epidemic prevention and control, seeing a doctor for medical treatment, and going out to resume work and production after approval. In principle, non-community (village group) personnel are not allowed to enter. The broad masses of the people should standardize personal protection, advocate a healthy lifestyle, and strictly prohibit gathering, gathering, and visiting doors. Fever, cough and other symptoms are reported to the community (village group) as soon as possible, and the contact health center is assigned a special car to the Qinhan Third Hospital or the Central Hospital of Xixian New Area for fever diagnosis, and it is strictly forbidden to conceal, omit and report late.

Fifth, orderly restore order in production and life

Support supermarkets, convenience stores, fresh stores, vegetable and fruit stores, pharmacies, farmers' markets, commercial and trade enterprises, as well as maternity and baby shops, barber shops, dry cleaning shops, bakeries, catering (no dine-in), express delivery outlets, hardware and agricultural materials sales, bank outlets and other business sites in accordance with the requirements of the competent departments of the industry, and gradually resume business. Industrial enterprises, key projects and warehousing and logistics that have suspended production and construction due to the impact of epidemic prevention and control will gradually resume work and production under the premise of implementing the main responsibility and implementing closed-loop management, and gradually resume work and production after being accepted by the competent department of the industry and approved by the command headquarters.

Sixth, carry out nucleic acid testing and vaccination on a regular basis

Earnestly do a good job of nucleic acid testing in key industries and key populations according to frequency. Nucleic acid testing points have been set up in the Qinhan Third Hospital and Huiju Yuguo Medical Testing Laboratory (the first floor of the Cultural and Creative Building), and the people in the jurisdiction can go to the test at any time at their own expense if needed. Continue to follow the requirements of "finding people in the streets and giving health and health injections", through "one package of ten", knocking on doors, etc., under the unified deployment of the new district, accelerate the vaccination work, and effectively achieve "all that should be received, and all should be received".

VII. Strengthen emergency support reserves

Do a good job of emergency reserves in centralized isolation sites to ensure the safety of infrastructure in isolation sites; all streets, communities (rural areas) and enterprises and units should make overall plans to reserve emergency protective materials such as disinfection supplies, masks, temperature guns, and protective clothing, and guide the masses to reserve necessary epidemic prevention materials.

Xixian New Area Qinhan New City

Pneumonia infected by the novel coronavirus

Office of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Command

January 18, 2022

Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of Fengdong New Town, Xixian New District

Notice on the adjustment of sealing and control areas in some communities (villages).

According to the requirements of the Notice of the Xi'an Municipal Headquarters on Printing and Distributing the Regional Adjustment Plan for the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic in Xi'an (Municipal Zhifa [2022] No. 1), after the organization of experts studied and judged, it was reported to the Xi'an City and Xixian New Area Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters for the record, and the sealing and control area of Jiyangzhai Village in Wangsi Street was adjusted to a control area.

From now on, the region will implement the principle of "not leaving the area and taking things at the wrong peak", and in principle stay at home, strictly implement various control measures.

The adjustment of each prevention and control area is dynamically adjusted according to the results of the epidemic risk assessment.

Notice is hereby given.

Fengdong New Town, Xixian New District

Epidemic Prevention and Control Command

Source: Shaanxi Release

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