
Original | maple leaf wind and rain life, their own umbrella

author:Qilu one point
Original | maple leaf wind and rain life, their own umbrella

The sky of life will always unexpectedly drift cold rain, wet happiness, and dim the mood. At this point, please smile and hold an umbrella for yourself.

In life, there are always winds and rains, and asking for people is a kind of dependence, which can be relied on for a while, but cannot rely on a lifetime. Backing the mountain, the mountain will fall; relying on people, people will run. The most reliable is only self-improvement.

There is no free lunch in the world, and no one can harvest everything they want in the idle wasted time. As the saying goes: A bodhisattva recites a bodhisattva with his palms together, and it is better to ask others than to ask for himself. Investing in Jinshan Yinshan, it is better to invest in yourself, more skills, less to ask for people; more grinding, less disaster. The real strong person is not without tears, but running with tears, even if it falls very heavy, can only rely on themselves to get up, pat the dust, and continue to grit their teeth.

People who do not have umbrellas must run hard. When you want to ask for someone, you might as well ask yourself if you have done your best. If you want fruit, you must sow it first, and if you want to reap it, you must first cultivate it. No one is immune to the tiredness of life. In the final analysis, on the road of wind and rain, no matter how big the eaves of others are, they are not as good as having umbrellas themselves. Only when we learn to hold an umbrella for ourselves can we bravely move forward without fear of wind and rain.

The fool seeks others, and the wise seek themselves. "Asking for people is like swallowing a three-foot sword, relying on people to go to the Ninth Heaven (Cai Xinjia, a scholar of Wenhuadian University during the Qianlong period). Learn to hold your own umbrella, in order to compete with fate, do not seek people in everything, and have the most confidence to be a talent.

We all have to work hard to be strong, if you are not strong, who helps you, no one can be your lifelong worry-free dependence, parents, will eventually grow old, friends, always disperse, only they can rely on their own life. Marie Curie said: "The road must be walked by yourself, so that it can be wider and wider." "It is better to seek others than to seek oneself, and it is difficult to make great progress by blindly relying on others." Hold up your umbrella and go your own way. If you exceed the load, stop and take a break. Life is like a reverse journey, often through wind and rain. If a person wants to be happy and happy, he must rely on himself to strive for it, rather than sitting on the mountain and waiting for the enthusiastic help of others.

Life is like a workbook, there are simple problems and problems, everyone has their own problems to overcome, no one can open the way for you. For example, if you need to carry a very heavy piece of cargo on the street, you still can't carry it with all your strength, and then people passing by may come over and take the handle. But if you stand still indifferently in the first place, who knows if you need help? Always thinking of relying on others in everything, pinning hopes on others, is equivalent to giving others a handle, so that you are in a passive state. The fool seeks others, and the wise seek themselves. The first noble person on the road of life is precisely ourselves. When we ask why the timing is not good and the fate is unfair, some people have already become more and more courageous and overtake in curves.

Original | maple leaf wind and rain life, their own umbrella

In the Analects, it is said: "Gentlemen seek themselves, and villains seek others." "What you get from others is not your own after all." Only by actively fighting for yourself can you make yourself more at ease. Freezing three feet is not a day's cold; grinding a needle with an iron pestle is not a day's work. Instead of praying for help from your nobles, you should concentrate on changing yourself and enriching yourself. Only by overcoming difficulties and setbacks and refining steel can we sum up our experience and methods to cope with the next challenge.

Liz, the heroine of "Wind and Rain Harvard Road", was born in the slums of the United States. Her family was worse than the average poor family: poor, her father had taken drugs into shelters, her mother had been addicted to drugs and alcohol, and she was suffering from schizophrenia. When she was 15 years old, her mother died of AIDS, leaving Liz stranded on the streets begging for a living. Such a tragic fate did not crush Liz's desire and enthusiasm for a new life, but made her more aware that only reading could change her destiny. So she worked hard to win the opportunity to study. During the day, she reads while working, pasting study materials on the wall to study; at night, she is homeless and sleeps on the street, borrowing roadside lights to study. In 2 years, she not only completed all the courses in high school, became the best student, but also was admitted to Harvard University. Liz said: "I can only be forced to move forward, I have to do this, there is no turning back in the world. Liz wanted to break free from the mud, so she worked part-time to earn money to study, make herself excellent, and finally get a stable life.

Life has always been done on its own. The curtain on the stage of life may be opened at any time, whether you can become a good performer, the key lies in whether you choose to face it calmly or hide behind people. Instead of hoping for pie in the sky and picking up cash on the ground, it is better to bet your hopes on yourself and make an investment for yourself. Enrich yourself through learning and accumulation, use your free time to do something meaningful, be full of expectations for the future, and happiness will come to you sooner or later.

The "I Ching" mentions a sentence many times: "From God to bless, there is no disadvantage", which tells us that by working hard, God will help us, that is, "Heaven helps self-helpers". If you want to achieve excellent results and be recognized by your superiors, you should study hard and improve your skills, rather than worrying about being overtaken by others; if you want to be healthy, you must standardize your diet and rest, strengthen exercise, rather than praying to God and worshiping Buddha, and panic all day long. If you want to be admired by thousands of people, you must be broad-minded and seek benefits for the people, rather than being lazy and greedy for money.

Only by consciously working hard can we reach the ideal height.

Lao Tzu said: "The winner is strong, and the self-victor is strong." "Life is like a boat, and everyone must be prepared to take the helm." If you don't learn home, then opportunities will only pass you by. If you are timid, no one is brave for you; if you are weak, no one is strong for you. The road is long and long, the road always has to be walked alone, and no one can accompany you forever. Long wind and rain life road, to learn to hold their own umbrella, others to give you only temporary help, their own to their own is a lifetime of stability, will never change. If you walk solidly on the road under your feet, you will not be afraid of mud, and if you stand up and practice your chest, you will have a strong heart, and you will not be afraid of dangers and obstacles. Joy and sorrow, self-drinking, sorrow and joy, cold and warm self-knowledge. Since he chose to go far away, he held up an umbrella for himself and only cared about the wind and rain. Long road of life, if you encounter wind and rain, remember: smile, hold an umbrella for yourself!

Original | maple leaf wind and rain life, their own umbrella

One Point Maple Leaf Anthology

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