
A village in Tangshan implements closed management| an enterprise imports cassava flour positive for nucleic acid, and Leting issued a disposal notice

Source: Yanzhao Metropolis Daily

A village in Tangshan implements closed management

Hebei Tangshan Harbor Economic Development Zone

Office of the Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of covid-19

Regarding the implementation of closed management of Qigezhuang Village in Wangtan Town


On January 18, our district received a letter of cooperation from Leting, Wangtan Town Qigezhuang Village 5 people for Leting Yang starch close connection, 1 person for the secondary close connection, in order to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic, effectively protect the people's life safety and physical health, resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic, resolutely win the battle against the epidemic prevention and control, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, after the development zone new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control leading group research, decided to implement closed management of Wangtan Town Qigezhuang Village from January 18, 2022 at 23:00, is hereby notified as follows:

First, the village is under closed management, only 1 entrance and exit is retained, and only personnel can enter and leave.

Second, the entrance and exit are on duty 24 hours a day, verifying the personnel and vehicles coming and going, discouraging outsiders, and taking temperatures, registering and filing people returning from other places one by one.

Third, close the village's courts, chess and card rooms, activity rooms and other leisure places and crowded places, and put an end to the gathering of people.

Fourth, strengthen environmental governance and rental housing management, do a good job in cleaning and disinfection, garbage classification and treatment. Housing lessors must implement the main responsibility for rental housing management, strengthen the management of tenants, and timely understand, grasp and report the situation of tenants. If the lessor neglects to manage or conceals the occurrence of the epidemic in the rental housing, it will be investigated for its responsibility in accordance with law.

Tangshan Harbor Development Zone Prevention and Control Office

January 18, 2022

An enterprise imported cassava flour positive for nucleic acid, and Leting issued a disposal notice

Prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Laoting County

Office of the Work Command

About a fan processing enterprise in our county imports cassava flour

Notice of positive nucleic acid test disposition

On January 17, 2022, according to the big data of the municipal cold chain special class, the logistics information about changli county found that imported cassava flour tested positive, our county checked the destination of the batch of goods for the first time, and after investigation and verification, on January 3, 2022, a batch of cassava flour was purchased by a fan processing enterprise in our county. On January 18, 2022, after inspection, some of the goods were tested positive for nucleic acid testing on the outer packaging, and the county epidemic prevention and control headquarters immediately launched an emergency response mechanism to seal all imported cassava flour that was found to be positive in outer packaging, and to eliminate and dispose of the relevant environment outside the factory, warehouse, office area, and inventory of cassava flour, and to comprehensively control relevant personnel. At present, some villages and communities have been sealed and controlled, and the nucleic acid tests of the close connection, sub-close connection, key personnel and family environment samples of the batch of goods are all negative. Please do not panic excessively, do not create rumors, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and pay scientific and rational attention to relevant situations. Actively cooperate in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and those who refuse to cooperate with the epidemic prevention work will be investigated and held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations. Personnel who have been to the above-mentioned enterprises since January 3, 2022, and those who have contact with the staff of the enterprise, are requested to immediately report to the local villages (communities) and units, and cooperate with the implementation of relevant prevention and control measures.

Here to remind the masses: First, cautiously purchase imported goods, products from medium- and high-risk areas in China and epidemic-related areas, and do not buy cold chain food of unknown origin to minimize the risk of infection. The second is to pay attention to personal hygiene and health protection, and develop good habits of wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and maintaining safe social distancing. Persons with symptoms such as fever, dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, decreased sense of smell or taste, diarrhea, and conjunctivitis shall report it in a timely and proactive manner. The third is to reduce gathering activities and adhere to the principle of "postponing happy events, simplifying funerals, and not holding banquets." The fourth is timely vaccination, and the people who meet the conditions for vaccination should complete vaccination as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection and disease.

Follow-up relevant information will be released to the public in a timely manner.

The prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Laoting County

Headquarters Office

Source/Tangshan Harbor Media, Leting Released

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