
The past of the Shandong revolution | the birthplace of "Yimeng Mountain Minor"

author:Poster News

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Baishiwu Village is located in Xuezhuang Town, Fei County, and is divided into two natural villages: Upper White Stone House and Lower White Stone House. Here the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the scenery is pleasant, and the villages are scattered along the mountain. Since the nearby mountain stones are all white, the stones are stacked with stones, and there is a hanging under the stones, similar to a hut, and the village of Shiraishiya got its name from this. When it comes to this village, many people may not know it, but a song born from here is unknown to everyone.

Among the two most representative Chinese folk songs recognized by UNESCO, one is "Jasmine", which sings the Jiangnan style, and the other is "Yimeng Mountain Minor", which was born in the hot land of the Red Revolution in Yimeng, grew up in the war of resistance against Japan, and finally emerged into a classic melody that is famous at home and abroad.

In 1940, shortly after the establishment of the Yimeng Anti-Japanese Base Area, the Japanese and Kou "sweeps" were frequent, and the diehard faction headed by Zhang Liyuan, the Kuomintang Linyi Commissioner, often harassed and destroyed them. On the Linmeng Highway, the Shilang House went to Tushan to support the landlords' stubborn reactionary armed forces and the reactionary Daomen Huangshahui, deceived the masses of money and grain, robbed the masses of property, killed anti-Japanese cadres, and constantly "encroached" on the anti-Japanese base areas.

In order to combat the arrogance of the reactionary landlords' armed forces and the Huangshahui, in June of the same year, the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, the Second and Fifth Brigades of the First Branch of the Kang Da, which had just moved from Taihang Shandong, and the local armed forces in Yinan County launched an anti-Huangshahui campaign, and after two days and nights of fierce fighting, the reactionary landlords' armed forces and the Huangshahui retreated to the south of Shiwu Mountain. It was in this historical context that Li Lin and Ruan Ruoshan of the Cultural and Labor Troupe of the First Branch of the Kang University adapted and created "Against the Yellow Sand Society" based on traditional folk song elements.

"Against the Yellow Sand Society" is a song with 8 lyrics. Focusing on the theme of cracking down on the Huangsha Society and praising the victory of the struggle, the melody of the song is melodious and beautiful, which greatly stimulates the people's enthusiasm for struggle. At that time, at a celebration meeting in the Mengshan base area, Ruan Ruoshan sang this song for the first time, and the people in the base area were so excited that more than 300 people signed up to join the army on the spot.

In mid-August 1940, with the development and change of the situation and tasks, Li Lin and Ruan Ruoshan made major revisions to "Opposing the Huangsha Society", and on the basis of retaining the lyrics of the first two paragraphs, the paragraph opposing the content of the Huangsha Society was changed to the content of the anti-Japanese resistance, and changed its name to "Yimeng Minor", since then, this song has been rapidly widely circulated in the anti-Japanese base area in Shandong.

In 1946, a folk song performance was held in East China, and "Yimeng Minor" was greatly praised by Marshal Chen Yi and caused a sensation throughout the country. Since then, after continuous revision and processing, before and after the founding of New China, this "Yimeng Mountain Minor" that sings inside and outside the Great Wall and in the north and south of the great river has been formed.

Today's Baishiwu Village has long ceased to have the smoke of war, but there are still beautiful scenery and simple folk customs, and there are still beautiful tunes lingering among the green mountains and green waters, singing the profound revolutionary feelings of the Yimeng base area.

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