
When the smoke of history cleared, the glorious war sites of the Three Jins were still telling the story of that revolutionary past

author:Backpack to go around

What kind of travel arrangements do you have for this year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays? My travel plans have long been made, that is, to go to Shanxi.

When it comes to going to Shanxi to play, it is not enough to play. Go to Pingyao to see the well-preserved ancient city, to Datong to see the Yungang Grottoes, but also to feel the magnificence of Hukou Waterfall up close, and then climb Wutai Mountain to enjoy the magnificent autumn colors, of course, every meal is indispensable to Shanxi specialties, think about it is exciting. #抖红三晋 #

When the smoke of history cleared, the glorious war sites of the Three Jins were still telling the story of that revolutionary past

Taihang Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army

But this time, I still want to play something different. Shanxi is an old area with glorious revolutionary traditions, especially during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Shanxi was the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the center of the anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines in North China, and one of the main battlefields of China's War of Resistance Against Japan. Therefore, around this unique historical and cultural resource, I want to take a unique tour of the anti-war historical sites.

Explore the ruins and remember your ancestors

Exploring history, my first stop started at the former site of the Shanxi National Normal School in Taiyuan. From the winter of 1936 to the autumn of 1937, more than 4,000 outstanding cadres came out of the Shanxi National Normal School, which was also the source of the New Army in Shanxi, and made important contributions to promoting and adhering to the united front in Shanxi and even north China and the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

When the smoke of history cleared, the glorious war sites of the Three Jins were still telling the story of that revolutionary past

The former site of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Wangjiayu

Leaving Taiyuan, I plan to go to Wangjiayu, located in 70 Huali east of Wuxiang County, to visit the former headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Wangjiayu. From the autumn of 1939 to the end of 1940, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee were stationed here, and a number of important military and political conferences recorded in history were held here. Wei Wei tai xing, witnessing one bloody struggle after another against the enemy. Walking through the canyons and mountains today, we can still feel the bravery and righteousness of the officers and men of the Eighth Route Army.

When the smoke of history cleared, the glorious war sites of the Three Jins were still telling the story of that revolutionary past

The Hundred Regiments Battle Monument

And when it comes to the famous campaign of the Eighth Route Army in the Anti-Japanese War in Shanxi, we cannot fail to mention the Battle of the Hundred Regiments. In Brick Village, Wuxiang County, there is the former site of Brick Wall Village of the General Headquarters of the Hundred Regiments War. On the eve of the Hundred Regiments War in June 1940, it was here that Generals Peng Dehuai and Zuo Quan commanded the Hundred Regiments Battle on the North China Front. And the site of the Hundred Regiments War in Yangquan Lion's Brain Mountain, which fired the first shot of the "Hundred Regiments War", is definitely going to go. Here, the Hundred Regiments War Monument built in the shape of a sharp bayonet shot straight into the sky, symbolizing the Revolutionary Spirit of the Chinese Nation that is not afraid of violence and is mighty and indomitable, which is impressive and unforgettable.

When the smoke of history cleared, the glorious war sites of the Three Jins were still telling the story of that revolutionary past

Dai County raided the ruins of Yangmingbao Airport at night

In addition, my trip to the war history site was also indispensable to the ruins of the night raid yangmingbao airport in Dai County. In 1937, the Chen Xilian Regiment of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army attacked the Japanese Yangmingbao airfield at night, blowing up 24 enemy aircraft, creating a precedent for the Chinese army to destroy enemy aircraft with infantry, and it is also a unique miracle in world military history. This site is located in the open area of the Tuotuo River, standing here, feeling the wind blowing from all directions, you will definitely be able to appreciate the pride and fearlessness of the Eighth Route Army's brave and stubborn enemies.

On the road map I have planned, another must-visit place is the former site of the headquarters of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region in Jingangku Village, Wutai County, from which many decisions involving the political, economic, and cultural construction of the border areas were made, which had a far-reaching impact on the whole country and greatly mobilized the people's enthusiasm for resisting Japan. Standing in the courtyard of the old site, listening quietly, the high anti-Japanese cry of the year still seems to echo in the ears.

Historical details, all in the aftertaste

Seeing my planned trip to the War Historic Site, would you also like to go along? In fact, I also did some homework to help you list the unmissable features of these attractions!

When the smoke of history cleared, the glorious war sites of the Three Jins were still telling the story of that revolutionary past

Former site of Shanxi National Normal School

Shanxi originally has an endless number of ancient buildings, and the historical sites of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression show Shanxi's rich architectural cultural resources. For example, the former site of the Shanxi National Normal School is a model of the combination of traditional Chinese architecture and Western architectural styles, and the brick wall site of the General Headquarters of the Hundred Regiments War is also composed of two farmhouse courtyards and a four-in-one ancient building complex, which has a high appreciation value.

In addition, there are many precious memorials left by the war years on the site of the site. For example, at the site of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Wangjiayu, the poplar planted by Commander-in-Chief Zhu De himself is still deep-rooted and leafy, and there are clear five stars in the cross section of the branches, so it is called "five-star Yang" by the locals, and the era of the red star shining is widely recited.

Passion years, let's explore again

Walking through the historical sites of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Shanxi, the most intuitive feeling is to travel back to that era of war, and let people deeply appreciate the vast land of the Three Jins, and the revolutionary ideals and feelings bred by it are still shining with dazzling brilliance to this day, guiding us to keep moving forward.

When the smoke of history cleared, the glorious war sites of the Three Jins were still telling the story of that revolutionary past

Autumn colors of Taihang Mountains

Recently, Shanxi has also released ten red tourism classic routes, which contain more historical sites worth visiting, if time permits, I intend to visit more places where the revolution once took place according to Tu Suoji, understand the magnificent spirit of Taihang and The spirit of Lüliang, and feel the precious spiritual heritage left by the revolutionary ancestors for future generations.

"People say that Shanxi has good scenery", the magnificent years of Shanxi's land are also worth telling. This golden autumn, let us go on an unforgettable historical journey with Shanxi, relive and listen to the vicissitudes of the years, and re-feel the era of burning passion.

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