
China does not allow Japanese to enter the city, and when the Japanese are found, they immediately go out

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, China had become a piece of fat in the eyes of the Western powers, and all the Western countries had come to plunder the wealth of this ancient country in the East. The military strength of the Qing Dynasty has been worse than a year, the Eight-Power Alliance has frantically plundered China's treasures, and the Qing government has signed many unequal treaties in order to continue its rule, constantly cutting up land and making reparations for peace.

However, Japan tasted the sweetness of the Sino-Japanese War, and began to march into China in a frenzied manner after the September 18 Incident, burning and looting in China, killing many innocent people, and blowing up our homeland. Therefore, the crimes committed by the Japanese army in the land of China are unforgivable to us and will always be remembered in the hearts of the people.

China does not allow Japanese to enter the city, and when the Japanese are found, they immediately go out

There is such a place in China, no matter what time, the Japanese are not allowed to enter, because the Japanese army has hurt them too much, the city is Lushunkou. During the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese occupation forces captured Lushun on the Liaodong Peninsula on November 21, 1894, where they slaughtered the unarmed people in the city for four days and three nights. Most of the people living in this place did not escape the Japanese army's knife, and only 36 people (more than 800 survivors) who buried their bodies survived the massacre, and the number of victims is estimated to be between 2,000 and 20,000. The victims were buried in the "Tomb of Wan Zhong" at the eastern foot of Baiyu Mountain.

China does not allow Japanese to enter the city, and when the Japanese are found, they immediately go out

Tomb of Wan zhong

The knife in the hands of the Japanese army to the elderly, women, pregnant women, children, the whole city is full of voices for help, no matter where you go, there are corpses, it is like hell on earth when it is dark, and the corpses on the ground look very scared. You can't imagine how many Chinese, how many souls died under the knife of the Japanese army.

Killing The Japanese army takes killing as entertainment, this place after a few days and nights of massacre by the Japanese army, about 20,000 people died, the Japanese army can no longer have living things in the eyes, there are dozens of survivors or the Japanese army left to collect the corpses of compatriots, and the real historical record, the Japanese army slaughtered the city after only a few hundred people survived, these people are the Japanese army massacre in the process of chaos to escape.

China does not allow Japanese to enter the city, and when the Japanese are found, they immediately go out

Japan has formed a feud with us, China, and this city. After the 918 incident, the Japanese army began to occupy Lushunkou again, plunging all the people into water and fire again. Therefore, in the hearts of the people of Lushunkou, the Japanese are the enemy and hate Japan very much. After the founding of New China, Lushunkou was also a famous tourist attraction, attracting tourists from all over the world, but Lushunkou demanded that no Japanese be allowed to appear here, the enemy could not appear in their sight, and in peacetime they could not use force to solve it. They can only resist in a way.

China does not allow Japanese to enter the city, and when the Japanese are found, they immediately go out

The crimes committed by the Japanese army in our land should be a history that we will always remember.

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