
Adhere to the "five hearts" high-quality development of performance services - visit to Zhou Wen, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Shaoyang Municipal CPPCC Committee

author:New Hunan
Adhere to the "five hearts" high-quality development of performance services - visit to Zhou Wen, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Shaoyang Municipal CPPCC Committee

(Zhou Wen, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Shaoyang Municipal CPPCC Committee.) Hunan Daily all-media reporter Tian Chao photo)

The Shaoyang Municipal CPPCC will deeply study and implement the spirit of the provincial "two sessions", make standard work arrangements, conscientiously perform their duties, take the initiative, strive to build the CPPCC that is needed in the new era, and serve high-quality development with high-level performance.

Resolutely safeguard the core and position the political direction accurately. Take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the general outline for overseeing the work of the CPPCC, faithfully defend the "two establishments", and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards". Be good at clarifying the direction, setting measures, and grasping the key points from the decision-making and deployment of the party committee, and truly resonate with the party committee with one heart and one mind, the same direction and the same force, and the same frequency.

Full service center, in the promotion of development to reflect the role. Closely focusing on the goals and tasks set by the central, provincial and municipal governments, focusing on the development of the real economy, the construction of characteristic parks, the promotion of rural revitalization and other central work, in-depth consultation, centralized discussion of government affairs, strengthening supervision, and promoting implementation. Guide CPPCC members to devote themselves to the fiery practice of development, accumulate every inch of their achievements, and contribute little bits of strength, so as to merge the trickle into a sea of stars that revitalizes Shaoyang's majestic style.

Warm the hearts of the people with affection and show affection in improving people's livelihood. Innovate the form and carrier of work in various sectors, maintain the same development of member sector studios and regional studios, promote online studios and offline studios together, and "three micro" linkages of micro-suggestions, micro-consultations, and micro-supervision, so that the CPPCC performance of its duties is full of warm people's livelihood temperature.

We should extensively unite people's hearts and minds and give play to our advantages in enhancing unity. We should adhere to great unity and great alliance, and strengthen cooperation and cooperation with democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non-party personages. Persist in taking propaganda as an important force for performing duties, consciously hand over the microphone to the committee members, focus the lens on the masses, and face the window to people in various sectors. Adhere to the consensus as the top priority, sing the praises with courage and courage, and add strong positive energy to the hard-won good political ecology.

Practice the original mission and show an image in self-construction. With the spirit of seizing the day, we should build a youth CPPCC, study the CPPCC, innovate the CPPCC, and clean and honest CPPCC, not let weak links beat the drum and spread flowers, and not let existing problems drag us down, and strive to reach the top standard and headline level in all work, so that the CPPCC cause will always maintain its vigor and vitality.

#2022年湖南省两会 #

[Editor-in-charge: Yang Jiajun]

[Source: Hunan Daily· New Hunan Client]

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