
Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

author:Sanshan reads

Hello, today we are reading a good book together, it is a children's literature, called "The Boy Who Talks to the Seagull".

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

When you see this name, you must say, ah, how can there be such a boy, talking to a seagull? Bored?

It's not exactly what you think it is. The boy's mood has always been at a low ebb, and he is often at a loss in front of teachers, classmates, and family, and only wants to talk to the seagulls at the seashore.

Why would a boy talk to a seagull? What would he tell the seagull? When someone sees him talking, will they laugh at him? The answer lies in the book The Boy Who Talked to the Seagull.

The author of the book is Eve Ainsworth, a well-known British young writer and public speaker. She is better at helping teens manage emotional and behavioral problems.

This book explores various problems related to teenagers, and helps teenagers examine themselves and solve problems in the form of novels.

In fact, everyone's growth process will have negative, low, dim and dull times. Either the grades are not satisfactory, or the good partner betrays you, or the death of a loved one. In those low days, if we cheer up and try to run towards the sun, our lives will be flipped, and we will slowly usher in the highlight moments of longing.

This book is very touching, and I don't know how many tears I shed when I read it. Next, let's read the book together.

01 There is always a pain in the heart

Boy Alfie is a capable young footballer at Rosefield, who began playing at the age of six, played in the senior group at the age of eight, and won the Player of the Year award at the age of twelve. Mom always proudly said, "This is my little Ronaldo!" ”

He was glad that he lived in a happy family and grew up happily in the company of his mother.

Mom would take him against the railing to watch the beautiful sea and sing nice songs with him.

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

Mom was always so passionate and infectious. Cheers him up before he enters the pitch and cheers him on from the stage. On days like these, little Alfie was all happy.

When she was nine years old, Alfie's mother had cancer and had no strength to accompany him, and she often slept for a long time. Like a withering sunflower, it exudes the erosion of death.

After his mother died, he felt as if the world had changed.

Dad, who always said that he loved his mother, donated all the clothes his mother liked to others, as if he was in a hurry to get rid of all the things related to his mother, and even did not want to leave memories.

He didn't want to talk to his dad, and the important thing was that he didn't know what to say to him.

His father asked him to practice, but after his mother died, he had no heart to go to the court, his mother was gone, and he did not know who to share the joy of scoring the goal with.

The thought of my mother was heartache.

The cold home made him just want to leave.

He didn't like school either. The teacher was all perfunctory to him, distracted in class, and did not criticize him.

Classmates did not dare to talk to him, as if they were afraid of offending him.

Is he worthless in their eyes? Or should he be pitied by others?

What he needs most at this time is not the "pity" from others. He was a strong man, not a fragile child, but no one understood him.

All he could do was find a time to escape from his current mood, so he escaped from school with his partner.

After hanging out for a day, he felt guilty, especially when he saw his father when he got home.

Dad raised his hand angrily, but stopped it a few centimeters from his face and did not hit him again. Because Dad was reluctant to beat him.

Dad cried, and he felt powerless to replace Mom. His inability caused Alfie to lose his love of life.

The moment he hugged his father, he suddenly understood many truths, his mother had died, and instead of suffering from this pain, it was better to learn to let go.

I remember when I was a child, there was a girl in the front yard whose mother also died. But she never went to her heart, felt that no one loved her, learned to smoke, dance, and take drugs, and later died in front of the song hall because of a corner with people.

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

Ji Xianlin said in "Sorrow and Joy Self-Crossing": "On the road of life, everyone is a lonely traveler. There are thousands of conditions in the world, bittersweet joys and sorrows, ups and downs, except for self-crossing, others can not help. ”

The Slovaks are gone, but we have to continue to live our lives and have new hope.

Instead of sighing and pretending to be strong, it is better to rejoice and live the day really. This is also Mom's hope.

02 It turns out that Dad has not changed

In fact, the death of my mother hit my father even harder.

Dad's mind was full of Mom's shadow. The more he thought about his wife, the more the pain in his heart would increase by a few points.

Son there, he's going to pretend to be strong. His own weakness will make his son feel helpless, and he is afraid that his son, who is in a rebellious period, will laugh at himself.

He tried to communicate with his son, but did not know what to say, and in front of his son, he became more vulnerable.

Now Dad is more like a soulless doll, he doesn't want to see things and think of people, but his heart and mind are full of his wife's shadow, and he will only use alcohol to anesthetize himself.

He lived a very wronged life, did not dare to be angry with his son, nor did he want to see his son indulge, his son's skipping class made him extremely sad, he could not do anything, he could not do anything, he wanted to persuade his son, but found that his heart hurt more, the feelings collapsed in an instant, only he hugged his son and cried.

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

This process made Alfie wake up like a dream, and her father still loved his mother and loved him as before, but he did not dare to expose his thoughts about his mother to him, for fear that he would be more uncomfortable.

Later, he watched a ball game with his father and met his former opponent Max in the viewing seat. Max was extremely respectful of Alfie: "Our coach yelled at us and kept making us pay attention to defending you, but you were always invincible!" ”

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

It turns out that he used to be so sharp and frightening? These words couldn't help but make him feel sad.

When asked if he wanted to go to a professional team, Dad replied calmly: Because of the many things that have happened recently, Alfie is under a lot of pressure if he goes. In fact, he also wants his son to play football.

Dad's words directly ignited his confidence, confidence in playing football, and confidence in living well with dad and supporting each other.

As his friend Ben said, if he could learn anything from his mother's death, he couldn't waste his time.

He understood his father's intentions, understood his father's deep love, and let him rekindle his yearning for life and the pursuit of hobbies.

03 Lucky to meet you

On the way to school, he would often go to the beach to watch the seagulls talk to the seagulls. Later met the girl Alice.

When alice was first seen, she was wearing only a worn-out T-shirt and deformed cow pants.

Although she has always faced Alice with a "no one near" face, she does not mind at all, and is willing to make friends with him and make him happy.

For example, she would wink slyly and tell Alfie to go to the grocery store to bargain with the boss and buy chocolate at a very low price.

He would also skip school with Alfie and hop on a train to the countryside to relax in the countryside.

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

Drink cheap Coke, eat cheap onion rings, and watch the clouds in the sky together. This made him forget for a moment the pain of his mother leaving.

In fact, Alice is also an unfortunate girl. After her parents divorced, her mother took her to remarry, but she married the wrong person. Stepfather Rose is a very violent man who will be angry with his mother when he is unhappy. In order to escape this violent man, the mother took the three of them and kept moving.

Because they had no money, they had to hide in a leaky and broken room on the top floor of the building, sharing a bathroom with other people's homes.

Alice, who has always lacked paternal love, is filled with fear of her own life. When a stranger stopped their way and asked why they didn't go to school, she immediately stabbed at the other party like a little hedgehog preparing for battle, and quarreled with strange men.

Truancy was discovered by the school because the man who quarreled was the school's trustee. At this time, they faced punishment, and Alfie sent a ghost to bear the initiator of the truancy.

It is also after this incident that the two people's understanding of life has changed.

Childhood partners often play a very important role.

I like Mr. Lu Xun's juvenile leaping earth very much. When He was a child, he was lively and brave, and taught Lu Xun a lot of knowledge in his childhood, which brought Lu Xun strength. Catching birds, catching fish, and touching fish not only enriched Lu Xun's knowledge, but also became the material for his future writing.

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

Alfie knew that people always have to grow up, always have to take responsibility for themselves; Alice also understood that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome, as long as she does not want to change.

People will experience many things in their lives, encounter a lot of wind and rain, only by changing themselves, can they have the opportunity to meet a better self and a more beautiful scenery.

04 Reconcile with yourself

Takeshi Kitano said, "One day, we will learn to reconcile with ourselves and the world." Whether it looks beautiful or ugly to you. ”

In this time when it is easy to bring their own pain, people always have to soothe the pain by themselves, and always learn to smile and look at life when covering the wound.

When we feel sad or sad, don't always take the sadness in your arms.

What we should learn is to close the wound tightly, gently hurt the place, learn to forget the bad feelings that the pain brings to us, and learn to smile and face the hardships that life brings us.

Strive to change your state of mind and find the life you yearn for, in order to live up to Shaohua and live up to youth.

May every boy complete the transformation in the pain and become a better self.

Learning to reconcile is the beginning of a person's maturity

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