
Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

★ First Editing Center ★

"Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the feeling

The book "Publishing towards the Future" discusses the current situation and development direction of the publishing industry from multiple dimensions and different levels such as management, operation and platform.

The author pointed out in the article "The Publisher and His Reading", "The publisher is not a book critic, not a writer, not a publishing reviewer", the publisher should have the correct values, professional positioning, publishing philosophy, systematic method, and should also have "product judgment ability, product planning ability, product marketing ability, knowledge growth, integration, migration ability, and dissemination innovation ability" five hard-core capabilities, these aspects are integrated, determine the success of a publisher. So how to improve yourself and gain these abilities, the author gives the way of "reading". Reading the new and old masterpieces and masterpieces in related fields, converting it, is to continuously learn the excellence of others, take its essence, and use it for its own use; to read through its own books, it is to deeply explore the characteristics of books, understand the content itself in an all-round way, be targeted, and then plan and market. Both of these aspects reflect the ability to learn, comprehend, innovate and transform.

Therefore, as a publisher, whether it is a coordinator or an ordinary editor, you should comprehensively improve your own literacy through the way of "reading", and then create more masterpieces and fine works.

Fangzhou 2022.1.13


Awareness of publishing

——Reading She Jiangtao's "Publishing Towards the Future" has a feeling

As a practitioner in the publishing industry, it is important to understand what publishing is.

Publishing is the product of the economic, political and cultural development of human society to a certain stage. The publication condenses human thought and wisdom, gathers the experience and achievements of scientific and technological inventions and social practice activities, and reflects all aspects of social life. The history of publishing is the history of human civilization. The development of the publishing industry plays an extremely important role in the progress and development of society. The role of publishing in promoting society is, in the final analysis, that publications have accumulated human scientific and technological knowledge and advanced ideas, and have expanded their dissemination. Once people have mastered scientific and technological knowledge and progressive ideas, they can improve their productive forces and promote the development of society.

Publishing awakens, presents, and unfolds our inner selves; publishing shows our experience, cognition, inquiry, and all our imagination and creation of the world; publishing satisfies the overall needs of the spiritual world, and it is the industry of "gentlemen". (Shejiangtao)

Publishing is both a job and a profession, and for ordinary publishing industry practitioners, it is not only a hobby, but also a means of supporting the family. Not only to love, but also to work hard for it.

As a practitioner in the publishing industry, we must clarify our requirements for ourselves.

Publishers are not book critics, not writers, not publishers, and these are often confused by outsiders. He is a professional worker with clear publishing values, professional orientation, publishing philosophy, hard-core capabilities, systematic methods, and even established a publishing ecology. Publishers have the positioning of values, so that they have a sense of mission and responsibility in their work, and regard publishing as their career and vocation; find their own professional positioning, design their own vertical and in-depth development plans that require specialization; establish and improve their own publishing concepts, so that their professional positioning and products mature. (Shejiangtao)

This requires publishers to be creative, followed by a sense of responsibility, and thirdly, professionalism. As an ordinary publishing industry practitioner, it is important to have a reverence for books and a reverence for the profession. Do your job well, learn relevant knowledge and skills, and treat your work strictly and seriously.

As a practitioner in the publishing industry, we must be confident in the future of the industry.

Publishing provides systematic and in-depth knowledge, scholarship, theory, thought, and aesthetics, which is always needed by civilized and cultural people. This demand is supported by a large population. This indicates that a culturally confident nation will have a strong publishing.

Literary publishing, children's publishing, and educational publishing are the basic guarantees of the publishing system, and science and technology, knowledge services, art life, social sciences, and natural sciences will become new growth points for publishing. More centralized vertical, more specialized, more market-oriented, more publishing values will become a new publishing concept, the use of systematic and institutionalized methods, will create a healthy, stable, high-quality development of the publishing pattern. The combination of traditional publishing extension and emerging publishing aims to meet the intellectual and cultural needs of the growing number of readers outside of books.

As She Jiangtao said: China's publishing will surely have a brilliant future.

For ordinary publishing industry practitioners, building confidence in the publishing industry and seizing every opportunity at work is preparing for a better future.

33 2022.1.13

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

After reading the book "Publishing towards the Future", the more impactful content for me is the sales of offline platforms and the sales of online platforms, as well as the cultural accomplishment and writing level of individual editors.

At present, the traditional publishing operation model can not fully adapt to the development of society and the needs of the public, it is difficult to adjust, even if our books appear in the major offline hypermarket bookstores in a literary fashion, but still can not rely purely on in-store sales as a continuation. Only by combining offline and online operations, and doing marketing in and out of the store at the same time, can it be possible to match the publishing industry in today's society and be able to progress and develop. I think that, on the one hand, in the selection of topics, we should first investigate the market demand, what kind of knowledge the audience needs to absorb, what kind of content needs to be understood, etc.; on the other hand, today is a society that talks about "appearance", and publications are no exception, a pleasing and colorful cover, aside from the content can also become the standard for the public to choose.

As a book editor, only by going deep into the market to understand the needs of society and the needs of the public can we have a more accurate direction in choosing topics and find the right direction in the process of making books.

Mochen 2022.1.13

How are brick-and-mortar bookstores evolving?

——"Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the feeling

The impact of the Internet and self-media marketing model on physical bookstores is not small, physical bookstores face the key problem of life and death, and have to face the trade-offs of four forms - chain bookstores, Yan value bookstores, community bookstores 1.0, community bookstores 2.0 - to do transformation and upgrading, and what is inseparable is to improve publishing services and cultural services, closely follow the reading needs of readers, is the best policy.

Physical bookstores should have a clear cultural positioning, achieve offline and offline integration and development; tap the value of cultural derivation, and design solutions for comprehensive cultural consumption. This is a great challenge for bookstore operators and bookstore practitioners, and the transformation is imminent.

The bookstore of the future should be a bookstore with a clear positioning of the community and community, a cultural consumption field, a gathering place for ideas and a place for the soul. The bookstore of the future will also be a platform for reading promotion, knowledge services and knowledge exchange. Bookstores that take cultural services as the core and improve the level of content and reading services can live longer. It is hoped that bookstore operators will think more about this aspect.

Lan Ying 2022.1.13

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

Mr. She is a veteran publisher with great insight into the publishing industry, and his book "Towards the Future of Publishing" is directly rooted in the main points and is very inspiring after reading. As he says in the book, publishers moving toward the future need to abandon path dependence, need clear thinking, and effective methods. If traditional publishing wants to successfully transform into a new publishing model, it needs to do the following: First, change the inherent thinking mode of "content is king", transform content into an ecological node that generates new business models and meets the new needs of users, and truly transforms into a "content as the source" mode of thinking. Second, with the help of new and escalating means of communication technology, better promotion efficiency can be achieved. Third, constantly upgrade the knowledge acquisition platform, constantly tap the knowledge needs of users, and let users become hardcore fans. Fourth, from paper knowledge reading to knowledge payment and knowledge services.

Zhao Heihei 2022.1.13

Reading "Towards the Future of Publishing" has a feeling

The book "Publishing towards the Future" writes three major aspects of publishing: publishing houses and industrial design; publishing innovation and new ecology; and publishing towards the future. The content is very broad, from the problems faced by publishing to the future development. The author thinks very deeply about these issues and makes extremely insightful observations. Reading this book made me learn a lot of things that I didn't know before. The author's perspective is holistic and long-term, which inspires me and gives me more confidence in the future of publishing. It also makes me feel that as an editor, I should read widely so that my cultural accomplishment and thinking ability can always be maintained at a high level. Form a knowledge ecosystem, and improve the judgment ability, planning ability, marketing ability, and knowledge transfer ability of books to meet the specific needs of content production and make the content of books better updated. In addition, as editors, we must also understand the new ecology of publishing, use the media platforms that are now emerging to better promote book works, not only to be excellent book editors, but also to become qualified platform editors and become a qualified new type of publisher.

Cheshire 13 January 2022

The concept of reshaping the publishing house with industrial design in "Publishing towards the Future" is undoubtedly very novel, and there are also about the problems existing in the publishing house, the current stage, and how to make the publishing house out of the predicament and move into the future, which are all expounded in the book. For publishing practitioners, this gives us a clear understanding of the macro, looking beyond the small workstation and into a wider field.

The content of "reading, thinking, writing, listening" and writing of cultural people has a more practical guiding effect for us. As an editor, improving our professional quality should be our consistent requirement, professional and general knowledge, immersed in the labor of reading and writing. It is very necessary to expand the reading scope and maintain the habit of reading. Not only limited to professional books, appropriate jumping out, dabbling in infrequent contact with even difficult books, difficult content helps us to think. Writing is something we have been ignoring. For many people in modern society, it is difficult to start writing without copying, pasting, and piecing together, and writing is the best way to sort out the content of our thinking. There is no way to put your thoughts into words, so slowly, independent thinking will probably become difficult. So we have to face up to the fact that "writing" is indispensable in our work. "Good writing is self-cultivation and the best way to liberate oneself." In short, learning and thinking are inseparable from us.

Xiao Zhang 2022.1.13

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

As a "national news and publishing industry leader", the general manager of Phoenix Publishing Group, the author's summary and thinking on the current situation of the publishing industry, as well as the planning and imagination of its prospects, are absolutely reasonable and convincing, and the special author's description of the current waste of publishing resources is memorable, merciless, and directly hits the pain points. At the same time, the author also talked about the future of publishing houses, the future of physical bookstores, and the future of self-owned online stores, directly attacking "high-quality content production and content distribution is always king", and I and other publishing industry reserves are beyond expectations, and can only catch up. In addition, what particularly impressed me when I read it was that such a work that should have been boring and difficult to "swallow" had no jerky feeling, and it had a sense of whole body pleasure after reading! The framework is compact, the logic is clear, and the language is concise! All of them show the author's profound writing skills and rich inner world! The author says that he is an amateur writer - I am afraid that this kind of pen power makes many professional writers ashamed! Writing not only comforts the mood and the spirit of redemption, but also relieves the pressure of work, so as not to think wildly, to make yourself comfortable, and to make the reader comfortable.

Hua 10 2022.1.13

"Publishing towards the Future" is a new work by senior publisher She Teacher, which for the first time reinterprets publishing from the perspective of industrial design theory, publishing is not the pursuit of manufacturing yards, to do fine products and increments.

From the perspective of small publishing units, it is more necessary to find their own positioning, publishing needs to be more vertical, professional and market-oriented, especially in the current situation of publishing restrictions, more need to pay attention to the control of publishing scale, publishing is not a grocery store, need to follow up the market, adjust the layout of their own content, publishing guerrilla is not advisable.

In the case that online sales are the main body and physical bookstores have become embellishments and supplements, Teacher She believes that there is no good content, even if it is pulled by new communication technology, it is a flash in the pan, and the thinking mode of "content as the source" should be pursued. Several ideas have also been proposed for the transformation of physical bookstores.

Publishing operations are the core at present, the publisher in the pursuit of transformation at the same time, the distribution should be directly faced and accurate, compared to traditional sales, online more concentrated and efficient, how to build their own, for the current new operating methods and directions is the problem that every publisher should think about, the new ecology of publishing thinking and forward-looking prediction of the publishing industry is also the focus of our concern, attach importance to the blessing of Internet marketing, and build a diverse new media matrix.

Li Rui 2022.1.13

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

★ Second Editing Center ★

What is a publisher?

For people outside the industry, book critics, writers, and book reviewers seem to be publishers. In fact, this is a confusion of consciousness formed by the industry's ignorance. Publishers should have clear publishing values, professional positioning, publishing concepts, systematic methods and even professional workers who should advise the publishing ecology.

Publishers should have a sense of mission and responsibility in their work, and regard publishing as a professional and vocational duty. It is necessary to find out the in-depth planning of their own professional positioning, establish and improve their own publishing concepts, and form their own core professional capabilities in practice, such as the ability to judge products, the ability to plan, the ability to market and the ability to transfer knowledge. Make the products you produce worthy of the times, the market, and yourself.

Reading, thinking, writing, and speaking should be four in one, in order to establish a sound, strong, rich, and whole personality, and to serve life and work. Why sweep the world without sweeping a house? In reading, thinking, writing, and speaking, make yourself a good person. Publishing spreads the spirit.

That's the publisher.

Liu Wenli 2022.1.12

Publishing Industry: Sunset or Sunrise?

Recently, I have come to a book, "Publishing Toward the Future", written by She Jiangtao, secretary of the party committee and general manager of Phoenix Publishing and Media Co., Ltd. The leader and decision-maker of the cultural enterprise group who has been working in the publishing industry for more than 30 years, with profound professional qualities, has insight into the ecology of the entire publishing industry, and thinks about the verticalization and professional evolution of publishing enterprises from the perspective of industrial design, and points out to the point: publishing is a collective behavior, but a large number of practitioners in the publishing industry, because "the positioning of the publishing units at all levels is not clear and not focused", wasted a lot of resources, and even because "the professional standard is not high, the good books are rotten, and the bad books are abused". When I first entered the industry, I once asked a senior for advice, why is there a flood of rotten books in the market, and some really good books are facing a situation that no one is willing to do? My seniors told me the truth that "bad money drives out good money". Now that I think about it, this predecessor and the author can be regarded as "the hero sees a little bit the same".

Many people are saying: publishing is a sunset industry. The dilemma of physical bookstores, the dilemma of distributing mid-caps, and the dilemma of paper books are all clichés. But is the publishing industry really on the verge of collapse? I believe that the book "Towards Future Publishing" can provide readers with some different ideas and perspectives.

Xin Lei 2022.1.12

How to do a good job of editing in future publications

Publishing, a seemingly tall industry, is under the strong impact of new media technologies such as mobile networks and information in all walks of life today, and is also undergoing rapid changes in the turbulent waves of the times. As a practitioner editor, how not to be eliminated in the fierce industry competition, we must judge the situation and continuously improve our ability in all aspects.

First of all, you must have a certain writing ability. Writing allows editors to know and master the rules of writing, write well the writing in various processes at work, and quickly find out the relevant problems in writing in the manuscript to make corresponding changes. Writing skills are not only deliberately emphasized to editors in traditional publishing, but are still very important even in the future publishing situation.

Second, have a strong reading ability. Reading manuscripts has always been the most basic basic work and the most important requirement of editors, and UBM is also an important quality of editors. In today's information age, the popularity of various electronic devices has made reading a thing that can be done anytime, anywhere, which requires editors to maintain a professional sense of smell and constantly discover and organize content suitable for their own publishing work when immersed in the ocean of information every day.

Third, we must have the ability to think in multiple dimensions. Whether a person has the ability to think independently and multidimensionally will have an important impact on his study, work and life. This is especially true for editors, who, in view of the views held by the authors in the manuscript, require diligent thinking and good thinking in materialistic and dialectical understanding, analysis and problem solving. In the face of the massive amount of information under the mud and sand every day, editors are required to have their own thinking and be able to grasp the essence of things through phenomena.

Finally, be good at listening. This is not only very important for editors, it is also very meaningful for anyone. Listening allows people to communicate better with people, and to be able to handle and maintain various interpersonal relationships. At the same time, listening is also an important way to learn and master various knowledge and information, which is more prominent in today's world where everyone has mobile phones and tablets.

Therefore, the ability to "read, think, write, and listen" mentioned in "Publishing towards the Future" is not only applicable to the "cultural people" mentioned in the book, but is actually very important to the publishing editor. The future of the publishing industry is inseparable from the efforts of various practitioners, and only when everyone collects firewood can we create brilliance together.

Zhang Lanpo 2022.1.12

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

Publishing is a lifelong learning industry

Indeed, we now live in a complex society in which ecology, politics, culture, economy, technology, etc. are intertwined, and if we do not learn for life, we are likely to be at a loss in this complex society. No cultural industry can be compared with the publishing industry, and the lack of attention to any professional knowledge will make us go against our original intention of engaging in the publishing industry, and our work ability will always stagnate and there will be no development.

In the process of publishing our book, we will be exposed to various types and contents of the manuscript, sometimes, it is likely that an editor's writing skills are very strong, but the lack of certain professional knowledge, it is difficult to check at key moments, and then affect the follow-up work, therefore, if you want to be a qualified editor, you must try to achieve "knowledge of astronomy, knowledge of geography".

In fact, there are many ways for us to learn, usually you can read more books about publishing majors, read more information about best-selling books, and even a historical drama, which can let you learn ancient knowledge. In which area you usually have deficiencies, you should deliberately broaden your knowledge in this area. When dealing with a publishing house, I found that the editors there were very proficient in Western Bible stories, which undoubtedly played a pivotal role in reviewing manuscripts in foreign languages.

In short, the publishing industry is an industry that realizes self-worth, is an industry that will never be replaced, and is also a vibrant industry, following the principle of lifelong learning, it will definitely improve the quality of book manuscripts, make themselves shine in the post, and provide people with good spiritual food.

Su Jing 2022.1.12

Lifelong Learning: A Basic Requirement for Publishers

The external world is becoming more and more complex, vague and uncertain, the continuous evolution of ideas, theories, and academic ecology, and people's instinct to relax and fall on the self, make lifelong learning and education after employment particularly important, especially as a publisher, otherwise you will unconsciously become an ignorant and ignorant publisher.

From the perspective of the current publishing house, the contradiction between the increasing spiritual and cultural needs of readers and the imbalance in the development and output of publishers has become more and more intense. Now e-commerce platforms, knowledge service platforms, audio and video platforms occupy most of the resources, the publishing pattern is in urgent need of change, editors not only have excellent professional qualities, but also fully intervene in the whole process from planning to marketing to publicity, only after continuous learning and understanding of the whole process, we can understand the market, understand the readers, so as to make a book that can resonate with readers.

As a practitioner editor, I have a sense of crisis all the time, the market is constantly changing, a large number of young people are entering, it seems that experience occupies an absolute advantage, but young people know more about the current readers and have more fresh ideas. Crises and challenges coexist, so we need to build a unique competitiveness through lifelong learning.

Dengdeng 2022.1.12

The publishing industry should take the initiative to move into the future

The publishing industry is now considered by many people to be a "sunset industry", it is undeniable that in the Internet age, it seems more and more difficult to sink down to read seriously, many people do not even have patience to read a longer article, in recent years, the rapid development of mobile networks, short videos occupy a lot of our time and attention.

In this context, how to seek new vitality in book publishing, how the future publishing house should operate and develop, Nanjing University Press "Towards the Future of Publishing" book provides a good reference for publishing practitioners. The author of this book, She Jiangtao, is the general manager of Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing and Media Co., Ltd., and this book can also be said to be a senior publisher's observation and reflection on the publishing industry.

The book has a concise summary and evaluation of the current situation of the publishing industry, the problems affecting development, etc., at the same time, the author is full of confidence in the future of the publishing industry, and also puts forward many suggestions for the future development of the publishing industry. The author mentioned in the book that in the Internet era, content, platform, marketing, sales four in one, if the publishing house is still stuck in the past, satisfied with book publishing, do not pay attention to marketing, sales, the author believes that this is like "people are still walking, but the blood has not flowed", it is impossible to cope with the new era.

The author is full of confidence in the future of Chinese publishing, And China publishing will surely have a brilliant future, and publishing houses can only meet and embrace such a future if they are prepared. The publishing industry must take the initiative to upgrade and reform and take the initiative to move towards the future.

Zhige 2022.1.12

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

★ Issuing Department ★

Through this book, we deeply understand that publishers and publishers should fully grasp the positioning and advantages of the publishing category according to their own material and human resources, so that the quality of content production can be guaranteed, and the emergence of multi-point attacks and good and bad are not distinguished. According to its own category characteristics and industry, it is determined to form a set of effective methods, so that the editorial team and the marketing team and the distribution team form a good tacit understanding of cooperation.

Fully understand the selected topics, gain insight into market demand, create high-quality products, and thus form a high-quality production system. The share of physical bookstores has been reduced off a cliff, the website has become the main battlefield, full of various forms of promotional means, and the final sacrifice is the actual profit of the publishing house itself, which requires the publishing house itself to do fine variety, reduce categories, cultivate deeply, and abandon the chaotic and disorganized thinking mode.

Book live broadcast and short video can only be used as a model for effective profitability, and it is impossible to form sustainable development without basic algorithms and the underlying logic of marketing. Social science, natural science and art books will become an important publishing category, and their publishing space will expand explosively, becoming the three major growth points of publishing.

China's publishing industry still has a brilliant prospect, when we concentrate the content vertically, do more professional and market-oriented, we will form our own unique publishing concept, form a systematic and institutionalized, and then form a healthy, stable and high-quality development pattern.

Li Xiangdong 2022.1.12

Senior publisher Mr. She Jiangtao's observations and reflections on the publishing industry "Publishing towards the Future" includes publishing in industrial design, innovation and new ecology of publishing, publishing towards the future, reshaping the publishing house with the concept of industrial design, and deciding the way out with ideas.

Calories 2022.1.13

Move into the future and change the traditional distribution thinking

As a practitioner in the publishing industry, ten years of distribution has experienced the ups and downs of the industry. With the rapid popularization of the Internet, it has profoundly affected the consumption habits of readers, and has also forced huge changes in distribution channels and publishing. When I first saw the book "Towards the Future of Publishing", I reached the bottom of my heart through the curtain, and I had already resonated with my own thoughts through a simple catalog browsing!

In the article, Mr. She Jiangtao's list of publishing processes and analysis of various links made me more clearly understand the past, present and future of publishing. The book mentions that "the crisis of the middle market of distribution and the advantages of traditional offline channels cannot compete with the future trend of online platforms". It means that the distributor should change the traditional distribution thinking and dig deep into the online new media platform... Recommended for publishing practitioners.

Yu Xiaoyu 2022.1.13

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

The future direction of distribution

In the publishing industry chain, traditional publishing and distribution are facing great challenges, the traditional offline advantages can not fight the future online platform, and today's traditional publishing is being besieged and killed by emerging platforms. The extensive procurement and supply of books in traditional publishing has also caused great waste of resources and the uniformity of one channel. The traditional warehousing and logistics model also requires resource restructuring.

However, the emerging online platform can accurately find the point of sale, do refined marketing, face the consumer accurate service, zero warehousing, no logistics, is the basis for maximizing the interests of the online platform.

The survival problem facing publishing and distribution is to achieve online and offline integration on the basis of cooperation between various platforms, and completely transform itself. Born from this great change.

Liu Changqing 2022.1.13

"Towards the Future of Publishing" book to talk about a lot of content, the publishing industry in the impact of the network e-commerce situation and response, let me learn a lot of previously ununderstood knowledge, learned not envisioned to see the problem, is a fruitful reading, in the book of a variety of views, I think the most important is only through extensive reading can create personality, cognition, imagination and creativity, so lifelong learning is particularly important.

Hejingjing 2022.1.13

By reading this book, as a book distribution business to learn to understand the thinking of publishing and distribution, publishing should consider doing a good job in the reader's purchase experience, fully reflect the reading value of the quality of the published content, give the reader a reason to buy, the same is true for distribution, understand the reader's motivation for purchasing the book, and better show the reader's experience to the reader. Do a good job of finding the right channel for the product, and spread it to the reader through the channel.

Andy Guo 2022.1.13

For the summary of the stage of future publishing: first, grasp the single product, produce fine products, the pursuit of sales and profits; second, grasp the structure, specialization and marketization; third, to achieve publishing positioning, structural effects, integrated publishing, the establishment of a book production system, key projects and professional positioning is highly unified, improve the integration of book products. According to the advantages and positioning of the stock structure of the improvement and adjustment, fully improve the stock of products, single products publishing efficiency, scale fine, the formation of excellent product structure, product quality, product quantity, product effect and product maintenance. For the single product is not profitable and the profit is not clear, the trade-off is made after evaluation.

Integrate traditional publishing into development, promote the development of e-books and audiobooks, and promote the development and expansion of publishing projects through cooperation platforms. The platform of paper publishing and digital technology is integrated, and it is used in a comprehensive field to achieve market diversification and sales grid. In the 5G network era, it all points to the platform, realizing the integration of the online network platform and offline sales platform of books.

If you want to be an idealistic publishing team, you should have the ability to innovate products, the ability to operate with high efficiency and high returns; the ability to discover and obtain publishing resources; the ability to judge the value of products; the ability to innovate in product design, editing, and processing; the ability to plan production and scale production; and the ability to form professional advantages and build brands.

Whether it is paper, or publishing digital, digital publishing, there is no good content, in the end, it is a flash in the pan, unilateral online and technical pull will not last.

Li Zhikai 2022.1.13

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

There is a lot of content in the book "Publishing towards the Future", including about the situation of the publishing industry under the impact of online e-commerce and coping with such a big aspect, as well as how to improve your cultural accomplishment as an editor and write such a small aspect. It is a very rewarding reading to be able to learn a lot of knowledge that has not been understood before, as well as the perspective of the problem that has not been conceived. Among the views mentioned in the book, I think the most important is the "three modernizations" mentioned in the book - verticalization, specialization and marketization. For publishing houses, on the one hand, according to the positioning of each publishing house and its own advantages, it is necessary to form a high-quality content system, and small and specialized publishing houses should strive to tap the advantages that they are good at, focus on one point, and continuously extend, so as to form a systematic quality. On the other hand, it is necessary to form the management system and market service system that modern publishing should have to meet the needs of marketization and integrated development. As the title suggests, some publishers may always stay in the present, while others who can abandon path dependence and have great courage, clear thinking, effective methods, implementation teams, and other conditions may truly move into the future.

Cai Peng 2022.1.13

About Future Publishing

As spiritual food, publishing is the gentleman's profession to meet the overall needs of the human spiritual world.

The only constant is the change, the rapid development of the Internet, marketing stimulus, the promotion of large-scale events, the restructuring of all walks of life, the fading of sand and the rebirth of spring wind.

The book mentions that "to achieve a new ecological publishing: optimize the publishing structure, control the types of publications, improve the quality of single products, create a new media network marketing matrix, layout various sales platforms, and establish a closed loop of marketing matrix and sales platform"

Each sentence is a point of thought, what has been done so far, and what needs to be optimized, how to optimize.

"Sufficient stock, do excellent increments, and single products should implement orientation, quality, originality, and quality."

Self-splitting path, but also look up at the road, open up a small road that belongs to their own company", if the self-splitting path can cause many readers to follow, the reputation of fine products and popularity is naturally obtained, and also pay attention to the problems and needs of the market and the daily life of the public. The vertical, professional and market-oriented publishing concept, the 5G era invariably points to the platform, maintains the cooperation of the current large platform, and the marketing of new media is fully involved.

Wei Hongyu 2022.1.13

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

★ Printing Department ★

Insights into the publication of collective behavior

She Zong believes that the behavioral logic of publishing is to use thinking to process information instead of intuition, to use structure rather than single point, to adhere to simple, effective and clear instructions, and to grasp the middle way. As a collective act, publishing and commenting on books and general evaluation of publications are two different things, the former is a collective practice under the guidance of systematic and institutionalized concepts and methods.

Therefore, there are three effective paths for publishing as a collective behavior, one is to pay attention to the control of the balance relationship, the other is to control the clear linear structure of the block, focus on industrial design, and the third is to coordinate the chaotic structure of the emergency and continuously improve it in new practice.

This is the new ecology of publishing development.

He Wei 2022.1.12

Insights about the benefits of the platform

In the past, we thought that various online platforms such as Xinhua Bookstore and Dangdang were actually wrong, they were omnipresent. After the unresponsive traditional publishing was ruled by centralization and totalitarianism on major platforms, it gradually realized that it was necessary to get rid of the situation of completely trusting the big platform to establish its own small sales platform, let the book editor transform to the platform editor, and grab the traffic, in order to adapt to the new environment of book publishing and sales in the Internet era. Therefore, the strong publishing group has established its own e-commerce platform to win its own place for paper books on multiple platforms, plus marketing publicity. In order to increase the purchase and reading volume of readers.

Xin Yi 2022.1.12

Phoenix Yili in-depth study of "Towards the Future of Publishing" after reading the summary

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