
"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame


Speaking of spies, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is probably related to male spies, because in most film and television works, spies mostly appear in the image of men.

Familiar ones such as Sidney Riley and Ely Cohen have left a deep impression on people's hearts.

However, on the stage of history, there is no shortage of well-known female spies, who are intelligent and courageous, leaving behind a series of legendary stories.

The Han Dynasty was an important dynasty on the mainland and an important dynasty formed by the great unification of han culture.

Especially during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the political, economic and cultural influence reached an unprecedented level, and one of the characters played an important role in it, she was Dou Yifang.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame


In modern parlance, Dou Yifang is a "spy."

At first, she was a "chess piece" installed in the Daiguo in order to spy on the movements of the Daiguo.

It turned out that Dou Yifang, the "spy", was successful, and under her influence, the famous "rule of Wenjing" appeared, and laid a solid foundation for the later rule of Emperor Wu of Han.

In addition to China, there is also a "female spy" abroad, she is Marta Harry.

Regarding her story, posterity called her "double-sided spy".

It comes from the fact that she is not only beautiful, but also extremely intelligent, and she is simply talented.

However, it was such a strange woman who was extremely legendary after her death. The French coveted her beauty and, after her death, preserved her head in a museum, where it can still be seen today.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame

So, how beautiful is this "double-sided spy"? Why do people store her head in museums? Also, what kind of legend does this female spy have?

Miss Qianjin in the middle of the family road

Like most women portrayed in film and television, Marta Harry's life is legendary.

The beginning of the 20th century was the time of the outbreak of the First World War, and in that turbulent era, the fate of various people, especially women, was also very legendary.

Marta Harry was active during that period.

Marta Harri was born into a wealthy family in the Netherlands, loved by her family from birth, and is a veritable little princess.

However, the weather is unpredictable, and by chance, the father's business failure, resulting in the family's life becoming extremely unbearable.

At the age of 7, Marta Harry went from being a miss of a thousand golds to a poor girl in the slums.

If it was just a financial gap, another important impact on Marta Harry was that family relations became tense, and later after his father's business failed, he became decadent and frustrated, and spent his days drinking heavily.

This led to a long time when Marta Harry lived in the shadow of her family.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame

The mother saw her father so decadent and often quarreled with him, and the relationship between the husband and wife was tense, and it was not long before the father ran away from home and never appeared again.

In order to live, her mother took her to relatives, who knows, it was not long before her mother died of anger because of emotional problems.

Poor girls who marry hastily

After the death of his mother, Marta Harri's status in the family of relatives also changed.

In such turbulent times, survival was a big problem, especially in the case of sending people under the fence, Marta Harry lived carefully.

As he grew up, Marta Harry fell generously and beautifully, and was a famous local "beauty", and there was an endless stream of people who came to mention their relatives for a while.

When relatives saw that Marta Harri was "strange and liveable", they thought of using her to gain benefits, and mated Marta Harish to a naval officer.

Like aspiring women, Marta Hari was a bitter opponent of arranged marriages, but she accepted the wedding under the arrangement of her relatives, considering that she was still under the fence.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame

Marta Harry accepted the wedding for another reason, and that was because she imagined marriage too simply.

When he first met the naval officer, he behaved very modestly and politely, like a gentleman.

However, the good times did not last long, and not long after marriage, the husband changed his former appearance and became very grumpy, drinking all day long, and often abusing himself.

Such an unhappy marriage left Marta Harry hopeless.

She didn't want to be like her mother, marry an alcoholic husband, and spend the rest of her life in depression until the incense died

Determined by this, Marta Harry decided to end the unhappy marriage and divorce her husband.

From beautiful dancers to double-faced spies

After divorcing her husband, Marta Harry decided to go to France to create a new life in order to solve the problem of survival.

France is a cosmopolitan metropolis with many employment opportunities, and with her excellent appearance, she has become a dancer.

Soon became a pillar of the stage, a moment of fame, often attracted fans to watch when performing. Its influence is not lost to the current stars, and even attracts the admiration of those in power.

Once, when Marta Harry was performing on stage, he was favored by a non-commissioned officer because of his good temperament.

Years of turbulent displacement, coupled with the will not to accept defeat in his bones, made Marta Hari decide to "gamble" with this non-commissioned officer!

At that time, France played an important role in the political and historical arena, and whoever held the military secrets between the states was relatively in charge of the initiative in the war.

In this respect, the role of female spies is extremely important.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame

With her beauty, Marta Harry became a "double-faced spy."

On the surface, she is a dancer and has no quarrel with the world.

In fact, in private, she was between German and French soldiers, stealing intelligence in exchange for money, as a way out for a weak woman to survive in that turbulent era.

From the long-sleeved good dance to the fact that things are revealed

People who are good at dancing on the stage of political history need to be smart and wise, but also need to have strong psychological pressure.

Many spies fail because they are often close to each other, and so is she.

During a star, France acquired a top secret.

After investigation, the source was quickly found out, and it turned out to be the "message" from Marta Caliph to Germany.

When discovered, Marta Harry strenuously denied it, but in the face of strong evidence from France, she had to admit that the coding method of the intelligence was her own hand.

Perhaps because of the successive defeats on the battlefield, France blamed marta Harry for its dissatisfaction on the battlefield, and if she had not danced well from the middle and long sleeves, I am afraid that France would not have fallen into a passive situation on the main battlefield.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame

In order to calm the anger, France decided to deal with the spy, arrest him and sentence him to death.

On the day of the execution, the guillotine was surrounded by people who came to watch, and everyone came to watch this former "social flower", and there were many opinions, and some people marveled at her excellent appearance;

Some people lament her ability to navigate between many countries; others express different views from the standpoint of their own countries.

It is worth mentioning that later, Marta Harry's body was specially disposed of by the French.

France embalmed her head and stored it in the French Museum, where it was viewed by future generations and preserved to this day.

However, after her death, no one collected her body, which is lamentable.

There are two ways to say this.

The former believed that France's defeat at versailles in World War I was angered by Marta Harry.

The reason is that she, as a two-sided detective, stole French intelligence, resulting in the defeat of France, and dealt with Marta Harry, also to inspire the morale of French soldiers.

The latter believes that Marta Harri's transformation from a dancer to a long-sleeved female spy is not only her amazing courage and wisdom, but also an important reason for her outstanding appearance.

The reason why his head is hidden and preserved to this day is because Marta Hari is so beautiful that people can't help but collect his head so that future generations can see the "style" of this beauty.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame

The stage of history is devious, talented, and can be remembered by future generations have left an important mark, Marta Hari is definitely one of the few.

Different people held different views on her deeds, especially france at that time, based on the interests of its own country, would never allow its own intelligence to be stolen by others, and the cruel treatment of her seemed reasonable.

However, it should not be overlooked that after the death of Marta Hari, many people took it as an example of struggle.

Falling from a small family, living tenaciously, struggling in turbulent times, and navigating many countries with her beauty and wisdom, in this regard, she is successful and worthy of recognition.

On the other hand, Marta Hari went from being a "socialite" on stage to a "double agent" between multiple countries, and she did not handle the relationship between political boundaries to lead to the final outcome.

At this point, her ending seems to be doomed in terms of the transition from dancer to spy.

"Double Agent" Marta: After his death, his head was embalmed and is still stored in Notre Dame

Marta Harry is a strong woman who does not give in to the face of a life of frequent changes.

With his talent, he left an important mark on the stage of history, and was eventually labeled as a "double-sided spy".

However, such an ill-fated woman is eventually known to posterity as the head preserved in a French museum.

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