
"Pearl River Literature Creation Base" was established! Create a cradle for Guangzhou literature to nurture masterpieces

Text, photo/ Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Sun Lei correspondent Liang Zhiqiang

On the afternoon of January 18th, the awarding ceremony of the "Pearl River Literary Creation Base" of the Guangzhou Literary and Artistic Creation Base and the Pearl River Literature Forum activity were held in Guangzhou. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

The awarding ceremony was presided over by Zhang Hong, vice chairman of Guangzhou Writers Association, vice president and deputy editor-in-chief of Guangzhou Literature and Art Newspapers and Periodicals. Zhang Xin, chairman of the Guangzhou Writers Association, delivered a speech and summarized the literary history of Guangzhou and the fruitful achievements in recent years.

Pi Jian, director of the Literature and Art Department (Film Department) of the Propaganda Department of the Guangzhou Municipal CPC Committee and a first-class researcher, awarded the Guangzhou Writers Association the "Pearl River Literary Creation Base" plaque to the Guangzhou Writers Association.

"Pearl River Literature Creation Base" was established! Create a cradle for Guangzhou literature to nurture masterpieces

Hu Ziying, member of the party leading group and full-time vice chairman of the Guangzhou Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, delivered a speech. She said that the vast number of literary workers should conscientiously study and comprehend the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Tenth Congress of the China Writers Association, be rooted in the birthplace of the Pearl River culture with a long history, base themselves on the vigorous development of the literary power and the construction of the literary front in the Greater Bay Area, write for the people, write the spirit of Guangzhou and the story of Guangzhou, and carry forward the literary strength of Guangzhou.

Subsequently, Jiang Shuzhuo, chairman of the Guangdong Writers Association, carried out the Pearl River Literature Forum for young writers with the theme of "Guangzhou Literature in the Context of the New Era". Combining detailed theories and cases, he summarized the fruitful results of Guangzhou literature in recent years of continuous pioneering and innovation, fruitful creation, and the continuous emergence of new literary forces.

"Pearl River Literature Creation Base" was established! Create a cradle for Guangzhou literature to nurture masterpieces

Young writers have said that the establishment of the Pearl River Literary Creation Base is of far-reaching significance, providing a platform for the majority of writers to exchange and learn. They will seriously devote themselves to literary creation, strive to raise their creative level to a new level, and contribute to Guangzhou literature.

Revitalize Lingnan's literary resources and cultivate a team of young writers

Chen Chongzheng, head of the Pearl River Literary Creation Base and director of the editorial department of Guangzhou Literature and Art Newspaper and Periodicals Agency, reported to the participants on the preparation of the base and the next step of work.

"Pearl River Literary Creation Base" is the second Guangzhou Literary and Artistic Creation Base established after the "Guangzhou Children's Cantonese Opera Textbook Drama Practice Base", jointly established by the Guangzhou Writers Association and the Guangzhou Literary and Art Newspapers and Periodicals, its main function is to revitalize Lingnan literary resources, cultivate young writers, promote literary exchanges in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and strive to create a diversified literary space that enlivens Guangzhou's literary atmosphere and explores literary innovation and development.

"Pearl River Literature Creation Base" was established! Create a cradle for Guangzhou literature to nurture masterpieces

The reporter learned that this year will hold the Pearl River Literature Forum, the Pearl River Literature PEN Association with the theme of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Literature Seminar, the Pearl River Literature Writing Camp, and the hiring of writers and editors as mentors, to provide professional guidance for young writers in Guangzhou in the form of mentoring and apprenticeship, to invite influential writers and editors in, so that Guangzhou's works can go out and more Guangzhou writers can benefit.

It is reported that the Pearl River Literary Creation Base will follow the principle of "adhering to the pace of the times, taking the people as the center, dedicating the people with fine products, and leading the fashion with Mingde", adhering to academic taste and carrying forward national culture and art as its own responsibility, and organizing literary creation and exchange activities such as collecting style, PEN meetings, literary and artistic exchanges, academic research, creative practice, exhibitions and training.

Show the style of literary and artistic masters, and present the fruits of Guangzhou literature

On the same day, the exhibition of Guangzhou literary achievements of "Yunshan Zhushui Long Cultural Pulse" was also held. At the event site, hundreds of guangzhou literary creation masterpieces were displayed, and an exhibition board of Guangzhou literary masters and guangzhou literary new forces was set up, which selected and displayed the creative achievements of representative writers, covering novels, essays, poetry, reportage, children's literature, literary criticism and other literary categories.

"Pearl River Literature Creation Base" was established! Create a cradle for Guangzhou literature to nurture masterpieces

Through a number of works reflecting Guangzhou's red culture, people's life, advanced figures and collective deeds, the fruitful results of Guangzhou literature in the new era are comprehensively presented. As a bright pearl of southern literature and art, Guangzhou literature has greatly promoted the vigorous development of local literature and even literature in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and helped to build a multicultural exchange demonstration zone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

"Pearl River Literature Creation Base" was established! Create a cradle for Guangzhou literature to nurture masterpieces

Nowadays, the establishment of the Pearl River Literary Creation Base will drive a number of literary creation bases to become the vanguard of Guangzhou's literary creation and create a cradle for Guangzhou literature to nurture masterpieces.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Lai Cun Root

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