
How much does it cost to do a third-generation IVF technology?

The emergence of IVF has made outstanding contributions in the treatment of infertility, but as a high-end surgery, the cost of IVF is often not cheap, so the cost of IVF is in addition to the success rate, the most concerned problem, after all, if the economic conditions do not allow, even if the IVF technology is good, it is not afraid to try, then, how much does it cost to do a third-generation IVF technology?

How much does it cost to do a third-generation IVF technology?

Hengjian Overseas said that due to the different degrees of economic development in the region, the consumption standards of each region are different, and there are certain differences in the success rate of IVF technology, so the success rate of IVF will be different, and the price of the fee will also be different. However, in general, the fluctuation of visiting a regular large hospital will not be too different, and the price will not be outrageous.

1. Regarding the cost:

For young infertility patients, the ivy test tube success rate must be higher than that of older women, and the number of repeated IVF surgeries is less, so the total cost of ivory tubes required is relatively low. The cost of IVF generally includes two parts: one part is the cost of ovulation induction drugs, after all, they all choose IVF fertility technology, the majority of patients must want to use the best medicine, one is to ensure the success rate and the other is to ensure the baby's health problems; In view of the difference in the use of drugs during ovulation induction, there is a large difference in costs. In addition, the test tube cycle of about 25 days will be carried out, and there will be a certain degree of difference in the cost of living aspects such as accommodation, meals, air tickets, visas, etc.!

The cost of embryo transfer is already included in the medical expenses, but if the patient cannot perform the transfer in the current cycle or the man needs to freeze the sperm/embryo due to time reasons, a separate embryo/sperm freezing management fee needs to be prepared.

How much does it cost to do a third-generation IVF technology?

2. Precautions after IVF embryo transfer:

After the embryo transfer, it is necessary to lie down continuously, which is conducive to the implantation of the embryo, in fact, such a statement is a pit !!! Usually, after the embryo transfer, it is necessary to lie flat for several hours, and there is no need to lie down continuously. Lying down for a long time can also cause depression and is not conducive to blood circulation; In addition, some patients have just completed the IVF transplant for a few days, many people are lying here, and even more have been holding back urine, afraid that because of their own carelessness to let the embryo flow, there is no need to worry. Lie down for a few days as directed by your doctor, combined with a moderate amount of exercise, so that the embryos can implant more smoothly.

Diet is not recommended to make up for special supplements, and there are not most contraindications. Generally speaking, a few days after IVF transplantation will implant, embryo implantation development is the need for a lot of nutrition, in addition to the necessary corpus luteum, there are many other trace elements, these trace elements can be replenished from the daily diet, so that the embryo can develop normally, of course, spicy, irritating food is recommended not to eat.

How much does it cost to do a third-generation IVF technology?

Have a good psychological quality, do not be overly nervous and anxious. During the entire IVF fertility course, there will be many unforeseen situations, of course, during this period, many women will be accompanied by tension, anxiety, fear, which is quite unfavorable for IVF; Because excessive mental tension and anxiety can lead to endocrine turbulence and affect embryo implantation, studies have shown that the success rate of patients who are happy and relaxed after embryo transfer is obviously higher!

Hengjian overseas tips: many people give up doing the third generation of IVF is not to lose confidence in the treatment, but can not afford the high cost of treatment, resulting in some chaotic medical situations, in fact, this is not conducive to treatment, the third generation of IVF technical operation is very strict, medicine is rigorous can not tolerate a little sloppy, so we have to choose regular reproductive center treatment.

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