
Were Japanese really short during World War II? A set of old photos that tell you the answer

Were Japanese really short during World War II? A set of old photos that tell you the answer

As we all know, in history, Liu Xiu once gave the name "Uighur Kingdom" according to the appearance of Japanese emissaries, which can be seen that Japan was very short in history. During World War II, mainlanders called the Japanese Little Japan, in part because of their short stature. So were the Japanese during World War II really short? A set of old photos that tell you the real answer.

Were Japanese really short during World War II? A set of old photos that tell you the answer

Japan was a country lacking in materials, and since the Meiji Restoration, it has begun to develop its military, and since then, it has had the idea of invading other countries. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese devils launched a war of aggression against the mainland, and the Japanese soldiers at that time, looking relatively short, did not know that they thought they were children, looking only about ten years old, it is understood that the average height of the Japanese at that time was about one meter and five meters.

Were Japanese really short during World War II? A set of old photos that tell you the answer

After the outbreak of the All-Out War of Resistance, Japanese conscription also began to be strict, and the ranks of soldiers were divided according to their height. Those above one meter and five five are included in the first class, those above one meter and five are C, and those below one meter and five are din. It can be seen that the height of Japanese people during World War II was still very low, and in recent years, their height has only improved, and the average height has reached about 1.7 meters.

Were Japanese really short during World War II? A set of old photos that tell you the answer

As the war intensified, the height of the Japanese soldiers also began from about one meter and six meters, and the last little bit decreased. In the end, even the child soldiers were recruited, and the average height was about one meter and five meters. In order to improve their height, Japan also came up with many ways, such as sending women to Western countries to change genes, so later the height of Japanese people slowly increased a lot.

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