
Xu Shiyou's wife, Zhu Ximing, was forced to remarry her dying son at the age of 31; she buried me in the Xu family grave

When it comes to the founding general Xu Shiyou, almost everyone knows. He entered the Shaolin Temple at the age of eight, learned a good martial art, and after participating in the revolution, he followed the troops in the southern conquest of the northern war, made countless battle achievements, and was a famous general in our army. General Xu Shiyou has had three marriages in his life, and today we will talk about the story of his wife, Zhu Ximing.

Xu Shiyou's wife, Zhu Ximing, was forced to remarry her dying son at the age of 31; she buried me in the Xu family grave

One day in the autumn of 1924, a matchmaker suddenly came to Xu Shiyou's home, and as soon as she entered the door, she said hello to Xu Mu. Xu Mu was very strange and asked the matchmaker He Xizhi, and the matchmaker replied: "Zhu Ximing, a girl of the Zhu family, has taken a fancy to your family friend, and specially asked me to come to the door to propose to you!" ”

The matchmaker's words made Xu Mu very surprised, who in this square circle did not know Zhu Ximing, the girl was not only handsome, but also industrious, capable, and kind-hearted, and the people who proposed relatives were about to break the threshold of her family. Such a good girl can really look at her own friends?

Xu Shiyou's father died when he was very young, and in that chaotic world at that time, the life of the people was not easy, and after losing the top pillar, the life of the Xu family became more and more difficult. The mother worked hard and pulled several children up. After Xu Shiyou returned from the Shaolin Temple, he helped his mother farm and take care of the housework so that the family could barely eat.

With such a family situation, how could Zhu Ximing look at shangshiyou? Seeing that Xu Mu didn't believe it, the matchmaker said, "Such a big thing, will I joke with you?" Your family friends dance knives and guns, just for the villagers to fight uneven, people girls will look at him this! Xu Mu then believed that what the matchmaker said was not false.

Xu Shiyou's wife, Zhu Ximing, was forced to remarry her dying son at the age of 31; she buried me in the Xu family grave

In 1924, when the year was approaching, Xu Shiyou hired a flower palanquin and a few drummers to marry Zhu Ximing back home. At that time, Xu Shiyou was 19 years old and Zhu Ximing was 23 years old. After marriage, the young couple was very affectionate, Zhu Ximing kept the family in good order, and Xu Mu was very satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

In November 1927, the Jute Uprising broke out, and Xu Shiyou was elected as the leader of the Peasant Volunteer Brigade and the captain of the artillery team in the six townships of Chengmagang. Soon after, the Kuomintang mobilized heavy troops to besiege the rebel troops, because the disparity between the enemy and our forces was too large, the uprising eventually failed, Xu Shiyou led dozens of people into the mountains to fight a guerrilla war, and soon after officially joined the Red Army.

After that, Xu Shiyou followed the troops around and rarely had the opportunity to go home, so he and Zhu Ximing gathered less and left more. In 1929, Zhu Ximing and Xu Shiyou's third child, Xu Guang, was born (the first two children died of illness), Xu Shiyou took a half-day leave after receiving the news, went home to visit his wife and son, and then hurried back to the army.

Xu Shiyou's wife, Zhu Ximing, was forced to remarry her dying son at the age of 31; she buried me in the Xu family grave

It was not until 1932 that Xu Shiyou returned to Xu Jiawa again, when his wife Zhu Ximing had become a former cadre in the village and was busy collecting food and clothing for the Red Army soldiers. Due to the tension of the war, Xu Shiyou returned to the front line after staying at home for a few days, and no one expected that this would be the last time the couple would get together.

In July of that year, the enemy gathered more than 300,000 heavy troops to launch a large-scale attack on the Eyu-Anhui Soviet region, and the Red Army was unable to repulse the enemy for three months of hard fighting, and finally was forced to move to the Sichuan-Shaanxi area. After the enemy occupied the Eyu-Anhui Soviet area, the "homecoming regiment" carried out crazy revenge on the people in the Soviet area and forced the red army family members to remarry, and if they did not follow, they would be sold elsewhere.

At this time, Xu Shiyou's life and death were unknown, and he could not be contacted, and Xu's mother was worried about the safety of her daughter-in-law, so she persuaded her to remarry. At first, Zhu Ximing said that he would not agree to anything, but Xu Mu persuaded him bitterly, and Zhu Ximing eventually married a farmer named Xia Changwen in a neighboring village.

Xu Shiyou's wife, Zhu Ximing, was forced to remarry her dying son at the age of 31; she buried me in the Xu family grave

Although she remarried, in Zhu Ximing's heart, she will always be the daughter-in-law of the Xu family, and she often returns to the Xu family to take care of the lives of Xu Mother and son Xu Guang. Xia Changwen was also a good man and was very supportive of Zhu Ximing's doing, but unfortunately he fell seriously ill and died soon after.

After that, Zhu Ximing lived alone, and due to the chaos of the war, she never heard from Xu Shiyou. Because Xu Mu was worried about her son, she often couldn't eat and couldn't sleep well, and soon fell ill. When Zhu Ximing learned about it, he hurried to take good care of Xu Mu, chatted with her, and said something reassuring to her.

Under Zhu Ximing's careful care, Xu Mu's body quickly improved. After that, Zhu Ximing inquired about Xu Shiyou's whereabouts, but there was no news. More than a decade later, the whole country was liberated, Xu Shiyou's name appeared in the newspaper, he became a high official, and he was the commander of the Shandong Military Region.

When Zhu Ximing learned that Xu Shiyou was still alive, he was both happy and sad. Happily, the relatives he missed deeply were still alive in this world, and the sad thing was that Xu Shiyou had reorganized his family and had several children, and the two had no possibility of reunion.

Xu Shiyou's wife, Zhu Ximing, was forced to remarry her dying son at the age of 31; she buried me in the Xu family grave

It turned out that Xu Shiyou had heard that his wife and son had been killed by the enemy shortly after he left the Eyu-Anhui Su Area with his troops, and at that time there were frequent wars, Xu Shiyou had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and it was impossible to verify the authenticity of this news. In 1943, Xu Shiyou, who mistakenly thought Zhu Ximing had been killed, married 19-year-old Tian Pu and formed a new family.

After the liberation of the whole country, Xu Shiyou took his mother and son Xu Guang to Jinan. Xu Shiyou often told Xu Shiyou how good and filial piety her daughter-in-law Zhu Ximing was, and Xu Shiyou listened to it and sighed, but the creation of people, the matter has reached this point, it is irreparable, he can only do his best to give Zhu Ximing some material help.

In 1965, the 64-year-old Zhu Ximing came to the end of her life, and before she died, she still remembered Xu Shiyou and repeatedly told her son Xu Guang: "I only admit that I am the daughter-in-law of the Xu family, and after I die, I will definitely be buried in the Xu family grave!" ”。

Xu Shiyou's wife, Zhu Ximing, was forced to remarry her dying son at the age of 31; she buried me in the Xu family grave

Soon after, Zhu Ximing died, and Xu Guang followed his mother's will and buried her in the Xu family's grave and commemorated it with a monument. After Xu Shiyou learned the news of Zhu Ximing's death, he was in tears, and he instructed Xu Guang: "You must often go to the grave to visit your mother, her life is not easy!" ”

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