
Pregnant women born prematurely at 28 weeks pregnant! From the isolation point to the isolation delivery room of the five hospitals, the baby was born smoothly

At 11:00 a.m. on January 16, a rush of telephone ringing broke the calm. "The isolation point informs a pregnant woman of bleeding and lower abdominal pain, and it is estimated that premature birth is inevitable and requires an obstetric team!" An emergency phone call from the medical staff of the Shanghai Fifth People's Hospital isolated fever clinic was nerve-straining.

Through telephone communication, it was learned that the mother was a 27-year-old young woman who was pregnant for the first time, and after being judged to be sub-secret, she began to receive medical observation at an isolation point in Minhang on January 9, and she was more than 28 weeks pregnant.

Pregnant women born prematurely at 28 weeks pregnant! From the isolation point to the isolation delivery room of the five hospitals, the baby was born smoothly

Illustration: Transfer from the isolation point to the delivery room Courtesy of the interviewee (the same below)

Shi Jindong, chief of the medical department of the five hospitals who learned the news, rushed to the hospital at the first time, and at the same time launched the plan, forming a multidisciplinary team of medical department, hospital infection department, obstetrics, pediatrics, operating room and other multidisciplinary teams to prepare for treatment, and the medical administration department and emergency center of Minhang District urgently deployed negative pressure ambulances for transfer.

The little life is about to face the test of life and death, and a race against the clock and the race against time has begun. Thanks to the perfect system and the rich experience accumulated in countless drills in peacetime, medical staff have long been aware of the process of diagnosis, transfer and disposal. When the mother was sent to the hospital, obstetrician Dai Jiemin, ultrasound medicine doctor Cheng Yangyang, obstetrics chief nurse Shen Yi, nurse Huang Ping, doctor Song Xiaolei of the isolation ward and nurse Chen Qiuyang, and song Weijie, a sensory control supervisor of the hospital's infection department, quickly arrived in place, wore isolation protective equipment, was fully armed, and waited in a strict position, making full preparations for delivery and newborn rescue. At the same time, with the cooperation of the negative pressure ambulance of the emergency center, the pregnant woman was transferred from the isolation fever clinic to the isolation delivery room for the first time.

Pregnant women born prematurely at 28 weeks pregnant! From the isolation point to the isolation delivery room of the five hospitals, the baby was born smoothly

Pictured: During surgery

"Now B ultrasound check."

"Open the 4cm bag drum."

"Fetal heart position is good."

"Ready to deliver!"

As the minutes and seconds passed, every move that happened in the isolation delivery room touched everyone's heart. Wearing thick protective clothing and goggles, the operation of the medical staff was doubly difficult compared with usual, but with superb technology and tacit cooperation, the operation went smoothly. Considering the lack of experience in the first childbirth, the medical staff continued to give encouragement to the mother in addition to the busy work, and prepared chocolate and water to replenish their physical strength.

At 5:37 p.m., a loud cry came and the woman gave birth to a baby boy weighing 2 pounds and 8 pairs. But before anyone could celebrate, the baby was born with an Apgar score of only 3 points per minute due to the small gestational age. After the resuscitation and rescue of the obstetric and pediatric teams, 10 minutes reached 7 points, and the blood oxygen saturation reached 100%, and everyone breathed a long sigh of relief. The newborn transport team of the Pediatric Hospital and the ambulance of the Minhang Emergency Center quickly arrived at the fifth hospital, transported the emaciated baby to the pediatric hospital for further treatment, and the pregnant woman was sent to the isolation ward of the fifth hospital for postpartum rehabilitation nursing.

According to Zhang Liwen, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in view of the situation that may occur during the isolation period, the obstetrics department has made full preparations, formulated corresponding plans, and formed a rapid response team under epidemic prevention and control.

Pregnant women born prematurely at 28 weeks pregnant! From the isolation point to the isolation delivery room of the five hospitals, the baby was born smoothly

Pictured: Transporting your baby to a pediatric hospital

It is reported that as the designated hospital for the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Minhang District, the isolation ward of the five hospitals has been stationed by 61 batches of medical staff since the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, silently guarding the safety of the people. In addition to the suspected cases of covid-19, the isolation ward also admitted and successfully rescued many critically ill patients during the isolation period. Not long ago, a 19-year-old patient in the isolation ward had a sudden intracranial hypertension in his brain tumor, and the hospital launched a pre-planned emergency operation overnight, which finally turned the patient's crisis into safety. A young girl at the isolation point suffered a femoral artery puncture with hemorrhagic shock, and the isolation point, 120 and the five hospitals worked together to quickly transport emergency surgery, saving the young life. There is also an old gentleman who returned to Shanghai from Taiwan, who was in a coma during isolation and observation, diagnosed with diabetic hypertonic coma with multi-organ failure, acute renal insufficiency, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, bilateral pneumonia, respiratory failure, coronary heart disease cardiac function grade 4, skin fungal infection, Alzheimer's disease... After more than 20 days of full rescue and meticulous care in the isolation ward of the five hospitals, he was finally cured and discharged from the hospital.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Zuo Yan

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