
How long after three generations of IVF eggs can be transplanted, and what to pay attention to

IVF egg retrieval is an important step in the whole process, and many friends are particularly concerned about the issue of IVF egg retrieval. Next, the Belai Fertility Center will root everyone together to understand how long it can be transplanted after IVF egg retrieval, and what to pay attention to these two questions of IVF egg retrieval, interested friends continue to look down.

How long after three generations of IVF eggs can be transplanted, and what to pay attention to

How long after IVF has retrieved an egg can be transplanted

How long after IVF egg retrieval before the transfer can be performed needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, depending on the quality of the embryo and the patient's physical condition. In the first case, under normal circumstances, IVF eggs are retrieved for three days and the embryos can be transplanted. The sperm and egg combine naturally, form a fertilized egg and continue to be cultured until the third day to develop into a mulberry embryo, which can be transplanted into the female uterus.

In the second case, an embryo of about 5 days, we call it a blastocyst. With blastocysts for transplantation, IVF will take two more days after egg retrieval than is normal, but the time to implant after transplantation will also be shortened. In the third case, if ascites, bleeding and other phenomena occur after IVF egg retrieval, the time of transplantation should be selected according to the situation. If there are complications, the fresh embryo should be frozen first, and then the frozen embryo transplant should be carried out after the body returns to normal. Under abnormal circumstances, the cancellation of fresh embryo transplantation and frozen embryo transplantation generally requires 1 to 2 months of conditioning to confirm that the physical state has been restored before transplantation can be carried out, thereby improving the success rate of IVF.

How long after three generations of IVF eggs can be transplanted, and what to pay attention to

What to pay attention to for IVF egg retrieval

Before IVF egg retrieval, pay attention to the time agreed with the doctor, and at the same time eat a light diet, avoid eating spicy, irritating and raw and cold foods. Try to relax during IVF egg retrieval and don't be too nervous, so as not to affect the effect and quality of egg retrieval. After IVF egg retrieval, pay more attention to rest, and 48 hours before trying to bed rest, but also prohibit the same room, this is because many women in the use of egg retrieval needles to remove eggs, may stimulate the ovaries, and cause pain in the lower abdomen, there may also be obvious pelvic effusion, so after IVF egg retrieval needs special attention.

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