
【Weekly Fortune】Weekly Horoscope of Qipa (1.17-1.23)

【Weekly Fortune】Weekly Horoscope of Qipa (1.17-1.23)

(Reference ascending and solar constellations)


At the beginning of the week, there is a full moon in the home palace, corresponding to the visible progress, results, or time to make choices related to the family, property, and living environment in the past two weeks, which will be related to finances, such as rent, deposits, deeds, loans, etc. Something in the family or property may cause anxiety, such as disharmonious communication with parents, landlords, tenants, intermediaries, bank-related personnel, and forced to adjust their mentality. At the same time, Uranus, who is in the money palace, is in line with the retrograde Mercury, and if the financial contract and delivery are handled this week, there are turnarounds and new opportunities, which also means that other financial matters are favorable to the turn, which may bring part-time opportunities. However, unless there is an angle to the Honmei disk star, the retrograde feeling of Uranus will not be too obvious. News such as progress and results brought by a full moon is related to a job in early January and may be related to salary. In the second half of the week, the sun enters the interpersonal palace to meet the retrograde Mercury, and there is a taste of reunion, reunion, and secondary communication.

Emotionally, there is a certain probability that your incumbent may contact his ex, but it does not mean that there is a compound. There are objects of tacit cooperation in the workplace.


The progress of work is relatively slow, this week to deal with the previous legacy, delayed work, especially communication reports, copywriting, cooperation, media, networks, logistics and other types of content, and these things this week is to see the progress, result news, make decision-making node time. This week is relatively busy, writing, communicating, and running a lot. Uranus this week in his own constellation along, bringing a little freedom, free temperament, on the one hand is really in real life to get a certain freedom, such as a colleague, roommate, neighbor, partner, or family, partner, because of a certain form of relationship change, no longer have the previous trouble to you, this trouble is to make you in the work, life when dealing with things, inevitably limited to some rules and regulations; on the one hand, the previous attitude of facing some things has changed, more bold and free. In the second half of the week, the sun enters the career palace to meet retrograde Mercury, and gradually enters the working state, this week may negotiate the work and finance-related topics, salaries, budgets, bonuses, etc., followed by the processing of the previous work content mentioned at the beginning, there is a second communication, remedy, and the meaning of continued completion.

Emotionally, emotionally interactive, it is easy to have excitement, jealousy, guilty emotions and arguments because of something, if you try to make the other party change through accusations, futile efforts will also increase troubles. For some people, especially couples who have a state of separation and integration (emotional or geographical) in their emotional relationship in the past six months, it means that the relationship state of the two people has changed again.


The full moon of the money palace at the beginning of the week is a financial matter involving the past two weeks, and this week is the time to see the progress and results, which is more related to salary, debt, work remuneration, medical insurance, and it is easy to involve a cost, or someone borrows money from you, you are not willing to lend, and vice versa. Some people pay a little attention to health this week, if there is a chronic disease, and it is intermittently in the past six months, this week may be the ups and downs of this disease. Uranus anterograde for gemini, is also like a reminder of the horoscope, such as pay attention to physical health, pay attention to recent financial problems, it is in the hidden palace alongside, but also means that there were problems that were ignored before, and now suddenly you are noticed, and think of some ways to resolve. In the second half of the week, the Sun enters the Migration House to meet the retrograde Mercury, dealing with the property or things related to the father (health), or the father assists you (or you assist the father) in the matter of the property. Secondly, it may be related to travel, academic training, trading, etc.

Emotionally, this week with the other half is also a lot of discussion about financial topics or related to operations and finances.


The full moon at the beginning of the week is in your own zodiac sign, gentle and emotional, but also more sensitive and emotional than usual, you will be very concerned about your own feelings and states, which is very good, at least to perceive which people and things are needed at this stage to fill the needs, hope to be cared for, be weighed, but from another angle, it may be to lose the understanding of others from the position of others, and feel that someone seems to be deliberately aimed at you and against you. This week's consultation cooperation, market negotiation activities, there may be potential competitors, or the person who directly talks to you is not the person who has the final decision-making power. Uranus is in the interpersonal house this week, your opinions are different from the other members of the group, you may be the one providing innovative advice, there may be an opposition in the team, expecting another new possibility of solving the problem. Second, if you have been dealing with a loan, debt, investment and other financial money in the past 4-6 months, this week may be the time when this matter has a chance to take over.

Emotionally, it is easy to feel dissatisfied, argue, feel that the other party restricts and controls themselves, and it is inevitable that there will be emotional expressions.


The beginning of the week is the full moon of the Hidden Palace, illuminating the hidden corners of the heart, unwilling, unwilling, fearful and afraid to escape, and people's uneasy inner affairs will be driven by this full moon, like a reminder and like an exposure. The astrological signs of the hidden palace will make people reluctant to confide in their hearts, tend to hide, conservative, and withdraw, but they may as well talk to trusted and intimate people, don't stick to it. It's also a self-consistent process that doesn't have to be too demanding, especially for people and things that you can't fully control over yourself. Uranus this week in the career palace prograde, for some people is the work content, the position has a new change of time, this part of the people refers to the last 4-6 months have had career changes in the lion, Uranus's retrograde will not make everyone feel obvious. You may also feel that there are suddenly new opportunities at work, or that there is more room for play in some businesses, and there is more autonomy. In the second half of the week, the Sun entered the relationship house of Mercury retrograde, with the meaning of a second communication, another round of negotiations, and the signing and renewal of the contract also has the meaning of listing additional terms or supplementary agreements on the previous cooperation.

Emotionally, the sun is the guardian star of Leo, and when it enters the mate's palace to meet retrograde Mercury, naturally there are many memories, nostalgia, and misses of feelings. I want to reach out to someone, or I want to find out what the other person is thinking.


The beginning of the week is a full moon, symbolizing the progress of things and the results of the information of the stars, such as Virgo parents, most of the things related to the children are handled within two weeks. The full moon falls in the interpersonal palace, and it will mostly deal with the relationship with friends, teams, and community members, such as gatherings, people walking around, caring about whether one of their opinions will be accepted by the people around them, being temporarily appointed at work, whether to join a working group, and so on. This week Uranus returns to anterograde, which is not a star that everyone can feel, unless there is a close angle to their own Natal Disk star. If it will affect you, it will be manifested in: First, the abstract lies in the concept, the way of thinking and dealing with problems, accepting new ideas, how to deal with concepts that are contrary to the ideas you insisted on before, Uranus is in your migration palace and running slowly, which means that in the past 4-6 months or even a little longer, it has greatly expanded your understanding of the world around you, such as knowing many new people, people with different views, contacting different interpersonal relationships, requiring you to be flexible, you have to maintain an open mind, After the prograde, it is better to deal with the contradictions in it; second, from the perspective of events, it may be a new turnaround and change time in terms of a certain work, schedule, learning new skills, etc. In the second half of the week, the sun enters the workplace, the healthy house position meets retrograde Mercury, there is a re-discussion, evaluation, secondary correction, the meaning of dealing with the previously unfinished work, or it may be the time of physical examination and review.

Emotionally, if you were in touch with someone at the beginning of the month, wanted to have an intimate relationship or wanted to start a new relationship, there may be progress, feedback, or contact again this week


At the beginning of the week, the full moon of the career palace will bring excessive attention to something at work, such as suddenly becoming busy, need to concentrate on some business content, and need to see the effect and results as soon as possible. A business that has been being processed in the last two weeks may also see progress this week. The full moon in the career palace is often a reflection on the recent work status of the individual, whether to adjust the use of their own time, whether to improve work efficiency, whether to be satisfied with the relationship between colleagues around them, and the relationship between supervisors, whether the current state is satisfactory to themselves, to meet their own needs and expectations for work? And whether the relationship between work and family life is balanced, and so on. Because the moon is in charge of feelings and emotions, the full moon tends to bring about similar thoughts. In addition, if there are messages such as handling moving, relocating, etc. in the past two weeks, the follow-up results after this week. Uranus is going down this week, it is a signal to remind you of your financial concerns, it may bring a good news about finances, or it may be the last 4-6 months you have been dealing with and paying attention to the ups and downs of related financial matters involving loans, wealth management, debt, insurance and other related financial matters. If you are a parent, it means that there is some new change in the care and education of your child, such as a new environment or a new way. In the second half of the week, the sun enters the fifth house and meets the retrograde Mercury, there is news about the child, or a re-communication with a friend, another meeting.

Emotionally, there may be meetings and meals with the other half of the social circle such as friends and colleagues. More of a state this week is at work.


The full moon in the migration palace, the news that brings progress and results is related to travel, travel, skills training, examinations, logistics, signing, media publishing, legal affairs, etc. in the past two weeks. The moon in this palace makes people a little uneasy about the room and wants to run outside, so there are many foreign affairs activities, which can also be spiritual, such as watching a movie, a play, a book, so that the mind can temporarily jump out of another space. Uranus in this week along the way, not everyone can feel its impact, is to the premise of the life chart and Uranus has a close angle, if it is affected, it means that in the past 4-6 months, there have been moves, relocations, career positions or work content changes, cooperation business or work contract signing and renewal, emotional division and integration (emotional integration or geographical integration), this week is a node time, there are new opportunities, change time. In the second half of the week, the sun enters the house to meet retrograde Mercury, meet and discuss with a family member again, or deal with previously unfinished family and property-related matters.

Emotionally, Uranus in the partner palace along the way, retrograde in August last year, now up to 5 months, it may mean a relationship from points to points or from points to points, or geographical points, of course, not all Scorpions must have this experience, and the probability of contact with the star is greater. If there is no contact, the feeling for everyone is probably that I hope to make the two people get along more easily and give each other a little more space.


At the beginning of the week, there is a full moon in the palace in charge of money resources, the node time of handling financial relations, loans, debts, investments, insurance, taxes, social welfare, and so on. Because of the opposition phase of the Moon and Pluto, it may be a point in time that has to be dealt with, or it may be limited by institutional provisions. The Moon in this position will at least make Sagittarius more concerned about his financial problems this week. Uranus is in the workplace this week, and may see new changes in work, not necessarily a new job, but also a working environment, the people who work together, the form of handling work content, and so on. The change in the state of Uranus will also make you more disgusted and irritable in the oppressive, restrictive, and stereotyped components of your work, and you want to find a new way to deal with it and get rid of it. In the second half of the week, the sun enters the third house to meet the retrograde Mercury, sign a contract to renew, meet and communicate with customers, classmates, friends, etc., report to the leader, complete the previous unfinished manuscript work, etc., you have to solve an old problem.

Emotionally, there are not many astrological signs directly related to feelings, more emotions are invisible, buried in the heart, and there are many inner ups and downs, but there are not many emotional relationships that occur substantively. Don't be paranoid about an emotional idea of your own.


On the one hand, the full moon of the relationship house is focused on the theme of the relationship, such as emotional relationship, cooperative relationship, etc., and lovers, partners, partners, partners, consultants, intermediaries, lawyers and other roles of people, in the past two weeks, if there is a relationship to deal with, in a certain exchange, the full moon is a time node of progress and results. In addition, the moon is in this palace, it is difficult for people to treat someone in a detached and objective state, that is, it is easy to appear emotional, and may judge and deal with the relationship with someone from the perspective of personal emotions. Because the Moon and Pluto have an opposition phase, there are also easy checks and balances between them. The advice is not to make final decisions this week on important deals, signings, and collaborations. If you are a parent, there will be new adjustments, new changes, or new news about something related to your child this week in terms of accompanying and educating your child. There may also be new financial news this week about loans, financing, insurance, taxes, wealth management, etc. In the second half of the week, the sun entered the money house to meet the retrograde Mercury, and once again handled the previously unfinished financial projects involving communication, documents, contracts, signing and other matters. You might want to consider saving a certain expense, or reducing an investment.

Emotionally, it is not easy for you to let the other party act according to your ideas, but it will highlight your desire for control, and the handling of emotional relationships will also appear emotional, which may lead to arguments.


On the one hand, emotions and energy may focus on family life, personal health, and home care, such as paying attention to their own and their families' diet, sleep, physical examination, review, exercise plan, family medical care and other insurance, whether they need to ask domestic staff to maintain the environmental hygiene of the living room, etc. Some people may be related to pets. On the one hand, the workplace is relatively busy, it is necessary to complete the work that has been arranged, there are certain constraints and restrictions, and it is difficult to have too much room for free adjustment. The last two weeks of work have been mainly processed, and this full moon may also be the time to see its relevant progress and results. Uranus this week at home in the house of the house, not necessarily everyone feels obviously about this astrology, provided that the natal chart has a star closely related to it, it mostly means that there have been changes in the home environment in the past 4-6 months, such as moving, family living with or leaving, changes in roommates, etc., or there have been changes in job responsibilities, as well as changes in emotional relationships in Aquarius, in this week, this matter has a new upturn, it is not intended to be good or bad, but just symbolizes the emergence of a new change. In the second half of the week, the Sun enters the constellation Aquarius to meet the retrograde Mercury, first wishing all Aquarius a happy birthday. It may give you the opportunity to re-make a statement, clarify something, or take a new stance, or it may meet and communicate with clients, partners, consultants, intermediaries, lawyers, etc. again.

Emotionally, Uranus is going along, if it triggers the stars in your natal disk partner's house, if you don't know this, it can be understood that it is part of the person, which is the node time of the separation of emotional relations, and it is easy to be related to changes in factors such as family and living environment. Entering your birthday month, I think your emotional attitude will also be more firm and confident.


The full moon falls in the fifth house of Pisces at the beginning of the week, in charge of love, children, creativity, entertainment and so on. It is probably difficult to hide the week of personal emotional expression, full of enthusiasm and high emotions, and will pay great attention and enthusiasm to the people and things you like, such as expressing your love for lovers, expressing your love for your children, and investing energy in things you like to do (hobbies), such as food, cooking, fitness, art, playing games, for example. This full moon may also bring news about the progress and results of children's affairs, investments, and if it is entrepreneurs' financing cooperation with individual companies. This week, there are also many entertainment arrangements such as gatherings and dinners. Uranus returned to the antagonism this week, not everyone is sensitive to this astrological reaction, provided that the Natal Chart is closely related to this star, it will be reflected in interpersonal relationships, there are some fresh changes, such as meeting new friends, interesting people, people who are contrary to the previous concept through a period of time to get along slowly integration and acceptance, or new news in the study of new skills, exams, travel. In the second half of the week, the sun enters the hidden palace to meet the retrograde Mercury, give yourself a rest and empty time, may have a lot of thoughts, more past experiences, past people and things poured into the mind, may also be easy to bring insomnia to some people, but the advantage of this astrology is that there is no lack of some truths in the process of recalling the past, and understand some of the original reasons.

Emotionally, a week full of enthusiasm for lovers, do not skimp on expressing their feelings, and will also appear engaged when they are with each other. But pay attention to immerse yourself in your own feelings, so that you ignore the other person's feelings.

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