
Thanks to iOS, let the domestic mobile phone have the opportunity to turn over

In the Era when WeChat is not yet popular, mobile PHONE QQ still needs to manually "go offline" because of tariff problems, and the phone is the most direct way we want to contact someone, and it is also the core function of the mobile phone. However, with the development of the mobile Internet, we have become accustomed to using various types of instant messaging software to communicate, and the two mobile phone functions that we once valued most, such as telephone and text messaging, have gradually been replaced by various Internet applications.

In this evolution from feature phones to smart phones, there is such a brand that has played a pivotal role in promoting the development of mobile phones. That's right, Apple. Compared with the design of various hot mobile phones before and after the release of the original iPhone, it is not difficult to see that this large-screen device has changed the interaction mode of mobile phones, so that the mobile Internet has the possibility of development. As for calling, it never seems to be the focus of the iPhone.

Thanks to iOS, let the domestic mobile phone have the opportunity to turn over

Some time ago, a message about iPhone calls seemed to confirm Apple's "dislike of calling" view. Last month, Reddit users reported that Apple removed the option for phone noise cancellation from the iPhone 13 settings menu. Some time ago, some users consulted Apple customer service about this matter, but the reply was "This is not a bug, this function has been permanently removed." ”

Congratulations to Apple, in the matter of eliminating the "phone call", the iPhone has written a heavy stroke in addition to the unstable signal.

To be fair, removing the switch in the settings doesn't actually mean that Apple has eliminated the feature. After all, in the past few years, there have also been domestic operators who require mobile phone brands to cancel the 5G shortcut switch in the mobile phone, which of course does not mean that the domestic 5G network cannot be used, but the operator does not want users to "jump back and forth" in the 4G and 5G networks, and wants to let as many users stay under the 5G network as much as possible.

"Pure" noise reduction does not require a switch

Besides, the earliest call noise reduction, in fact, there is no switch at all.

Here is a concept to clarify: compared to the active noise reduction we usually talk about when discussing headphones, call noise reduction is a broader definition, and active noise reduction and passive noise reduction are only two means in the process of noise reduction. Call noise reduction can be subdivided into downstream noise reduction and upstream noise reduction, of which downlink noise reduction is the noise reduction that everyone is usually familiar with, referring to the audio noise reduction played. Upstream noise reduction is the audio noise reduction collected by the microphone, so that your voice is clearer.

Thanks to iOS, let the domestic mobile phone have the opportunity to turn over

For example, when it's windy outside, if we call in a windy place, the phone may record the wind outside as well. In order to achieve upward noise reduction, brands also have two means of passive and active. The passive way is simple, those plush hoods that are worn over the microphone can block out the outside wind. When active noise reduction is implemented, there are also two different technical routes:

The first is the most common dual microphone noise reduction: the phone sets another set of microphones away from the main microphone, the two sets of microphones capture a slightly different human voice, but the ambient noise is roughly the same, the combination of the two can play a role in noise reduction, born in the last century Motorola Liyin technology contains such a principle.

But as technology advances, software noise reduction based on AI and machine learning has also left the lab and gone to market. Because software noise reduction has lower requirements on the number of peripheral hardware, in other words, it can save equipment space and hardware costs. This software noise reduction technology is also gradually valued by high-priced hardware brands such as mobile phones and graphics cards.

Thanks to iOS, let the domestic mobile phone have the opportunity to turn over

The topic returns to Apple, even if Apple customer service replied that the function has been removed from the phone, we are not easy to say whether Apple removed the function or switch. After all, Apple has often had the practice of "fine-tuning" hardware through software in the past. Even if Apple added more powerful call noise cancellation and hidden switches to the phone in the subsequent firmware, we as users have no way of knowing.

But the question is, is it reasonable for Apple to "fine-tune" users' phones through software?

Increasingly arrogant Apple

Speaking of Apple's "fine-tuning" of the phone, the once iPhone downscaling incident can be said to be the biggest "scandal" in the history of the iPhone: in 2017, some users reported that their iPhone 6s was updated to the most recent iOS 11 at the time, and the phone ran at a serious speed. In the past, Apple users have always laughed at themselves with "new releases and old ones will change cards", but this more real user compared the running points before and after replacing the battery of the mobile phone, but found that Apple seems to take the battery life as an indicator and "automatically and covertly" change the performance strategy of the mobile phone.

Simply put: once the battery is old, the phone will force a frequency reduction.

Although Apple initially denied this, after a multi-party investigation, Apple finally admitted that "in order to ensure the best experience for users, last year released a new feature for the iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE, that is, smooth transition to the iPhone's immediate extremely high-performance requirements to avoid the resulting unexpected shutdown phenomenon." Now, this feature has also been introduced to the iPhone 7 with iOS 11.2 installed, and other mobile phone products will be supported in the future. ”

Thanks to iOS, let the domestic mobile phone have the opportunity to turn over

But from a consumer's point of view, Apple's approach is obviously inappropriate, unreasonable and difficult to accept. It is precisely because of this that Apple has been subjected to class actions in many places, and finally ended with compensation and battery maintenance price reductions. It is not difficult to see that although it is the end consumer who actually pays for the product, Apple seems to be less satisfied with its identity as a seller, and even points fingers at the way users use their own products:

Before you hold the mobile phone posture is not correct enough, after the mobile phone frequency reduction is for your own good. Coupled with Apple's recent tough management of the App Store, full control of software, and restrictions on users' repair of mobile phones, it seems to me that Apple's arrogance has reached a new level.

Thanks to iOS, let the domestic mobile phone have the opportunity to turn over

When Apple's arrogance conflicts with the rights and interests of consumers, it is the best time for domestic mobile phone brands to "turn over".

The system is the key to the Android mobile phone turnover

Whether it is HormanyOS, ColorOS or MIUI, Flyme, these systems in recent years of updates, have revealed the "user-oriented" core, of which the "three zero system" is considered to be the domestic Android system to catch up with iOS the most recent time. Because Apple's publicity is often based on humanities, Apple's products are often labeled as "people-oriented".

But only after the actual experience, users understand Apple's "people-oriented", based on the user "follow the route set by Apple" on the basis of the foundation. "Don't ask what the iPhone does, ask what the iPhone's features are for you." Apple's excellent experience often takes the Apple ecology as the threshold, and the Apple ecology is actually a way for Apple to "screen users" in a sense.

Thanks to iOS, let the domestic mobile phone have the opportunity to turn over

In recent years, the domestic mobile phone system, while continuing the spirit of openness, has also continued to innovate, through the way of entering the "humanities", to create products centered on users. This is not only the difference between the domestic mobile phone system and iOS, but also the biggest difference between the domestic mobile phone brand and Apple.

It is undeniable that in the history of the development of mobile devices and mobile Internet, whether it is hardware or software, Apple does have a lot to learn from other brands. But this does not mean that the mobile Internet must be built around the ecological development of Apple, nor does it mean that users need to compromise unconditionally to any brand. As consumers, users are only responsible for their future experiences.

And Apple will get lost to know the return is on the road of arrogance all the way down, I believe that next year after the double 11 we can see the answer.

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