
In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

In 1996, China promulgated the "Gun Management Measures", and after that, the whole country carried out the action of confiscating illegal guns and weapons.

When the government officials heard that there was an old man in Laiwu with two guns, they immediately came to the old man's home

When the staff wanted to confiscate the old man's gun, the old man took out his own "gun certificate" and told the staff:

"This is what General Su Yu gave me."

Well, after that,

Did the staff confiscate the old man's guns? In addition, why would Su Yu give the elderly guns?

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

Teng Xiyuan

This old man with two guns called —"

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, his hometown of Laiwu District, Shandong Province, was the place where the Japanese army focused on sweeping operations, due to his small size and fast running, Teng Xiyuan was repeatedly spared under the guns of the Japanese army.

In 1938,

The Japanese army accelerated the pace of all-out invasion of China, planning to invade and occupy the Laiwu district of Shandong in one fell swoop, at this time, Teng Xiyuan, who was only 13 years old, had the heart of "absolute sincerity" to serve the country.

Joined the Hoe Gang of the Ledon Brigade

, began his extraordinary revolutionary journey.

After this, Teng Xiyuan came into contact with a new type of combat weapon "gun", due to the shortage of weapon resources in the army, so Teng Xiyuan did not have many opportunities to touch the gun, whenever he touched the gun training, Teng Xiyuan would cherish this time extraordinarily, "press the safety, pull the machine head, load the bullet, shoot" These four processes, the new people often learn very slowly, but Teng Xiyuan can do it in one go, he said, for the process of shooting, he has to practice several times in his mind every day.

For Teng Xiyuan at this time, having a gun of his own is the goal he wants to fight for, in order to complete this goal, Teng Xiyuan fought bravely on the battlefield to kill the enemy, made many meritorious achievements, and finally won the reward of the troops and got the first box gun in his life.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

The incident of his capture of the gun must also begin in 1940, when the Japanese army carried out a large-scale sweeping operation against the anti-Japanese base area in Luzhong.

In the early stages of the sweep, the Japanese army came to the village where Teng Xiyuan was located and slaughtered the villagers, and for a while, the village was full of Japanese laughter and screams from the villagers.

Soon, the thin Teng Xiyuan also became the target of the Japanese attack, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Japanese army, Teng Xiyuan ran to the top of the pigsty on the side of the road, a Japanese soldier also followed here, Teng Xiyuan stood on the top of the pigsty, looking at the Japanese army pursuing him, the more he thought about it, the more angry he thought, he thought, why should we ordinary people let the Japanese army slaughter, instead of obediently waiting for death, it is better to let go.

With this thought, Teng Xiyuan tightened the knife in his hand, jumped off the top of the pigsty, and pinned the Japanese soldier to the ground, and he said to his companions on his side:

"Don't know what to do, hurry up!"

Subsequently, the companion took a knife and slashed the neck of the Japanese soldier, causing the Japanese soldier to die.

At this time, Teng Xiyuan was only 15 years old, and no one had ever imagined that this "little black and black" young man had such a strong explosive power that he dared to pounce on the Japanese army alone, and after that, Teng Xiyuan's deeds were spread, and whenever the military cadres saw Teng Xiyuan, they would call him "little hero, little hero".

For the praise of others, Teng Xiyuan did not produce a proud psychology, he always maintained a modest quality, in the army hard training, he said, I have defeated too few devils, in order to save the nation in danger, we must fight the devils, psychologically crush them, so as to expel them from China.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

In the summer of 1940, the Japanese army increased its strength to the anti-Japanese base areas in Luzhong and strengthened its sweeping operations.

In this battle, Teng Xi was far from a charge that was not afraid of death in the front of the two armies fighting,

Suddenly, a Japanese devil with a bayonet attacked in his direction,

Teng Xiyuan loaded the gun and quickly shot in the direction of the Japanese devil, but unexpectedly, the Japanese devil had already taken precautions and dodged Teng Xiyuan's bullets, and then, the Japanese devils screamed and stabbed teng Xiyuan, causing Teng Xiyuan to be injured.

At this time, Teng Xiyuan could not think more, and between life and death, Teng Xiyuan ignored the pain in his body, took up a bayonet and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese devil, and finally killed the Japanese devil.

After that, Teng Xiyuan did not have a moment of relaxation, he picked up the gun in his hand, and once again threw himself into the battle of shooting the enemy, and some Japanese troops could not help but have a sense of retreat in their hearts when they saw Teng Xiyuan who killed the red-eyed Teng Xiyuan.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

After the battle, Teng Xiyuan dragged his bloodstained body to the medical soldier to treat the wound, and the medical soldier was shocked when he saw the bayonet marks on his body, and asked busily:

"How did you get that?"

Teng Xiyuan calmly replied:

"I fought with the Japanese devils with bayonets, but the devils couldn't fight me, and I killed them."

After the medical soldier listened, he gave Teng Xiyuan a thumbs up and said several words in a row, "Great."

In the commendation work, Teng Xiyuan was awarded the "first class merit" because of his outstanding performance in this campaign and the annihilation of many enemy troops.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

Liao Rongbiao, commander of the fourth detachment of the Shandong Column, praised Teng Xiyuan and put it in

A shell gun

As a reward,

Gave it to him

Liao Rongbiao said, "Don't look at your little black and black, but it's really okay to fight Japanese devils!" ”

This was the first gun that Teng Xiyuan received, and on the night he received the gun, he wiped and wiped the gun brightly and reflectively, and he stared at the gun in a daze, secretly determined in his heart that he would certainly live up to the party's expectations of himself, use this gun to kill the enemy bravely, and truly shoot the Japanese devils out of China!

After this, Teng Xiyuan took this gun and fought the front line of the anti-Japanese war, repeatedly made military achievements, and made no small contribution to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan. On the day of Japan's surrender in 1945, Teng Xiyuan and the people in the army celebrated and cheered together, and on that day, his eyes were full of tears of excitement, and he shouted loudly to the sky: "China has finally ushered in peace!" ”

However, the peace that Teng Xiyuan was looking forward to was sabotaged by the Kuomintang reactionary government in 1946, when Chiang Kai-shek tore up the Double Tenth Agreement and caused a war between the two parties to break out, and Teng Xiyuan was furious at the Chiang Kai-shek government's sabotage of domestic peace and threw himself into the war again.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

In 1947, Teng Xiyuan, then commander of the artillery company, received instructions from the central authorities to "encircle and annihilate the Kuomintang Reorganized Eleventh Division in Southeast China."

One day, Teng Xiyuan went to check the sentry as usual, and he thought that this time he would gain nothing as before, but he did not expect that the enemy finally could not hold back his temperament and quietly lurked in the ditch in an attempt to ambush our army. In order to sabotage the enemy's plans, Teng Xiyuan said to his teammates:

"Give me a grenade, and besides, give me your rifle and you have a pistol."

The teammate handed the rifle and grenade to Teng Xiyuan and whispered in his ear:

"Company commander, what are your plans?"

Teng Xiyuan said:

"Simple, you and I will fight the enemy's ambush first!"

When it was almost dark, Teng Xiyuan took the lead in throwing the grenade into the enemy's ditch, only to hear the explosion of "boom", the enemy poked out his head, and entered the state of combat defense, after seeing the enemy's head appeared, Teng Xiyuan immediately fired a gun to send a message to the troops, and took the lead in attacking with his teammates on his side.

However, after a while, the artillery company, the guard company, the first battalion, and the second battalion caught up and participated in the battle, and they surrounded all the ravines where the enemy was ambushed, and carried out indiscriminate attacks, so that the enemy who was ambushed here could not collapse, and soon laid down their weapons and chose to surrender.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

At that time, he was the commander of the East China Field Army

Su Yu

After hearing about Teng Xiyuan's heroic combat deeds, he immediately wanted to see this hero, so at this celebration meeting, Su Yu, who had never participated in the commendation activities, showed his face and prepared a special gift for Teng Xiyuan.

At the celebration meeting, Teng Xiyuan was announced to be awarded the first class merit,

Su Yu held it

A German magazine gun

Personally hanging on Teng Xiyuan's waist, Su Yu said, "Lonely hero, this gun is given to you!" ”

After Teng Xiyuan heard Su Yu's words, he gave a military salute excitedly and said, "Thank you chief, as a communist, I will continue to move forward!" advance! I am not afraid of being injured, as long as the country needs me, I can go to the battlefield at any time to fight in blood. ”

Su Yu smiled and patted Teng Xiyuan's shoulder and said with emotion, "Good boy, I really didn't misread you!" ”

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

Shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out, and Teng Xiyuan joined the ranks of the volunteer army and went to the Korean battlefield with tens of thousands of volunteers to defend his homeland and defend the country.

In 1953, when Teng Xiyuan was fighting in the Mapingli area of North Korea, he was surrounded by AMERICAN tanks.

At this time, our army's equipment can not carry out a confrontational attack with the American tanks, can only find a way to destroy the tanks in close combat, in order to break the enemy's long-range attack advantage, TengXi is far away with explosives, through the cover of night, alone to sneak into the vicinity of the US tanks.

That day, Teng Xiyuan slowly moved to the enemy's tank, and hung the explosive package on his body on the tank, teng Xiyuan ran out two meters away, the enemy suddenly found the explosives on the tank, just as the enemy was cleaning up the explosives, Teng Xiyuan quickly took out a grenade and projected it into the enemy's position, only to listen to the "boom", the enemy's multiple tanks exploded, and the bright red flames flashed brightly in the night.

Teng Xiyuan quietly watched this scene, and there was still a sense of fear in his heart that he would be reborn after the disaster. Later, in the face of the reporter's interview, Teng Xiyuan said:

"I went up with the determination to die, and I didn't think I could live."

Today, Teng Xiyuan has a shell explosion wound on his head, which he left behind during the blasting operation in The Korean Maping, and he said to his children that blood can be left behind, the head can be broken, and in the face of the interests of the country, we soldiers cannot retreat a single step.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

After retiring from the army, Teng Xiyuan stayed in his hometown of Laiwu,

He said, now there is no war, I want to contribute to the construction of my hometown, there is an old Chinese saying called falling leaves back to the roots, no matter how long we drift outside, we will not forget our hometown.

Since then, Teng Xiyuan came to laiwu urban construction bureau to work, for urban construction, Teng Xiyuan personally struggled in the front-line work, he not only planted trees on the street, but also drove buses for the people.

Teng Xiyuan said with emotion:

"I dedicated my old life to Laiwu City, when I planted the tree, the tree was still very small, and now that I am old, the tree has grown."

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

In 2021, on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Party, the reporter came to Teng Xiyuan's home for an interview, and before the interview, Teng Xiyuan showed the reporter the two barge guns he had left, only to see him carefully take the gun out of the red silk cloth, quietly telling the reporter the history of these two guns, bringing us back to the revolutionary era in China.

When the reporter said that after China promulgated the "Gun Management Measures" in 1996, it was not allowed to bear guns in people's homes, Teng Xiyuan took out the "gun certificate" issued by the troops, and he told reporters that this was

In 1982, the people's liberation army unit 6206 issued a certificate of gun possession,

The certificate reads:

"Whoever bears a gun must carry this certificate, the weapon in his hand must be cared for and kept, and he must not lend it to others without the instructions of the leader..."

After saying this, Teng Xiyuan also told us that before the certificate was issued, the staff had already

Special treatment over

Those two guns were up, now

The two guns could not fire at all

In 1996, government workers came again, and after verifying that the guns were not available and having seen the certificate of possession, they did not confiscate the two guns.

In 1996, the staff went to confiscate the two guns of the old man in Laiwu, and the old man said: Su Yu sent it

Proof of gun ownership

After showing the proof of gun ownership, Teng Xiyuan lovingly wiped the two shell guns in his hand, he said, these two guns witnessed his revolutionary journey and had extraordinary historical significance, so he had to take them out and wipe them almost every day.

Nowadays, the video of Teng Xiyuan's interview has been published on the Internet, this interview is not only a gift for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the motherland, but also a gift for our people, Teng Xiyuan's glorious life is always warning us that our peace today is inseparable from the bloody struggle of our ancestors, it is they who brought us into the era of peace, we must always be grateful.

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