
Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

Who would you like to spend your life with?

When you hear this question, who is the first person in your mind?

Maybe it's the only special person, maybe it's the group of people who have gone crazy and played together...

In each of our lives, there have been some important people who have made our lives richer and more distinctive.

But now, where are they? How long have you not been in touch with him?

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

First, whether it is love at first sight, or slowly tacit understanding

Some people, the first time we meet, have a feeling as if we have known each other for a long time, only hate to see each other too late, maybe a similar personality temperament, perhaps the same experience insights, of course, may also be because TA and we are diametrically opposed, let us can't help but sigh: there is such a TA in the world, and the fate of the encounter is so wonderful.

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

There are also some people who have known each other for a long time, and at first they are just bland friends, but in the contact again and again, you find that you have endless topics with each other, there is a tacit understanding of each other, there is mutual understanding of each other, and then get closer and closer, and create more memories together.

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

Whether it is love at first sight or slow tacit understanding, from a certain moment on, he has become an important person in your life.

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

You've spent so much time together.

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

Second, maybe gradually drift away from the rivers and lakes, maybe have the privilege of becoming a family

Later, maybe because the trajectory of your life has changed, maybe because other people have appeared around you, maybe because of contradictions and misunderstandings, maybe because you don't know why...

Once because of TA, you forgot the passage of time, and later because of time, you gradually drifted away from TA. You went from intimacy to estrangement to strangeness.

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most
Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

How many people, lost at the crossroads of life, scattered in a parting station, and then recall TA, seem to be able to quietly stay in the deepest corner of memory.

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

Can you still find him, can you still call him at 4 a.m.?

Do you long for a chance to meet him again and ask softly, "Are you okay?" ”

All those who have appeared in life, stayed in your heart, and then left, those who make you miss deeply, will always appear in your heart again in a certain scene.

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

Maybe because you worked hard enough to tolerate and accommodate to understand, maybe because you were lucky enough to have the good times and places, and finally came to the end, becoming a family, becoming a brother, sister or husband and wife.

Reliving these scenes reminds you of how you met, knew each other, wanted to cherish, and found that you should double down on cherishing the fate that can be together, and warm each other with love.

Whether he is with you at the moment, or hidden in a corner of your heart, when you open this book "Who do you want to be with for a lifetime?" You will find that suddenly on a certain page, that scene, that figure, will remind you of that year, that person or group of people, and yourself at that time.

As the small words on the cover read, "To those who accidentally lost, or sublimated into love, have the privilege of lasting a lifetime of friendship."

Who do you want to spend your life with? To those who matter most

A warm feeling arose in my heart, and I wanted to send this book to TA people far away.

Because it was the TA, and those times, proved my youth.

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