
Those two game killers in the history books, do you know what happened to them later?

The process of establishing New China was very bumpy, the corruption and incompetence at the end of the Qing government directly led to China being bullied by the great powers, signing many treaties of land cession and indemnity, and also the most humiliating period of China's history, which is not the most serious, but even more excessive is that Japan wants to occupy all of China, and plans to spend only one quarter, which is really rampant.

Those two game killers in the history books, do you know what happened to them later?

From the first day of the invasion, the Japanese have done more than the moral standard of the word "people", and few people have survived the hands of the Japanese, they burn and loot, they do all kinds of evil. One bloody case after another has been created on the land of China, and countless poor people's homes have been destroyed.

The defeat at the Battle of Songhu led to the then Nanjing government being defenseless and nakedly exposed to the Japanese, the Defense of Nanjing was lost, and the Japanese army occupied the capital of the Republic of China at that time, in front of which were more than 300,000 unarmed people. I believe that anyone who knows a little about history knows all the hardships suffered by our compatriots in the Nanjing Massacre.

Those two game killers in the history books, do you know what happened to them later?

To this day, it is hard to forget the history learned when I was a student, and there were even ghosts who used the massacre Chinese as a competition, which were accompanied by pictures in the history books and published in newspapers. At that time, the army remembered that the location of the massacre of the two men, the number of people slaughtered, and how the Chinese people were tortured and killed were recorded in great detail.

The two devils were Xiang Jingmin, the second lieutenant of the 3rd Brigade of the 9th Regiment of the 16th Division of the Japanese Army invading China, and the second lieutenant officer of the 3rd Brigade of the 9th Regiment of the 16th Division of the Japanese Army invading China, Noda Yan, two people whose official positions were not very large, they were able to slaughter Chinese at will, and they could also see the report, and in the end, two people killed 105 people and 106 people.

The contest between the two was to kill 100 people before anyone else, and in the end they could not control their animal nature, began to slaughter wantonly, and also proud, the Japanese army reporter reported the matter, the hateful thing is that the Japanese army at that time was still cheering, and their reason for slaughtering the people of Nanjing was only "relaxed".

Those two game killers in the history books, do you know what happened to them later?

Later, these two little devils left China, went to the Pacific Theater and were captured by the United States, and after Japan surrendered, they were sent back to China, and then they were hidden by Japan, but could the crimes they committed be hidden and covered up? The Chinese judges of the International Tribunal for the Far East found them in the file, how could they escape by committing animalistic acts, and directly demanded the arrest of the two.

Those two game killers in the history books, do you know what happened to them later?

In the end, the two Japanese war criminals were approved for arrest and extradited to China for trial, and the trial result was over, but unfortunately, the two men were sentenced to the easiest death and were executed at the Yuhuatai Execution Ground in Nanjing, ending their criminal lives.

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