
The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

On the morning of January 14, the theme forum activity of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde, Fujian Province.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

From left: Feng Qiqi, Wu Xiaohua, Li Yan, Liu Tianjin, Chen Jiawei, Xia Meng, Tian Miao

The forum was presided over by Chen Jiawei, vice chairman of Fujian Provincial Radio, Film and Television Group, Liu Tianjin, secretary of the Party Committee of China Agricultural Film and Television Center, Li Yan, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Ningde Municipal Committee and director of propaganda, Wu Xiaohua, deputy director of the Propaganda and Education Center of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau, Wang Jun, deputy director of the Large-scale Activities Department of the China Television Association, Xia Meng, a famous documentary director of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, Tian Miao, deputy research librarian of the Ministry of Social Education of the National Library of China and deputy director of the China Memory Project Center. Feng Qiqi, head of the special program department of the Agricultural and Rural Program Center of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, attended the forum.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Connect with Yang Chenghu, deputy dean of the School of Arts and Media of Beijing Normal University

Affected by the epidemic, Yang Chenghu, deputy dean of the School of Arts and Media of Beijing Normal University, He Suliu, deputy dean of the School of Television of the Communication University of China and director of the China Documentary Research Center, and Dai Qing, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Drama, Film and Television of the Communication University of China, participated in the on-site connection.

These well-known experts, scholars, and influential film and television practitioners made keynote speeches on the topic of "How to Tell Chinese Stories Well in the New Era Documentary", and conducted in-depth discussions with the leaders of the main organizers present, the 15th Xiaokang TV Program Project and the Creative Representatives of the New Era Xiaokang Documentary Video Collection Activity.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

"The people are always the protagonists!"

China has achieved the first centenary goal, built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and is moving toward the second centenary goal of comprehensively building a socialist modern power, and in this great process, documentary images have played and will continue to play an important role. A total of 380 outstanding documentary video works with a total duration of more than 20,000 minutes were collected, and 20 works were finally included in the collection of the National Library of China, forming a national video chronicle of the struggle of the well-off.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Tian Miao, deputy research librarian of the Ministry of Social Education of the National Library of China and deputy director of the China Memory Project Center

In the process of solicitation, the works focus on the documentary narrative characteristics and unique aesthetic style of the well-off video in the new era.

Tian Miao, deputy research librarian of the Ministry of Social Education of the National Library of China and deputy director of the China Memory Project Center, said: "It is precisely because of the recording tradition passed down from generation to generation that the Chinese civilization can continue to have a 5,000-year context, compared with the past knife carving, we can now record history in more detail and vividly through images and various new scientific and technological means." ”

From the works collected this time, we can see that contemporary creators focus more on the ordinary people, here are the village secretaries who measure the landscape with their feet; there are farmers who run around to sell agricultural products; there are students who hold tickets in their hands and are admitted to college; and young people who carry backpacks and return to their hometowns to start a business... Each of them is seriously paying for life, which also reflects the great progress of our country's humanistic care.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

He Suliu, deputy dean of the School of Television of the Communication University of China and director of the China Documentary Research Center

In the new era, the well-off video recording uses more accompanying and experiential recording techniques, starting from the perspective of the first person to experience the real life under the change of the times.

"In the well-off documentary video, the people are always the protagonists, everyone records, records everyone, we have to use life to record another life." This is vividly reflected in the works in this collection. He Suliu, deputy dean of the School of Television at the Communication University of China and director of the China Documentary Research Center, was very pleased with this.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

From left: Chen Jiawei, Xia Meng, Tian Miao, Feng Qiqi

"Mountains and Seas": Respect and compassion for ordinary people

In addition to the documentary works that participated in the collection, there were also many excellent works in the 15th Well-off TV Program Project Selection Activity that left a deep impression on everyone. For example, in 2021, the "phenomenon-level" well-off theme TV series "Mountains and Seas", Dai Qing, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Drama, Film and Television of communication university of China, commented that its benchmarking status is obvious to all, and the poverty alleviation story constructed has a sense of history and depth that is rare in other works of the same type.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Dai Qing, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Drama, Film and Television of communication university of China

In her view, the protagonists of this drama are ordinary people without the aura of the protagonist, and the respect and compassion of the main creative team for ordinary people make the audience deeply feel the great changes brought by poverty alleviation and rural revitalization to the lives of every ordinary peasant, so it can not only trigger the enthusiasm of rural audiences, but also stimulate the empathy of urban audiences; and the "grounding gas" of character images, behaviors and the use of dialects in the play also sweep away the so-called filter image style that is currently flooded. It has a positive aesthetic demonstration significance for the creation of realistic TV dramas in the future.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Measure the earth with your feet and record the times with images

Chen Jiawei, host of the forum and vice chairman of Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group, said that after the comprehensive victory in poverty alleviation, the video record in the new era needs to pay attention to rural revitalization and common prosperity. Regarding how to show the style of rural revitalization in the new era, Xia Meng took the creation of "Mountains and Rivers Years" as an example, from the founding of the Communist Party of China to the centuries-old glory years, "Mountains and Rivers Years" went deep into cities and villages, into the most remote areas, recording the lives, feelings, difficulties and achievements of ordinary people, measuring the earth with footsteps, and recording the times with images.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

He also revealed that the new work planned for shooting in 2022 will show the great changes that have taken place in China after a century of wind and rain in China recorded by Western missionaries 100 years ago.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Xia Meng, a well-known documentary director of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, was interviewed by the media

Feng Qiqi, head of the special program department of the Agricultural and Rural Program Center of the Central Radio and Television General Station, said that the "Rural Revitalization Observer" project launched by the Agricultural and Rural Program Center of the Central Radio and Television General Station this year is precisely to call on more people to tell the story of rural revitalization together.

She hopes that this project will become a platform for connecting rural revitalization resources in the future, docking and integrating the resources of experts on the three rural issues and relevant parties, and jointly doing more valuable things for rural revitalization, even if some methods look "stupid" and invest huge manpower and material resources, "but someone must pay affection to do it, only when the kung fu arrives, there will be a more wonderful presentation." ”

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Feng Qiqi, head of the special program department of the Agricultural and Rural Program Center of the Central Radio and Television Corporation

National Records, International Perspectives

Yang Chenghu, deputy dean of the School of Arts and Media at Beijing Normal University, also believes that in the Internet era, national records are constituting a new form of documentary image creation. The interaction between professional records and social records will become more and more vivid in the future, which is also an incentive for documentary video practitioners.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Tian Miao, deputy research librarian of the Ministry of Social Education of the National Library of China and deputy director of the China Memory Project Center, delivered a speech

While telling Chinese stories well in the new era, documentary video workers also need to have an international perspective. Tian Miao pointed out that the record of the process of the millennium long-cherished wish and the century-old struggle is not only left to China, but also to the world; while we pay attention to ourselves, we must also pay attention to other countries and cultures in the world, hoping that in the future, not only foreign directors will come to China to shoot, but more Chinese directors will go out.

Xia Meng, who has previously filmed a documentary on the growth of Namibia, a young African country, said that the next step is to turn his attention to Rwanda, a country that has experienced genocide, learning from China's experience, after more than 20 years of development, it is now one of the most stable countries in Africa.

The theme forum of "Telling the Story of Well-off And Recording the Storms of the Times" was held in Ningde

Representatives of creators participating in the forum are taking note

No matter in which country and culture, audio-visual documents and written records, historical relics and intangible cultural heritage have equal importance, and have vivid and intuitive incomparable other forms. In order to record the different characteristics of different eras, documentaries are always racing against time and always on the road, which is the mission and responsibility of documentary video workers. Experts said that the "new era of well-off documentary video collection activities" is not the end, but a new starting point; young people are the inheritors and practitioners of the future, hoping that more young practitioners will be active on the road of rural revitalization, record and disseminate the Concept of Chinese-style Life and Chinese Culture, base themselves on the whole country and look to the future, let the documentary images be closely linked with national policies, people's ideals, and personal sentiments, and show the spiritual outlook of the Chinese people to work hard and strive for self-improvement.

Edit | Weng Xiang

Editor-in-Chief | Wei Bennie

Producer | Lin Ling

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