
"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

On the evening of February 4, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was held. After the opening ceremony, the brand IP program of the Agricultural and Rural Program Center of the Central Radio and Television Corporation was "Year of Painting · Episode 5 of "YinHu Sending Blessings" was broadcast, showing the "Frozen" that combines traditional Chinese New Year paintings with the modern Winter Olympics. In the program, Nanjing cultural celebrity and visual designer Su Taixi showed the "New Year Painting" he was invited to create to help the Winter Olympics.

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

Helping the Winter Olympics, Ryo Takeuchi meets "Grandpa Tutu"

"Round head, big ears, clumsy hands and feet, running like a top ..." Remember the classic cartoon Big Ears Tutu? Su Tae-hee is the stylist of the character of Big Ear Tutu, that is, "Tutu Grandpa". This time, his work for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is based on Tutu as the protagonist.

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

"Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms." The New Year paintings, all-encompassing, depict the Chinese's outlook for a better life with simple lines and thick colors. "New Year Painting Year · The fifth episode of "Yinhu Sending Blessings" is directed by Japanese documentary filmmaker Ryo Takeuchi, who visits the "God of New Year Paintings" hidden in four cities: Zhangjiakou in Hebei, Nanjing in Jiangsu, Yangjiang in Guangdong, and Hangzhou in Zhejiang, showing the New Year paintings created for the Beijing Winter Olympics from the perspective of foreigners.

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

△ "Skiing Tutu for the Winter Olympics"

Among them, "Skiing Tutu For the Winter Olympics" is the work of Su Tae-hee. The picture in the picture is dressed in a ski suit, full of energy, and his hands give a thumbs up. The bright yellow tiger head hat on his head is particularly eye-catching, and the "Olympic Rings" outline the facial features of the tiger, cleverly integrating Olympic elements into it.

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

Are these cute paintings, which are far from traditional culture, really New Year paintings?" In the program, Takeuchi Ryo had this question after watching many of Su Taixi's New Year paintings. Su Taixi explained: "New Year paintings, from the name can be seen that it is the New Year's Time, the farmers are idle, the new year is about to start, people have to change a new batch of favorite paintings to celebrate the New Year, so the New Year painting is this kind of painting that serves the New Year. As for the content of the painting, Su Taixi said: "Blessing the New Year's painting, anything can be done, as long as everyone is happy in their hearts, so it is relatively free in Chinese painting." "

Festive and fashionable, hidden in the Nanjing subway station

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

In order to better answer Takeuchi's question, Su Taixi took him to the Nanjing Sanshan Street subway station. Here, there is a mural "Lanterns in Qinhuai" created by Su Taixi, which shows the grand scene of the lantern festival of the Confucius Temple on the banks of the Qinhuai River, which is lively and festive.

"The archway of the Tianxia Shu and the most common horse head wall in Jiangnan houses let everyone know at a glance that it is the Confucius Temple in Nanjing, and not other places." At the shooting scene, Su Taixi recalled the creative story behind "Lantern QinHuai". He told the Modern Express reporter that at that time, the pencil draft and the color draft each drew five drafts, "There are so many people in the painting, and all of them are children, how can they paint their faces to look different?" Still have to use some brains. So, I drew some of the children in the house and designed different clothes for them. "

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

The reporter noticed that in the crowded subway station, the national tide style of "Lantern Qinhuai" attracted many young people to stop, they posed in various poses, and interacted with the murals for photos. This made Su Tae-hee very happy. "Murals are a very traditional way of visual communication in our country, and they are very suitable for public space."

In addition, the mural "Spring Festival" in Nanjing Daxinggong Subway Station and the "Lantern Festival" in Yuantong Subway Station are also from the hands of Su Taixi.

The design should be "rooted modern" and let the tradition live in the present

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

In addition to being a master in the field of book binding design, Su Taixi is also proficient in calligraphy, painting, seal engraving, murals, animation, post-Ming style furniture design and other fields, and has won the honor of the second "Nanjing Cultural Celebrity".

"Modern with roots" is a design idea proposed by Su Tae-hee. Although he is nearly eighty years old, he still maintains a strong creative force, upgrading and transforming traditional culture and sniping at the aesthetics of the current people. It is very important to reproduce the good traditions of the past, and we must affirm this first. But if you just stay at this step, it is not enough, you must let the tradition live in the present, otherwise it will become a dead thing, which is not interesting. "

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

△ "Peace in the Year of the Tiger"

In order to welcome the Year of the Tiger, Su Tae-hee created the latest series of New Year paintings of "Fu Hu New Year", a total of 10 paintings. Among them, there are 3 pictures with Tutu as the protagonist, in addition to "Skiing Tutu To Welcome the Winter Olympics", there are also "Year of the Tiger Peace" and "Blessing Space Heroes". Keeping the animation star, Tutu, busy, is a great trick for Su Tae-hee to attract young people.

"Big Ear Tutu" became a tiger baby to help the Winter Olympics, and Modern Express interviewed "Tutu Grandpa" Su Taixi to reveal the secret

△ "Blessing Space Hero"

In Su Taixi's view, in order to make excellent traditions live in the present, it is necessary to associate them with the current life, "and the visual and psychological aspects of people's taste and aesthetics will be loved by young people." (Some images courtesy of respondents)

Modern Express + Reporter Zheng Wenjing Li Ming Li Yisu / Wen Gu Wei Gu Wen / Photo

(Edited by Wang Peng)

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