
The first step in impacting high-end gear! Exposed Redmi K50 universe has an off-screen fingerprint version

According to previous news, the first model of the Redmi K50 universe will be officially released in the next year, and it will be a Snapdragon 8 e-sports mobile phone that focuses on the game experience.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to this mobile phone, there are also a number of models in the Redmi K50 universe, including the genuine version of K50, K50 Pro, K50 Pro+, and will also launch an unprecedented new series, after the revelation that the series is even expected to impact a higher price segment.

Today, a well-known exposé blogger has brought relevant information, he revealed that the K50 e-sports version and the genuine model will use OLED+ side fingerprint recognition scheme, the cost is lower, can be more prominent cost-effective.

It is worth mentioning that he also revealed that in addition to these models, the follow-up K50 series also has a model equipped with fingerprint recognition under the screen, which is also the first time that Redmi will return to the fingerprint under the screen after the K20 series.

Based on the current news, this mobile phone equipped with fingerprints under the screen is likely to be the high-end price version that was previously exposed, which is more comprehensive in configuration, and even the image part that has always been relatively short will be supplemented.

The first step in impacting high-end gear! Exposed Redmi K50 universe has an off-screen fingerprint version

In addition, it has also been revealed that the high-end price version of the K50 universe may be equipped with a 2K flexible screen for the first time, plus a 120HZ high brush, which should bring a very good experience.

More importantly, from the perspective of several Snapdragon 8 flagships that have been released so far, the current LTPO 2.0 technology has been popularized among major manufacturers, and as a high-end version of K50, the machine is likely to be equipped with this technology, and is expected to become the lowest price, which is very worth looking forward to.

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