
D.H.APP_Horoscope of January 15, 2022


If you don't have what you need to start a new project, why bother? If you can only get to this point, isn't that a waste of your precious time? Not exactly – not this time, Aries. If you start doing something that lacks resources or help you need, you may find that if you at least take the steps you can take, then what you need will come true. If you start sincerely, you may find unexpected resources, guidance, and help.


A crowded wardrobe may not have room for the nice new sweater you just bought. Or your cluttered garage may not have room for the new lawn mower you need to store. When we have too many things, we may not have the space to add anything new. The same goes for our emotional lives, Taurus. If you're holding negative emotions or memories right now, you need to let them go. When you do, you may be surprised that something wonderful will soon appear to fill the space.


If a lot of people have been criticizing you lately for what you want to do, you might as well stop criticizing yourself. After all, why add to the chorus of negative voices? Obviously, you've made your choice because that's what you want. It shouldn't matter what other people think. But if you add to the negative atmosphere because of uncertainty, then this needs to be noted, Gemini. Find the answers you need deep down. If you decide to move on, give yourself a well-deserved compliment.


Highly creative people tend to have quirks, moods and emotional ups and downs. They can sometimes have difficulty working with or getting along with people. But there is balance in everything. Although there may be any difficulties in dealing with a creative person, they can be so interesting that they make up for it in other ways. Someone you know may be causing you that kind of trouble right now. But aren't they also very special? Maybe they're ostentatious and dramatic, or maybe their work is so engaging that it can be made up. If it affects you, try to see it that way.


While sometimes you can judge a book by its cover, you can't always evaluate how the new year will evolve based on what happened in the first few weeks. Leo, you may have started 2022 in a whimper, but there's no reason it can't move forward in an explosive way. In fact, good luck is now blazing a trail for you. Be brave, be bold – this is natural for you – but also be wise and careful. If you adopt these considerations, things will soon pick you up significantly.


If all eyes are on you right now, Virgo, it's not because you're weird or unsociable. It's because you're dazzling, you're prominent. If you need to be reminded, that's a good thing. While it's true that you lean toward the traditional side, and you don't like any form of public display, your talent is now speaking out loud, which is attracting influencers to your side. While being so conspicuous may be a little uncomfortable, it's a means to an end that you'll get used to!


When you have something you want to keep, it's natural to cling to it. But sometimes, Libra, the best way to keep what you want is to be calm. If you push too hard, you may drive away what you want, or you may create fear within yourself that it will somehow escape from you. This can lead to negative energy and will only increase your fears. In your life, there are some new things you wish to keep. Hold it gently. And choose to believe that if it's best for you, then it will be.


Scorpio, what you discover today may be of much greater value than you suspect. It could be that you don't notice its value because it's not what you're looking for. You may ignore it because it doesn't fit your plan. Keep an open mind today to explore what you've found because you're entering a richer phase with good luck on many levels. Don't limit yourself to what seems obvious. You may find something much bigger than you have in mind.


If you meet a man today who has a wealth of charm and skill, be careful. Their charm may upset you, whether in love or otherwise. If they have something to sell or want to convince you, it's not a warning about unfairness. It's more about reminding you that you might be shaken by all the magic. Before you make any commitments today, Sagittarius, make sure you're attracted to what you're going to get, not just what you're selling.


It is only a real risk if it is likely to lose more than you are willing to lose. Still, the sound of the word alone is enough to scare some people away from chance. If you're now considering an opportunity that involves some level of risk, then you need to assess how much more you crave what you want than it might cost. If it's not big, it's a risk. But if your desires are greater, Capricorn, is the risk aspect all the heavy price to pay for the opportunity?


If you're a cake,pudding or any type of sweet tooth, you might be looking forward to having dessert after a hearty dinner. But what if you go to a restaurant that doesn't have dessert on its menu? The meal you eat may fill you up and satisfy your hunger, but even so, without that dessert, you may still feel like something is missing. In life, if you are unbalanced with what you need and what you want, it becomes dull and passionless. If you're feeling sleepy right now, Aquarius, you might be surprised that some small pleasures can lift your spirits and inspire you again.


If you can't communicate with someone, it's probably because they're not in your wavelength range. It could also be that they are not as creative as you are at all. While you feel comfortable and good at dealing with metaphors and colorful expressions, not everyone has this talent. If you find a message getting disorganized, or someone is frustrated in communicating with you, dear Pisces, try to adjust your approach. Speak clearly and simply. Ask questions to clarify that you are understood.

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