
12How long can a person chase a person last?

12How long can a person chase a person last?

Love and marriage are different, most couples need to spend a long time together to be able to determine each other's intentions, whether they should stay with each other. That is to say, people can choose to give up in the process of falling in love, after all, there are too many reasons for the failure of love. For example, some people will give up love because of money, work, etc., and some people are just simply different and easy to fall in love with others. So how long can different zodiac signs last when they are in love?

Aries: Less than a week

Aries people are not the kind of people who are impatient and easy to give up. But if you want them to persevere, you must give them a certain hope, and only by seeing the hope of Aries can you maintain self-confidence. If they can't get positive feedback from the other person when they're pursuing a member of the opposite sex, then naturally they choose to let go. Aries is the kind of sign that is easy to fall in love with a person, but they do not have the ability to keep this love for a long time, unless the other party can respond, otherwise Aries can easily lose enthusiasm.

Taurus: More than one year

In fact, Taurus has many similarities with Aries when pursuing a lover, for example, they often have a strong utilitarian heart when choosing love, but Aries longs for the happiness brought by love, and Taurus regards love as a kind of wealth. Of course, when they think they have the opportunity to get love, then they can maintain self-confidence and an attitude of hard work, and constantly try to get the approval of the other party. But once they find that the other party does not give a chance, then Taurus will immediately give up.

Gemini: Less than a month

Unless they meet their true love, Geminis don't spend much time on a person. Love is a pastime, a pastime for them, and while it's worth trying but not being too much to give, especially when their efforts aren't rewarded, geminis will let go and turn to new goals. Therefore, Gemini can only last a month at most when pursuing a person, and if it exceeds this time, then they will see this relationship as a failure.

Cancer: Five years or so

Cancerians who are eager for love can give a lot in love, not only money but also their time. Although Cancer is not a typical kind of infatuation, desperate for love and even life can be given up, they have their own purpose is to obtain a stable married life through love, but cancer does have enough patience when in love. They are able to persevere, thinking that as long as the other person does not reject themselves then the relationship with each other is likely to go further.

Leo: Three months

Leo people are so confident at all times, they firmly believe that they can overcome all difficulties, so Leo can maintain a certain patience when pursuing love. Especially in the early stages of love, they will have a fairly positive attitude and will try to get closer to each other in different ways. But as long as Leo can't get a response from the other person, then their arrogant self-esteem forces them to be unable to move on. Because this inability to get a response is an insult in their eyes.

Virgo: Less than a week

Yes, Virgo is the most impatient sign in the pursuit of love. This does not mean that Virgo people are not attentive enough to love, and they cannot maintain an attitude of striving to love to win each other's hearts. In fact, Virgos will set a plan of belief when they are in love, they will try to understand the real thoughts of each other, and judge their success rate by estimation. Once Virgo thinks that the success rate is too low, then they will not choose to continue to pursue. Because the pursuit of love at this time is far greater than the income, which is not in line with the principle of Virgo.

Libra: About half a year

Libra, who is not particularly concerned about love, will only give himself and the other party about half a year at most when pursuing the opposite sex. Because in their opinion, it is enough to spend half the year talking about love, and the rest of the time they need to deal with their own problems, such as work problems and various chores in life, etc., as well as participating in various social activities. Although love is important, it is not the whole of Libra, so their attitude towards love is more rational.

Scorpio: One month

Scorpio gives themselves a short time to pursue love, because they don't like to do some useless work, even if the other party has a certain good feeling for themselves, but as long as the other party can't give themselves a commitment, then Scorpio will choose to give up. After all, their patience is not much, and it is easy to be consumed by the other party's non-attention and non-responsive attitude. Once Scorpio loses faith, it means that the love is over.

Sagittarius: Two months

Sagittarius who like to travel around is difficult to take a lot of time to deal with love, unless the other party can go forward with themselves and deepen each other's feelings in the process of traveling, otherwise they can only spend about two months for love at most, because the time for them to rest is at most two months, and when the time comes, they will make the next trip.

Capricorn: Five years or so

Although Capricorn is a person who values career far more than love, their patience for love is actually very sufficient, which may also be because their attitude towards love is not correct enough, resulting in a very slow progression of love between the two sides. But even so Capricorns will not easily choose to change their goals, after all, this will only delay their time. Especially when the other party can show good feelings for Capricorn, their attachment to love will increase again.

Aquarius: More than two months

It's not just a time for Aquarius to pursue each other, it's also a time for them to test or understand each other. After all, Aquarius is not the kind of sign that can accept others into their lives at will. Although their love is too right, although it is more casual, they are very serious when choosing a love partner. The reason is that Aquarius hates that love affects their lives. They need a lover who, like themselves, can give each other a certain amount of personal space.

Pisces: About half a year

Even if Pisces has a very strong desire to fall in love, the patience they give to love is not particularly sufficient, after all, they value love itself, not the process of pursuing love. However, most Pisces have a good attitude towards love, as long as the two parties have a good feeling for each other, then they can determine the relationship in a short period of time.

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