
Popularization of knowledge about pregnancy and pregnancy in female dogs

Once the female dog becomes pregnant, the dog owner notices a lot of things. Therefore, as an attentive owner, it is important to find out whether the dog is pregnant as soon as possible. However, it seems difficult to tell whether your dog is pregnant, because the biggest difference between dogs and humans is that dogs can also be fake pregnancies.

Popularization of knowledge about pregnancy and pregnancy in female dogs

Popularization of knowledge about pregnancy and pregnancy in female dogs

We introduce some signs of dog pregnancy and some precautions during pregnancy.

Signs of a female dog becoming pregnant appear about a week after mating. In the third or fourth weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women will vomit, loss of appetite and other pregnancy reactions, when pregnant to 20 to 30 days, the pregnant dog's pussy will contract rapidly, the nipple is peachy, the conceived female dog in the fourth week after mating with her hand touched the uterus location, you can feel the embryo.

Popularization of knowledge about pregnancy and pregnancy in female dogs

In the case of not being able to judge well whether the dog is really pregnant or fake pregnant, it is best to take the dog to the hospital to do B ultrasound, see if there is a puppy in the womb of the female dog, the price of B ultrasound is generally not high, so that we can also determine whether the dog is really pregnant, so that we can make the next step of the nursing plan.

During this time, the confirmed pregnancy of the female dog is usually slow to move, at this time, the dog owner must give the female dog appropriate outdoor activities, let the female dog more sun, proper exercise every day is the best way to prevent dystocia, but absolutely do not allow the female dog to run, jump, go up the stairs or fight with other dogs, etc., so as to avoid the female dog miscarriage. The female dog should do a good job of deworming about 30 days of pregnancy to avoid infecting the fetus, but do not overfeed the deworming drug to avoid miscarriage.

Nutrition during pregnancy is very important for female dogs, and it has a decisive effect on the health of female dogs, ensuring the normal development of fetal dogs, preventing miscarriage and milk production of female dogs. The protein content in dog food should be increased during this period. Pregnant female dogs in the early stages of pregnancy (about 35 days), can be raised according to the original breeding method, can be in 35 to 42 days, 42 to 49 days, 49 to 60 days, feed should be on the original basis should be increased by 10%, 20%, 30% protein content, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, pay attention to the addition of some easy to digest, high protein, vitamin-rich dog food.

Popularization of knowledge about pregnancy and pregnancy in female dogs

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