
Tianjin reported 142 confirmed cases, the source of infection is unknown, and there is cross-school transmission and community transmission

Source: Health Times reporter Wang Zhenya

As of 00:00 on January 14, Tianjin has reported 142 confirmed cases and details of 120 positive infected people have been announced. The health times combed the published data and found that from January 8 to now, in just 6 days, 53 students in 8 schools in Tianjin have been infected with the new crown. This round of communication has seen large-scale community communication and campus communication. On January 9, five districts in Tianjin issued notices of suspension of classes and holidays.

Tianjin reported 142 confirmed cases, the source of infection is unknown, and there is cross-school transmission and community transmission

Who is Patient Zero? The source of the infection is unknown

In the early morning of January 6, the 29-year-old Lin Jin Garden care class appeared, chilling, coughing up phlegm, runny nose, self-measured body temperature up to 36.9 ° C, and did not have fever symptoms. However, on January 7, she still went to Jinnan Hospital to test for nucleic acid, and in the early morning of the 8th, the nucleic acid test result of the new crown virus was positive, that is, she was transferred to Haihe Hospital by 120 ambulance for treatment.

On January 7, a 10-year-old student of Xianshuigu No. 7 Primary School went to the fever clinic for medical treatment, and in the early morning of the 8th, his nucleic acid result was positive. The response speed of this round of tianjin epidemic prevention and control is still very fast, there were 2 cases of positive infection on January 8, and its close contacts carried out nucleic acid for the first time, and on January 8, nucleic acid was screened out, and 18 positive infected people were all close contacts of positive cases No. 1 and No. 2, and many patients did not have any onset when they were found.

How was case 1 and 2 infected with the virus? What are the intersections? From the trajectory of both activities, neither left Tianjin in the 14 days before the onset of illness, and the parents of case 2 did not leave Tianjin within 14 days. Cases 1 and 2 did not intersect from the trajectory.

The investigation by disease control personnel found that the current round of epidemic in Tianjin was triggered by the mutant strain of Aomi Kerong. However, who is "patient zero", how cases 1 and 2 are infected with the Omicron virus, and the source of infection are not clear.

On January 8, at the press conference on the epidemic in Tianjin, Zhang Ying, deputy director of the Tianjin Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that from the perspective of the relationship between the cases and the chain of transmission, the 20 cases have been spread for at least three generations, and although the epidemic was only discovered, it may have been continuously spread in the community for a period of time.

The chain of transmission is clear, and there is cross-school transmission

The initial outbreak mainly occurred in two primary schools: Gaozhuangzi Primary School and Xianshuigu No. 7 Middle School, and the students of the two schools, the common intersection is the Lin Jin Garden Custody Class, which is also the unit where Case 1 is located, and the intersection of Case 1 and Case 2 is also here. Case 1 is a staff member of the custody class, while some students attend classes in the nursery class at The No. 7 Middle School where case 2 is located.

In addition, there are students from Gaozhuangzi Primary School and Xianshuigu No. 7 Middle School in the custody class of Lin Jin Garden, and the virus has spread across schools. According to the published epidemic data, the Health Times reporter found that as of January 13, 23 students in Gaozhuangzi Primary School had been infected with the new crown, and 21 students had been infected in Xianshuigu No. 7 Middle School.

In addition, the positive infected people 4 and 5 are students of Xinzhuang Middle School, but they are also students of Lin Jin Garden's custody class, and the virus chain extends to Xinzhuang Middle School, as of January 13, 4 students of Xinzhuang Middle School have been infected with new crown. In addition to the students, the new crown virus has spread to the parents of the students, and the positive cases 10, 11, 12 and 13 are the parents of the nursery school where case 1 is located.

As of January 13, five more schools have found positive cases, namely: Lin JinXueZhifu Kindergarten, Baitangkou Primary School students, Xianshuigu No. 6 Middle School students, Xianshuigu No. 4 Middle School students, and Xiaozhan No. 1 Middle School.

"Aomi Kerong is more contagious than the previous Delta, and the current epidemic in Tianjin is also manifested in the high proportion of young infected groups such as primary and secondary school students." Academician Zhang Boli told the Health Times reporter that from the current epidemic investigation in Tianjin, it was found that the infection of the Aomi Kerong mutant strain has a significant trend of younger age, while the vaccination rate of children and adolescents is relatively low, and the awareness of active medical treatment is not strong, which is the weak link in the prevention and control of the epidemic and should be highly concerned.

On January 9, Tianjin Binhai New Area, Hedong District, Hebei District, Baodi District, Jizhou District and other 5 districts issued a notice that primary and secondary schools, vocational schools, resident colleges and universities, public parks, private parks, and private kindergartens will suspend all education and teaching activities, the school kindergarten kindergarten nursery point is closed and managed, teachers and students live in home schools, participate in nucleic acid testing and screening organized by the territory, and the resumption time of classes will be notified separately.

There is community transmission, and the wet market becomes a spatial-temporal intersection area for infected people

Community transmission is also an important part of the adult transmission chain in this Tianjin epidemic. The custodian of positive case 1 is located in Lin Kam Garden, and according to nucleic acid screening, 9 residents of Lim Kam Garden Community have been infected, 5 residents near Lin Kam Garden Community have been infected, and 13 community nucleic acid screenings have found infected people.

Judging from the activity trajectory of the residents of Lin Jin Garden, the life trajectory of some people is circled in the supermarkets and vegetable market activities near the community, and they have not been to other places to contact other people, and it is obvious that the transmission chain is unfolding in Lin Jin Garden, and the communication chain is still extending.

Because many infected people in Lin Kam Garden have attended funerals and gone to The Tai Hong Kong Funeral Home. The positive infected person 47 and 48 were infected at the intersection of time and space with the infected person in the funeral home.

Judging from the details of the 120 cases of infected people that have been announced so far, most of the infected people are close contacts, sealed community screeners, and key population screeners. However, there was still cross-regional transmission, with 83 cases and 102 cases of positive infection, all of which were found in nucleic acid screening in fever clinics.

The first round of nucleic acid screening of all employees in Tianjin began at 7 o'clock on January 9, and a total of 12.523 million people sampled have all completed nucleic acid testing and detected 77 positive cases. The second round of nucleic acid screening of all employees in Tianjin began at 12:00 on January 12, and a total of 44 cases of positive infection were detected, of which 32 cases were from centralized isolation points and 12 cases were from the epidemic containment and control area.

Tianjin reported 142 confirmed cases, the source of infection is unknown, and there is cross-school transmission and community transmission

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