
5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

author:The demon walks at night and feeds on light

Is it really natural for girls to love snacks? Every time I chase a drama while surfing the Internet, I always have to put a variety of dried fruits, biscuits, coffee, drinks and other snacks at hand, and I feel that this is the only way to be at ease and complete. On the 30th day of staying at home, the snacks hoarded were eaten, and the only things that could be eaten were dates, walnuts and peanuts, although eating was really good for the body, but the old eating was also tired.

Originally wanted to buy some snacks as a supplement, but now to buy something to go to the door of the community to get, and it is easy to cause gathering, simply endure and do not buy. The home to fry peanuts, eat a few next wine every day, but a beautiful afternoon, watching the sun projected from the floor-to-ceiling window, I thought a little dessert, how good the biscuits are, and the beautiful afternoon tea emerged.

Thinking that the low-gluten flour I bought before will expire in February, now that I can't waste ingredients in an extraordinary period, I can simply turn it over and make some small cookies. The method of making this walnut crisp today is particularly simple, the required ingredients are also available at home, and there is no butter, no need to send, and it is healthier than cookies. Let's talk about my family's approach.

5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

【Walnut crisp】

Ingredients: 225 g low gluten flour, 45 g cooking oil, 15 g sugar, 1 g salt, 2 eggs, 2 g baking soda, 5 walnuts, 55 g milk, cooked black sesame seeds to taste


5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

1, 5 walnuts peel off the walnut kernels, chop and set aside; put 45 grams of cooking oil in the mixing bowl, add 15 grams of sugar, 1 gram of salt, beat 1 egg and mix well;

5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

2, mix 225 grams of low gluten flour and 2 grams of baking soda, sift into a mixing bowl, mix well and add walnuts;

5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

3, in the mixing bowl several times pour milk, all the ingredients and into a dough, do not have to be very smooth;

5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

4: Divide the dough into equal parts, then roll into small balls and place them on a baking sheet lined with oil paper;

5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:
5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

5: Use the tiger mouth position of the palm of the hand to flatten the small ball, brush a layer of egg liquid on the surface, sprinkle with black sesame seeds, put the baking tray into the preheated oven, bake at 180 degrees above and below for 20 minutes, take it out and let it cool to eat.

5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

Such a plate of delicious and crispy walnut crisp is ready, because the sugar and oil are less than the actual recipe, so it is not sweet and greasy and does not have a hand of oil, but it is really delicious, and with a cup of avocado fruit pastry, it is a healthy afternoon tea.

5 walnuts, 1 bowl of flour, 1 egg, a simple kneading, 20 minutes to make healthy cookie tips:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > tips:</h1>

1, when the small ball is flattened, do not push too hard, otherwise it is easy to disperse;

2, if the small round ball is relatively flat and thin, the baking time can be shorter, about 15 minutes, if it is as thick as my one, it will take a little more time;

3, the size of the small ball can be based on the size of their own baking plate, in addition to the time and temperature of the oven are different, time and temperature according to their own oven temper, color satisfaction is almost the same.

Demon night feeding light, kitchen white, with the most common ingredients, the most simple methods, the most ordinary collocation, restore the warmest taste of home cooking, carefully make every meal, cherish every good meal time. I hope to share my experience in cooking and cooking with you, and if you like it, just pay attention to me!

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