
May to June walnut tree moisture management

author:Seed bank app

Seasonal features

May ~ June is generally high temperature and little rain, and this period is the stage of rapid growth and flowering of walnut trees and fruit development, which requires a lot of water and should be replenished by irrigation. The period and frequency of irrigation depend on the climatic conditions, the amount of soil moisture, and the growth of walnut trees. The irrigation method should also be watered, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, etc. according to the local water source conditions and equipment.

May to June walnut tree moisture management

Irrigation time

Irrigation 1~3 times of water during summer drought is very important for walnut growth and development. After walnut flowering and before flower bud differentiation, that is, around June, after the female flower is fertilized, the fruit enters the rapid phase, and the growth accounts for about 80% of the annual growth. By late June, the female flower buds begin to differentiate, and this period requires a large supply of nutrients and water, and should be permeated once to ensure that the nucleoli are full. In June, walnuts need a lot of water supply during the hard core period, and generally require irrigation 1~2 times a month in the summer dry season, more irrigation for young trees, and less irrigation for trees in the full fruit period.

May to June walnut tree moisture management

Pay attention to drainage

In areas that are prone to water accumulation and the groundwater level is too high, it is necessary to pay attention to the drainage work, mainly by digging drainage ditches for drainage, and mechanical drainage can also be used for temporary local water accumulation, and to reduce the water level, it is necessary to dig a drainage ditch 1.5 meters deep or build terraces during land preparation to reduce the water level.

May to June walnut tree moisture management

In May and June, the water management of walnut trees is introduced here, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield walnut trees, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent walnut tree varieties are available for everyone to choose.

May to June walnut tree moisture management

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