
How to choose high-quality walnuts? Veteran players share their own cheats

author:Mo Xuanwen plays

After thousands of years of inheritance and precipitation, Walnut is still an indispensable member of the entertainment circle. It is not only a toy, but also a carrier of culture and a witness of history. Whenever you play with walnuts in your hand, it is as if you are talking to the ancients and feeling the charm of precipitation. But in the face of the dazzling array of walnuts on the market, have you ever felt lost? Today, I, a veteran player who has been in the entertainment circle for many years, will reveal to you how to choose high-quality cultural entertainment walnuts to make your cultural entertainment road more exciting.

How to choose high-quality walnuts? Veteran players share their own cheats

First, the first acquaintance with the shape of walnuts

When we pick up a pair of walnuts, the first thing that catches our eye is its shape. The shape of walnuts not only affects our playing experience, but also directly relates to their collection value. In the world of walnuts, the shapes are ever-changing, and each shape has its own unique beauty.

  • Round walnut: It has a round feel, is easy to roll, and the plate is smooth and natural to play, which is loved by beginners.
  • Apple Orchard Walnut: The shape resembles an apple, with smooth lines, giving it a fullness and well-proportioned aesthetic.
  • Lion's head walnut: the texture is profound, the image is mighty, it is a classic work in the walnut.

And a good pair of walnuts should appear in pairs. The shape, size, and texture should be matched, so as to ensure harmony and beauty in the process of playing. Imagine the comfort and satisfaction of playing with a pair of well-shaped, textured walnuts in your hands.

How to choose high-quality walnuts? Veteran players share their own cheats

2. Cortex and density: the "skeleton" and "soul" of walnuts

If the shape is the "appearance" of the walnut, then the cortex and density are the "skeleton" and "soul" of the walnut. A good quality walnut must have a solid cortex and a tight density.

The quality of the leather is directly related to the durability and play effect of walnuts. A good leather should be hard and delicate, able to maintain its luster for a long time and not easy to wear. And the density determines the weight and feel of the walnut. A high-density walnut will have a heavy feeling when held in the hand, giving people a steady and thick beauty.

So, how to judge the cortex and density of walnuts? Here's a tip: you can tell by tapping a walnut and listening to its sound. Good quality walnuts make a crisp and melodious sound when struck, while low quality walnuts have a dull sound.

How to choose high-quality walnuts? Veteran players share their own cheats

3. The beauty of the grain: the "ID card" of walnuts

The pattern of each pair of walnuts is unique, just like a human fingerprint, which is their unique identification. The depth, direction and distribution of the grain directly affect the beauty and value of walnuts.

A good quality walnut pattern should be clear, deep, and evenly distributed. During the play, these lines will gradually become more pronounced, creating a unique toning effect. This kind of beauty that has been precipitated over time is unmatched by any artefact.

At the same time, the grain is also an important indicator to judge the ripeness of walnuts. The grain of a ripe walnut should be natural and smooth, without breaking or blurring. Therefore, when choosing walnuts, be sure to carefully observe their lines and choose those walnuts with clear and natural lines.

How to choose high-quality walnuts? Veteran players share their own cheats

4. Size and weight: the "golden ratio" of walnuts

When choosing walnuts, size and weight are also factors that cannot be ignored. A pair of walnuts of the right size and weight is not only comfortable to the touch, but also can reflect its unique charm and value.

Generally speaking, the size of walnuts should not be too large or too small, and it is better to fit the size of the palm. Although oversized walnuts look more magnificent, they will feel hand fatigue when playing for a long time; Walnuts that are too small may lack visual layering or variety.

As for weight, you should choose walnuts with a moderate density and a calm feel. Walnuts that are too light may have thin cortex or cavities inside; Walnuts that are too heavy may be too hard to produce the pulping effect.

How to choose high-quality walnuts? Veteran players share their own cheats

5. Color and luster: the "face project" of walnuts

Color and shine are important parts of a walnut's appearance. A pair of high-quality walnuts should have a natural, deep color and a moist luster.

The color of a good walnut should be a natural yellow-brown or dark brown with a uniform color. Colors that are too bright or dull can be a sign of manual processing or poor quality. At the same time, gloss is also one of the important indicators to judge the quality of walnuts. A good walnut should have a natural sheen that isn't too harsh or dull.

In order to maintain the color and gloss of walnuts, daily maintenance work is also essential. Regular cleaning of the surface of walnuts from dirt and grease, avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight or humidity, and the appropriate use of special cultural care products are all important measures to maintain the beauty of walnuts.

How to choose high-quality walnuts? Veteran players share their own cheats


Selecting high-quality walnuts is not only a manifestation of vision, but also a kind of respect and inheritance of culture. In this fast-paced era, may we all find a pair of walnuts that are in touch with our hearts and minds, and witness the flow of time and the precipitation of pulp. If you think today's content is helpful to you, you may wish to like and share it with your fellow writers! Let's feel the infinite charm and fun brought by walnuts together, and continue to move forward on the road of playing!

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