
Is "Marquis of Hanshouting" an ancient official name? Why let Guan Yu be grateful to Cao Cao

In the early years, Guan Yu followed Liu Bei and went on a campaign, and established a deep relationship with Zhang Fei and Liu Bei, and the three were brothers and sisters. Therefore, even though Cao Cao treated himself kindly, he still chose to leave Cao Cao and follow Liu Bei. After the Battle of Chibi, Guan Yu assisted Liu Bei and Zhou Yu in attacking Cao Ren, who was stationed in Nan County. After that, Liu Bei's power gradually grew, and Guan Yu remained in Jingzhou for a long time.

Is "Marquis of Hanshouting" an ancient official name? Why let Guan Yu be grateful to Cao Cao

Five years after Jian'an, Cao Cao sent Liu Dai and Wang Zhong to attack Liu Bei, but they were defeated. Therefore, Cao Cao personally led a large army to attack Liu Bei. As a result, Liu Bei was defeated and defected to Yuan Shao, while Guan Yu was captured and had no choice but to surrender. Cao Cao treated him with courtesy and appointed him as a general.

Soon, Yuan Shao sent the generals Yan Liang, Chun Yuqiong, Guo Tu, and others to attack Liu Yan, the Taishou of Dong Commandery. In this regard, Xun You suggested that the sound of the east attacking the west, light troops cover the white horse's combat strategy. Cao Cao took his advice and personally led troops to the rescue. Yan Liang was very shocked and rushed to battle. Cao Cao ordered Zhang Liao and Guan Yu to strike as strikers.

Is "Marquis of Hanshouting" an ancient official name? Why let Guan Yu be grateful to Cao Cao

Although Guan Yu was in Cao Ying, his heart had always been in Shu Han. Guan Yu saw Yan Liang's cover, charged on horseback, and stabbed Yan Liang to death among the ten thousand troops. Then he took out his saber and cut off Yan Liang's head before returning to Cao's camp. Since none of the generals of the Yuan army could resist Guan Yu, the siege of Baima was lifted. Cao Cao made Guan Yu the Marquis of Hanshouting, and he was grateful that Cao Cao could attach so much importance to himself. So, what exactly is "Hanshou Tinghou"?

In fact, the Marquis of Hanshouting is a title, not an official title. Judging by splitting these words into "Han" and "Marquis of Shouting", Han refers to the Han Dynasty, and Marquis of Shouting is the name of Hou. Book of the Later Han Dynasty. The Five Records of the Hundred Officials records: Liehou, the great meritorious eating county, the small one eating the township, the pavilion. This means that among the marquises, those who eat in the county, township, and pavilion are called county marquis, township marquis, and pavilion marquis.

Is "Marquis of Hanshouting" an ancient official name? Why let Guan Yu be grateful to Cao Cao

During the Han Dynasty, marquises could be divided into kings, dukes, county marquises, township marquises, pavilion marquises, and Guannei marquises according to their size. The first three had fiefs, but could only benefit from them and had no right to control them. Counties, townships, and pavilions all refer to the size of the fiefdom, but also refer to the dignity and inferiority of the title, a pavilion is not more than ten miles, so the pavilion is not very large.

Is "Marquis of Hanshouting" an ancient official name? Why let Guan Yu be grateful to Cao Cao

During the Three Kingdoms period, due to the chaos of war and the chaotic situation, the title was often only his number, and there was no fiefdom. Under normal circumstances, the rewards of generals who have made military merits against each other shall be sealed with several households and shall have the right to levy taxes according to the prescribed number of households. It is worth mentioning that at that time, the names of the shu and Wu countries were sealed, and the recipients could not collect taxes, but only an honorary title, which set a precedent for future generations. In fact, Cao Cao's title of "Marquis of Hanshouting" to Guan Yu was only an honorary title, but Guan Yu was still very grateful to Cao Cao for his appreciation and appreciation.

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