
The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

Twentieth-century postmodern literature has an important genre, the absurd, which reflects the imbalance between man and the environment and expresses serious themes in comedy. contemporary

Chinese society has also staged an absurd and absurd drama - the truth of heroes

。 During the turbulent period of the 1960s, there was also a hero in China's Gansu Province.

He was the people's hero liu xuebao, who was published in the People's Liberation Army Daily and written into textbooks. As a soldier, he was the deputy squad leader and a hero who fought against counter-revolutionary groups and risked his life to save the bridge.

The heroic deeds were passed down for 18 years, until 1978, when the disguise was torn off, the original "hero" was actually a murderer, and after the truth was made public, what was the result?

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

First, the hero does not ask the source

Since ancient times, there have been many heroes in Chinese history, and the call that "the prince will have a kind of peace" has been widely circulated, and it is a common practice in history that heroes do not ask the source.

As long as the situation creates a hero, no matter whether the hero is born, as long as he has made meritorious achievements or seen the courage of righteousness, he can shake his arms and win the hearts of the people, so there is a leap from the bottom to the upper level.

The term "hero" in ancient times mostly referred to military generals, but in contemporary times it is also more inclined to describe those who see bravery or soldiers. Even small people struggling on the line of subsistence in the quagmire, or ordinary people with moral flaws, or even evil people who do evil deeds, can aim at the opportunity.

"World War I fame", "hero" can be a lot of moisture.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

This kind of promotion channel is good, and the realization of class leaps is only in the blink of an eye, but not understanding the bottom details means that the judgment is not rigorous.

Imprecise may lead to credulity and partiality, credulous trust in gentlemen is nothing, credulous trust in villains but endless troubles

The story behind the hero, like a time bomb, may explode a big thunder one day.

The heroic soldiers who made meritorious contributions to the country in ancient times may be unscrupulous courtiers and thieves who want to change the dynasty, heroes who risk their lives to rescue bridges and arrest counter-revolutionaries, or murderers who mutilate others for their own selfish desires.

Heroes, with a unified appearance, but imply different connotations.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

Although ancient history is considerable, it is too far away, and the bloody history of the contemporary era has once again sounded the alarm bell, guarding against the narrow-minded villains who "dedicate themselves to the country" and "serve the people".

The contemporary "hero" who rescued the bridge is Liu Xuebao, who has been sought after for 18 years.

Liu Xuebao is a deputy squad leader of a unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and the unit took root in Gansu during a turbulent period, and the story takes place in a small village in Gansu. An explosion occurred on a village bridge, and the people rushed to hear the news,

Liu Xuebao was covered in blood, but he shouted to catch Li Shibai, a counter-revolutionary who blew up the bridge.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

Li Shibai was seriously injured and died, Liu Xuebao broke his wrist and escaped, and since then Li Shibai and his family have been nailed to the pillar of shame of counter-revolution, and their family has been destroyed.

Liu Xuebao became a hero, was widely reported by the Liberation Daily, wrote in textbooks, and became famous for 18 years.

Second, the truth has surfaced

In turbulent times, the social crowd is full of emotion, and a so-called revolutionary spirit envelops the society, needing heroes and catharsis.

Liu Xuebao, with his heroic deeds, has become a household name

。 Behind the hero is Li Shibai's family tragedy, his wife was sent to the countryside, his children were persecuted for their father's grievances, but Liu Xuebao's family was smooth sailing.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

Is this really the case? Not really. This is actually a great lie. Turbulent times

After the end, the government received a number of letters, the content of which was surprisingly consistent, was the forest farm employee during the Li Shibai bridge bombing case at that time, pointing out many doubts in the case and asking the government to investigate carefully.

In the face of so many letters, the Gansu government arranged for the Lanzhou police to investigate, and finally combined with multi-party visits and field visits, they came to a conclusion:

All this is a murder case directed and performed by Liu Xuebao

。 It turned out that Liu Xuebao had secretly planned for a long time for honor and reputation, and he tricked Li Shibai into the bridge and knocked him unconscious, and Liu Xuebao took the initiative to ignite the bomb and create an explosion.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

The investigation also found that it was, in fact

Li Shibai did not die on the spot

Although his injuries were very serious, there was still room for rescue, but the people at that time were blindfolded by the title of counter-revolutionary and did not give Li Shibai good treatment.

The lack of timely rescue and the lack of follow-up treatment indirectly led to the death of Li Shibai.

Since then, the history that has been sealed for many years has been re-uncovered, and it turns out that the original name was all over the world

Liu Xuebao turned out to be a murderer who carefully planned a murder case, killed people and killed people, only to win honor and profit

, is such a person,

It was even written into textbooks as heroes.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

Third, the end of the hero

When the truth was revealed, public opinion was in an uproar, people denounced Liu Xuebao's evil deeds, and also launched a new round of discussion and reflection on the class struggle in the turbulent period.

But that period of history has been fixed, people can only go back but can not cross back, and li Shibai is innocent, and Li Shibai's family is clean.

The so-called history is created by the masses of the people, and the joint efforts of the people to promote the progress of the times always have shadows under the illumination of the light.

There are always some people who are delusional and opportunistic, who want to create something and change something by their own efforts, and who succeed in being called heroes, while those who fail are treated as chaos and pressed on the pillar of shame.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

Liu Xuebao vividly explains the end of the "hero", and the deception of the "hero" also hints at the truth of history. The truth is that history has buried too many so-called heroes' bones, and no one can correct and distinguish which one is a real hero and which one is a hypocrite.

The light of the times shines on everyone, not to refine the golden eye of fire, but at least to have the courage to expose the truth.

Unlike those awe-inspiring and righteous big husbands and true heroes who dare to be bold, people like Liu Xuebao are just little people who shrink in the shadows and fly camp dogs.

Sooner or later, the honor that has been deceived will be taken back, and stepping on the corpses of the masses to climb upwards will only fall even worse.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

After the end of the turbulent period, the people open their mouths to speak, the voice of the masses is powerful, and the eyes of the masses are shining

The good people who were classified as a counter-revolutionary group slowly surfaced, and their pain and depression were gradually diluted with the end of the turbulent period, but in that era, no one wanted to experience it again.

In the end, Liu Xuebao's true face was revealed in front of the public

The truth of Li Shibai's bridge bombing case has also surfaced, and the humiliation suffered by Li Shibai's family for 18 years has finally been washed away. And Liu Xuebao,

Sentenced to life imprisonment

His "heroic" career has finally come to an end, and he will spend the rest of his life in prison.

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

4. Summary

Art comes from reality, and reality has too many absurdities and lies.

Liu Xuebao's farce was eventually unveiled by the people, but such absurd dramas are far from stopping, because people's desires are endless.

In the era of contemporary information explosion, the moment of reading fragmentation, a large amount of information pours in, pinching the head and tail, the eye-catching headline attracts people's attention, but stop and think carefully for a few seconds,

How much truth is drowned in entertaining information, and how many lies are enshrined?

The murderous murderer who was fierce was written into the primary school textbook as a hero, and what was the result after being discovered?

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