
He was a first-class "hero" in the textbook, cheated the motherland for 18 years, and was directly sentenced to life!

He was a first-class "hero" in the textbook, cheated the motherland for 18 years, and was directly sentenced to life!

We are a civilization with a long history of five thousand years and a splendid culture; for the prosperity of the country and the nation, how many benevolent people and heroes, for the sake of the country and the people, who have spilled their heads and spilled their blood, and who have not forgotten the past; in the long river of our country's history, countless national heroes have emerged, including Huo Quyi, who "the Xiongnu have not perished, why should they be home?"; there is Yue Fei, who is loyal to the country, there is Zuo Zongtang who carries a coffin to the battlefield, and so on, they give up their small homes for everyone, and they do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the country and the nation.

He was a first-class "hero" in the textbook, cheated the motherland for 18 years, and was directly sentenced to life!

In modern times, the Chinese nation has also emerged a large number of heroes who have fought for national independence and national rejuvenation, some who have studied for the rise of the nation, and who have shed blood and sacrificed for the rejuvenation of the country, but there is such a "hero" who has been awarded first-class merit by the army for his "heroic and brilliant deeds" and who has also been written into primary school textbooks, but he deceived the country and the people for 18 years, and finally the matter was revealed, sentenced to life imprisonment, and imprisoned.

He was a first-class "hero" in the textbook, cheated the motherland for 18 years, and was directly sentenced to life!

This person's name is Liu Xuebao (it is estimated that people who are a little older still know this person's name and have read his texts) is the deputy squad leader of a certain unit of the People's Liberation Army, and his "heroic deeds" occurred in 1967, when it was said that one night a bridge on the Chase River exploded, and the personnel of the bridge left behind who heard a loud noise arrived and arrived at the scene to see Liu Xuebao, who was covered in blood on his hands.

He was a first-class "hero" in the textbook, cheated the motherland for 18 years, and was directly sentenced to life!

Liu Xuebao excitedly declared: Leave me alone! Quickly go to catch the bad guys and let them check whether there are still explosives on the bridge, and then the remaining personnel of the bridge found Li Shibai, a worker with a bloody head on the bridge, after which both were sent to the hospital for treatment, Liu Xuebao was discharged after surgery, and Li Shibai died that night because of his injuries. Liu Xuebao, who later returned to the army, was considered a revolutionary "hero" who protected the bridge from being blown up.

He was a first-class "hero" in the textbook, cheated the motherland for 18 years, and was directly sentenced to life!

Afterwards, because Liu Xuebao set an example and was widely reported, the "heroic" deeds of the "hero of the bridge protection" were widely publicized and reported, becoming a well-known "hero" at that time, and later was awarded the title of hero and first-class merit, and even received by the leader, and also promoted to an official. He reached the pinnacle of his life and career, and Li Shibai was treated as a sinner who blew up the bridge, and his children were implicated.

He was a first-class "hero" in the textbook, cheated the motherland for 18 years, and was directly sentenced to life!

Until 18 years later, Li Shibai's case was overturned, it turned out that Li Shibai's blowing up the bridge was completely Liu Xuebao's personal conspiracy, an incident carefully planned by Liu Xuebao in order to deceive honor and personal future, and the results of the public security organs also confirmed that Li Shibai was deceived by Liu Xuebao to go to the bridge and murdered, and the sky would not let go of an evil person, and finally the truth came out, Liu Xuebao was also sentenced to life imprisonment for intentional homicide, and got the punishment he deserved.

Therefore, Skynet is restored, neglect is not leaked, or to be a person with a clear conscience, to be a person worthy of others!

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