
Guan Yu was so crazy and arrogant, who was the most unconvinced of him in the Three Kingdoms? What the end result is

When people have pampering, they will be pampered and proud; when they have ability, they will be blindly arrogant. After all, there are still very few people who can really be modest, just like many martial artists in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", although the martial arts are strong, but they are more or less arrogant. The most obvious of these was Liu Bei's second brother Guan Yu. Guan Yu had a very high status in the Shu Kingdom, and could be said to be the second in command of the Shu Kingdom.

Guan Yu was so crazy and arrogant, who was the most unconvinced of him in the Three Kingdoms? What the end result is

Coupled with his high martial arts and many battle achievements, it is inevitable that he is a bit fluttery, often looking down on this or looking down on that. He looked down not only on the enemy, but also on his colleagues. Some people said that Guan Yu only looked up to Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, and Liu Bei in the entire Liu Bei camp. Even for Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who also belonged to the Five Tiger Generals, he had a very contemptuous attitude, thinking that they did not have enough ability to look at him.

Guan Yu was so crazy and arrogant, who was the most unconvinced of him in the Three Kingdoms? What the end result is

At that time, Sun Quan wanted to marry his son to Guan Yu's daughter, and Guan Yu directly vetoed it, directly throwing out a sentence of "Tiger girl An can marry a dog", which also brought him the disaster of killing later. Therefore, it is better for people to live in the world and be cautious. Since Guan Yu always disobeys others, is there anyone who disobeys him? This person was Xu Chu under Cao Cao's hand. Coincidentally, Xu Chu and Guan Yu are very similar, both of them are the first generals under their respective masters, both have made great achievements in battle, and both are arrogant and arrogant, looking down on many people.

Guan Yu was so crazy and arrogant, who was the most unconvinced of him in the Three Kingdoms? What the end result is

Of course, the two of them were also dissatisfied with each other, Cao Cao admired Guan Yu very much, and after Guan Yu was captured again, Cao Cao laid down fine wine and delicacies to entertain him, but he was not at all moved, and in the end Cao Cao could only put him back. When Xu Chu saw this scene, he was naturally a little jealous, although Cao Cao also reused him, but he had such respect for an enemy warrior, it was inevitable that his heart would be unhappy.

Guan Yu was so crazy and arrogant, who was the most unconvinced of him in the Three Kingdoms? What the end result is

So two people have always regarded each other as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. The two people are both arrogant people, but the ending is not the same, Guan Yu was eventually captured and killed because of his arrogance, Xu Chu was also seriously injured once because of his arrogance, but after that time, he reflected a lot, retracted a lot, and finally fell to a good ending.

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