
Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

From ancient times to the present, in the historical process of the development of human civilization, war can be said to have occupied a large part of the proportion. If it had to be classified once, then I believe that all the wars that have broken out throughout the history of the world can be divided into two types: justice and injustice.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

Old photographs of the Japanese army

For example, from the "September 18 Incident" on September 18, 1931, until Japan announced its surrender on August 15, 1945, the war of aggression waged by the Japanese army against our country in the past 14 years was an unjust war. Moreover, in this protracted war of aggression, the Japanese army not only plundered our country's resources in a frenzied manner. At the same time, the 40,000 compatriots of the country at that time were brutally persecuted and killed, and their cruel acts were almost no different from those of animals and beasts.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

So how cruel was this Japanese invasion of China? Or how mad was the Japanese army invading China at that time? Next, Xiaobian will take everyone to see the end together.

First of all, from the personal confession of the Japanese veteran Yongfu Bodao.

Since japan announced its surrender and the entire second world war was completely over, some Veterans of the Japanese Army who returned to Japan, because of their uneasy conscience, took the initiative to accept media interviews and confessed to the world for the crimes they had committed. And the Japanese veteran we are talking about today, named Yongfu Bodao, is a Japanese soldier who invaded China very early with the army.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

Hiromichi Nagatomi

Although, Yongfu Bodao was officially arrested by our army in 1949. However, this once evil Japanese soldier was eventually forgiven. He even returned to Japan in 1963. However, after returning to Japan, Eitomu Bodo may have been because his conscience had always been uneasy, and he gradually began to resist the militarist ideas he once believed in. He also gave a personal interview to the television station shortly afterwards.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

Old photographs of the Nanjing Massacre

According to Yongfu Bodao in an interview, he had done countless wrong things during the war of aggression against China, and he had made profound repentance for everything. According to Yongfu Bodao, he was once tasked with executing 2 innocent little girls. At that time, the 2 little girls had been constantly begging him for forgiveness, but Yongfu Bodao still forced the 2 little girls into the field and forced the 2 girls to jump into the pre-dug earth pit.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

Stills from "Nanjing Nanjing"

Subsequently, Yongfu Bodao quickly and mercilessly picked up the shovel and began to fill the pit continuously, so that the 2 innocent little girls were killed alive by his pit and buried alive in the field. In addition, Yongfu Bodao also personally told several inhumane atrocities committed by the Japanese army.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall

Among them, he regretted the most were the civilians and anti-war soldiers who were injured by the shells, because these injured people did not die immediately, so they would suffer immense pain. But in the end, it was often the inhumane Japanese invaders who waited, and as a result, basically no one was spared.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

In addition, according to the content of the book "Nanjing 1937: Bloody Battle dangerous city" (written by He Mingsheng, a Dane), there was such a cruel scene. According to records, after the Japanese army captured Nanjing, they saw 2 little girls who had just walked to a bridge to prepare to cross the river. But when they saw that some Japanese soldiers began to approach, the two little girls actually chose to commit suicide by throwing themselves into the river. It can be seen from this that the persecution of the common people of our country by the Japanese army during the war of aggression against China was terrifying.

Can war make people crazy? The Japanese veteran war regrets and hates, and once killed 2 little girls

It was not until 2002 that Yongfu Bodao died in remorse. Although these historical truths dictated by Yongfu Bodao before his death will inevitably become ironclad evidence of the crimes committed by the Japanese army in the war of aggression against China. But his personal crimes will never be forgiven by the innocent dead who died at his hands. And as builders of the new era, we must not forget this cruel and humiliating history.

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