
Meizu new product launch conference focuses on the promotion of Chaoku surrounding mobile phone business will be marginalized?

Meizu new product launch focus on promoting Chaoku peripheral mobile phone business will be marginalized?

Commercial password January 13 (no shadow) Yesterday's news, Meizu held a Meizu winter new product conference. Meizu will spend most of the time on the cool brand and smart home, leaving the mobile phone only for a short period of time, some netizens said that the introduction time is only 5 minutes. In this regard, many netizens joked that Meizu has become a "department store factory".

Meizu new product launch conference focuses on the promotion of Chaoku surrounding mobile phone business will be marginalized?

It should be known that Meizu was once a mainstream mobile phone brand, and for a time it belonged to the first echelon in the field of smart phones, but now Meizu seems to have silently withdrawn from the first echelon, thus turning to the layout of the AIOT industry.

At this Meizu conference, Meizu released the magnetic track lights and switch panels of its brand Lipro. According to the official introduction, in 2021 lipro products "into more than 10W households".

Meizu's 1-hour conference only spent a small part of the time to talk about the new mobile phone Charm Blue 10, but spent a lot of time to introduce its cool brand PANDAER and smart home brand Lipro.

And meizu official website in addition to mobile phone manufacturers common mobile phones, smart watches, headphones, chargers, etc., now also launched keyboards, handmade, clothing and other fashion brand peripherals.

In fact, the peripheral products launched by Xiaomi are more exaggerated, and the smart home ecosystem has been laid out early, although they all use OEM or OEM cooperation, but the market it occupies is also obvious to all. At present, the product classification of Xiaomi's official Taobao store includes more than a dozen categories such as major appliances, smart wear, smart home, personal health care, and daily necessities, covering almost all aspects of daily life.

To know that Meizu has lost in the mobile phone market, taking advantage of the fact that there is still brand value, the immediate layout of peripheral products is also one of its means of rapid realization. But hand-made, the launch of the tide suit can't help but make people sigh, this thing and technology where to associate. Although NetEase, Xiaomi, Tencent and other technology companies have launched such products, they are only from the perspective of brand promotion, through the surrounding and fan linkage.

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