
Crispy duck preparation

author:Food warriors

Crispy duck preparation

Crispy duck preparation

Ingredients: About 1500 grams of white duck.

Spices: 2 grams of cinnamon, 2 grams of nutmeg, 2 grams of mountain chestnut, 2 grams of galangal, 2 grams of tangerine peel, 2 grams of sand kernels, 2 grams of fragrant seeds, 1 g of star anise, 1 g of white root, 1 g of fragrant leaves, 1 g of grass fruit, 1 g of cloves, 1 g of cumin.

Note: Bake the above spices in a dry pot, bake out the aroma and put it out, mash it with a stone mortar, and set aside.

Ingredients: 30 grams of flower carving wine, 20 grams of sesame oil, 10 grams of refined salt, 8 grams of white pepper powder, three coriander, green onion, ginger slices to taste.

Detailed production steps:

First, the duck embryo treatment method:

After the white strip duck is cleaned, it is opened from the back of the spine, and after the opening is used to cut the vertebrae with a knife and then cut a few more knives, the purpose of this step is to be more conducive to the taste when pickling.

Lay the skin of the duck embryo face down on the table, use the knife to prick a few holes in the thick part of the meat, and then turn over and pat it with a knife, especially the duck leg, the purpose of this step is to make the meat loose and easy to taste, but also for shaping, more flat.

Second, duck embryo pickling method:

Put the duck embryo into the pot, first use 30 grams of flower carving wine, and evenly spread the duck embryo on both sides, the purpose of this step is to remove the fishy smell of the duck meat.

Then massage both sides with 10 grams of fine salt.

Use another 8 grams of pepper, rub the duck embryo once and then sprinkle the spices on the duck embryo and rub it again, the spices do not have to be used in full, as long as it can be evenly kneaded.

After kneading with spices, apply the duck embryo to the side with 20 grams of sesame oil. Finally, place a few slices of ginger and green onion on the bottom of the duck, and on top of the shallots and ginger slices, as well as coriander.

Note: When doing this step, each time the ingredients are evenly massaged and kneaded into place, otherwise it will be difficult to taste. After this step, let it sit and marinate for 6 hours.

Third, the steaming method:

Place the marinated duck embryos in a steamer basket and bring to a boil over high heat for 90 minutes on low heat. After removing the soup, there will be a soup in the basin, and the soup will be poured with a hand spoon and the bare duck meat will be poured over to make it more flavorful.

Fourth, crispy duck frying method:

Add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil to the pot, when the oil temperature is 180 °, put the steamed duck embryos into the oil pan, and fry the surface layer of the duck meat over medium-low heat until it is golden and crispy, which is a crispy duck.


1, if you think that the spice variety is too troublesome, you can use 20 grams of peppercorns, 10 grams of cumin, baked and dried with a rolling pin and then marinated. Apply evenly in the amount, not all of them.

2, if the pickling time is short, with the material steaming, if the pickling overnight, or even longer, you need to cover with plastic wrap into the refrigerator refrigerated marinade, and before steaming to rinse the duck embryos and then steam.

3. In order to achieve the effect of the fried finished product to achieve the effect of crispy outside and tender inside and the visual effect of the color sensory, it can be fried with hanging starch paste.

Starch paste with corn starch plus water and a little old pumping to mix the thin paste can be.

4. In order to achieve a better fishy effect, it can be marinated with onion and ginger juice.

Method: put the appropriate amount of minced green onion and ginger into a bowl, add flower carving wine or rice wine, cooking wine until the onion and ginger juice precipitates, first rub the duck embryo with the juice, and finally sprinkle the chopped onion and ginger on the duck embryo.

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