
Who won? Cote Anger recalls and Brocklesner really playing: we used amateur wrestling rules

Who won? Cote Anger recalls and Brocklesner really playing: we used amateur wrestling rules

Eddie wasn't the only wrestler Ange had ever fought with. The other player was Brock Lesnar, who ended up playing an amateur wrestling match in the ring.

"The Brooklyn Brawler went up to Bullock and said, 'If you play a wrestling match with Ange, what do you think will turn out?'" Bullock said, 'I'll kill him.' He's too young, I'm 90 pounds heavier than him," Anger revealed. "Then the fighter came up to me again and said, 'Hey, Dabu said that if you wrestle, he'll ruin you.'" So I went into the ring, and Bullock was wearing sandals. I said, Bullock, you're going to fatten me up, right? He said, "Well, yes, I'm a lot bigger than you. "So I said, 'Okay, let's get into the ring now.' He said, "Oh, I don't have shoes, I'm wearing sandals." So I said, well, then let's fight barefoot? Bullock said, 'No, no, I don't want to do that.' ’”

"A few weeks later, we were in North Dakota, where Bullock was playing big show and he was beating big show brother," Anger revealed. "At that time, The big show brother weighed 500 pounds, which was incredible," he said. Bullock picked him up, carried him on his back and threw him out. Then I started to get nervous and thought, 'Oh my God. Maybe it's good that I didn't get into a fight with him. ’”

"So I got into the ring and let Brother Daxiu leave, and I dealt with Dabu alone. Don't get me wrong, I'm scared because he's throwing Big Brother like he's playing. Then we both fought, very anxious. Rumors said I beat him up, embarrassed him, and suppressed him 10 times. This is not true. I knocked him down twice, but he didn't knock me down at all. It was a very close game and we played for 15 minutes. ”

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