
"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

author:Gourmet qualities

As the saying goes: "Eat buds in spring, eat melons in summer", it is precisely because of the large number of melons and fruits on the market in summer that seasonal vegetables are cheap and conform to the season.

Summer is here, so be sure to eat less out-of-season ingredients.

First of all, many out-of-season vegetables are greenhouse vegetables, and the taste is not as delicious as naturally ripe;

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Secondly, many vegetables can be artificially ripened to shorten its growth cycle and make money faster;

In addition, there are some illegal operators who take advantage of the fact that the vegetables are cheap in season, receive and store them, in the hope that they can sell them at a good price out of season, and when the buyers get them, their moisture has been seriously lost.

So, what vegetables are good to eat in summer? Today, I would like to recommend 5 kinds of seasonal melon and vegetables, and now the taste and nutrition are just right.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

The first: cucumbers

Cucumber is the most commonly eaten vegetable in summer and contains a lot of water, especially in the hot summer, which can help the body replenish lost water. The vitamins and cucumber enzymes in cucumber help to fight skin aging, promote skin metabolism, and have a beauty effect. Cucumber is cool, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and is suitable for eating in summer when it is hot and thirsty.

Cucumbers are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2, etc., which help to enhance immunity and antioxidants. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron, which are beneficial for bone health. The fiber in cucumbers helps promote intestinal motility and prevent constipation.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Stir-fried shrimp with cucumber

Peel the cucumber, then cut off the head and tail of the cucumber, split it from the middle, divide it into four, and then slice the cucumber pulp down, because the cucumber gourd is easy to get out of the water when the cucumber gourd is fried, and then cut the cucumber into small short sections about one centimeter long, and put it away for later use;

Prepare an appropriate amount of shrimp, add a spoonful of pepper to remove the smell, add a little cooking wine, half a spoon of salt, add a small spoon of starch, corn starch can be, grab the shrimp repeatedly and mix evenly, let all the seasonings melt, and let the surface of each shrimp be coated with a layer of starch, so that when frying, the moisture is particularly sufficient, and the shrimp is particularly tender;

Adjust a flavor sauce, prepare a little water starch, add a spoonful of salt, a small spoon of chicken essence, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and a little cooking oil, which will make the shrimp more bright.

First of all, add a little water to the pot, then turn on the high heat, pour the shrimp into the boiling water, blanch it, the shrimp after blanching, the taste is particularly tender, wait until the starch on the surface of the shrimp is blanched, and then gently turn it; Blanch it until it is about 8 mature, that is, the shrimp is slightly discolored, and you can take it out;

Heat the oil, after the oil is warm, add the green onion, ginger and garlic foam, quickly fry until fragrant, add the cucumber and stir-fry evenly after bursting the fragrance, be sure to stir-fry over high heat; After the color of the cucumber is fried until it turns obvious green, pour the shrimp in, and then stir-fry evenly over high heat, so that the umami of the shrimp and the umami of the cucumber blend with each other.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Cucumber omelet

Prepare cucumbers, eggs, flour, salt, pepper, cooking oil and other ingredients; Wash the cucumbers, cut them into thin strips or rub them into shreds, and put them in a bowl for later use; Beat the eggs in the cucumber shreds, add the appropriate amount of flour, salt and pepper, stir well, adjust the consistency of the batter as needed;

Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into a frying pan, pour the batter into the pan after heating, flatten it with a spatula or spoon, and fry over low heat until golden brown on both sides;

Remove the fried cucumber omelet and serve it in small pieces or rolled up according to personal taste. The cucumber omelet can be adjusted according to personal preference, such as adding other vegetables, ham and other ingredients to increase the taste and nutrition.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Mix cucumbers

Soak the cucumbers in water for half an hour, then rinse them with water. Prepare a bowl, place the cucumbers in the bowl, add a spoonful of salt, stir well, and marinate for 15 minutes to bring the cucumbers out of the water. Rinse the cucumber with cool boiled water, drain and set aside. Finely chop the garlic and ginger, and cut the dried chili peppers into sections for later use. In a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of chicken essence and 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, stir well to make a sauce and set aside.

Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, put in the peppercorns and dried chili peppers after the oil is hot, stir-fry over low heat until fragrant, pay attention to the heat, and avoid stir-frying the chili peppers. After stir-frying, remove the peppercorns and chili peppers, add minced garlic and ginger, and continue to fry until fragrant. Pour the minced garlic and ginger into the cucumber, add the seasoned sauce and stir well. Finally, put the mixed cucumber on a plate and serve.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

The second type: winter melon

Winter melon is a common vegetable that is very low in calories and is suitable for people who want to lose weight and control their weight. Winter melon contains a lot of water, which helps to replenish body hydration, making it suitable for hot summer months. Contains vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, calcium, etc., which helps to enhance immunity and maintain good health. Contains dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

Winter melon is cold in nature, has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, and is suitable for summer consumption. The potassium in it helps to regulate the water balance in the body and has the effect of diuresis and swelling. Dietary fiber and potassium help lower blood lipids and blood pressure. The vitamin C and antioxidants in winter melon help to improve the beauty of the skin.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Meatball winter melon soup

Peel the winter melon and cut it into thick strips for later use; Prepare an appropriate amount of pork belly filling and put it in a basin; Pat the green onion flat and cut it into thin strips, crush the ginger, soak it in water together, and then grab and pinch out the green onion and ginger juice; For convenience, you can put an appropriate amount of pork belly filling into a food processor, add an egg white, add an appropriate amount of salt, pepper, cooking wine, then pour in green onion and ginger water, add a little starch, and beat into meat puree.

Heat oil in a pot, add a small spoon of flour and stir, turn on low heat to boil into yellowish flour oil, then pour in an appropriate amount of water, turn to high heat and bring to a boil; After the water temperature is slightly boiled, turn to low heat, grab a handful of meat filling and squeeze it into balls at the tiger's mouth, dig into the pot with a small spoon, and do not boil the water too much when the meatballs are served, so as not to wash the balls away;

After the meatballs are finished, boil them over medium heat until they are set, then add the winter melon strips and cook for 2 minutes, cook the meatballs, and let the fragrance of the winter melon blend into the soup; After 2 minutes, add 2 grams of salt, 3 grams of chicken powder, and 2 grams of pepper to stir to dissolve the seasoning, and beat the foam in the pot to make the soup clearer; Finally, add the soaked wolfberries and red dates, and boil for a while to get out of the pot.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Roasted winter melon with sea rice

Peel and remove the seeds of the winter melon and cut it into small pieces; Soak the sea rice in warm water; Cut the green onion into sections; Ginger slices. Add oil to a hot pan, add green onion and ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the soaked sea rice and stir-fry evenly. Add the melon cubes and stir-fry until the edges of the melon are slightly transparent. Add an appropriate amount of water (the melon can be overcooked), cover the pot, and cook over medium-low heat until the melon is fully cooked. Add salt and chicken bouillon (if using) and stir-fry well to allow the flavors to blend well. Cook until the soup is thick and the winter melon is soft and rotten.


- When soaking sea rice, the water temperature should not be too high, so as not to damage the umami taste of sea rice.

- When boiling winter melon, the heat should not be too high, so as not to boil the winter melon and not form a shape.

- According to personal taste, the amount of salt and chicken essence can be increased or decreased in moderation.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Winter melon stuffed buns

Add yeast to the flour, slowly add warm water, knead into a smooth dough and ferment until twice the size. Peel and remove the seeds, cut into small cubes, marinate with salt for 10 minutes, and squeeze out the water. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white pepper, sesame oil and chopped green onion and ginger to the minced pork and stir well.

Add diced winter melon and chopped shiitake mushrooms to the meat filling and stir well to make the filling. The fermented dough is kneaded and exhausted, divided into small pieces, and rolled into bun wrappers. Put an appropriate amount of filling in the bun skin, pinch and seal it tightly to make a bun. Put the buns in the steamer, steam on high heat for 15-20 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.


- Winter melon has a lot of water, so squeeze out the water after pickling to avoid the stuffing of the bun from getting too wet.

- When the dough is fermented, maintain a warm and moist environment to help the dough rise.

- The steaming time of the steamed buns is adjusted according to the size of the steamed buns and the heat of the steamer.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

The third type: gourd

Gourd is a common vegetable, gourd is rich in vitamin C and vitamin B complex, which play an important role in enhancing human immunity, promoting metabolism and maintaining nervous system health.

Gourds are rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining heart health, regulating blood pressure, and promoting bone health. Gourd is low in calories and is suitable for people who want to lose weight and control their weight. Contains dietary fiber, which helps promote intestinal motility and prevent constipation, while also helping to lower cholesterol levels.

The gourd is cool, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and is suitable for consumption in the hot summer, which helps to cool down the heat. The potassium in gourd helps to regulate the water balance in the body and has a diuretic and swelling effect. : The dietary fiber and potassium in gourd help lower blood lipids and blood pressure, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health. The vitamin C and antioxidants in gourd help to maintain beauty and healthy skin.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Stir-fried gourd with garlic

1. Wash the gourd, peel and remove the seeds, and cut into thin slices or strips.

2. Peel the garlic and cut it into minced garlic for later use.

3. Add oil to a hot pan, add minced garlic when the oil is hot, and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add gourd slices and stir-fry quickly.

5. Stir-fry until the gourd is soft, add salt and chicken essence to taste.

6. Continue to stir-fry until the gourd is cooked through, and sprinkle with chopped green onions (if using) before removing from the pan.


- The gourd should not be stir-fried for too long to avoid losing its crisp and tender taste.

- According to personal taste, the amount of salt and chicken essence can be increased or decreased in moderation.

- When stir-frying gourds, the heat should not be too high to avoid scorching.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Chilled gourd shreds

1. Wash the gourd, peel and remove the seeds, and cut into thin strips.

2. Peel the garlic and chop it into minced garlic for later use.

3. Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, blanch the gourd shreds for 1-2 minutes, and soak them in cold water immediately after removing them to keep them crisp and tender.

4. Remove the shredded gourd, drain and place in a large bowl.

5. In a small bowl, make the salad: add balsamic vinegar, light soy sauce, sugar, salt, sesame oil and peppercorn oil (if using) and stir well.

6. Pour the mixed cold sauce into the gourd shreds, add the minced garlic and chili oil (if using) and mix well.

7. Serve on a plate and sprinkle with chopped green onions for garnish (if using).


- Blanch the gourd shreds for too long to avoid losing their crisp and tender taste.

- After blanching, the shredded gourd should be immediately put into cold water to keep it crisp and tender.

- The amount of seasoning can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

gourd egg soup

First of all, prepare the ingredients: a fresh gourd, two eggs, a green onion, a small piece of ginger, an appropriate amount of salt, a little chicken essence (optional), and an appropriate amount of cooking oil.

Step 1: Wash the gourd, peel and remove the seeds, and cut into thin slices or small pieces. Wash the green onion and cut it into chopped green onions, and cut the ginger into shredded ginger for later use.

Step 2: Crack the eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, and beat them with chopsticks to form an egg mixture for later use.

Step 3: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Once the water is boiling, put the sliced gourd slices into a pot and cook over medium heat until the gourd is tender.

Step 4: When the gourd is boiled to seven or eight ripe, slowly pour in the egg mixture, and gently stir it with chopsticks to spread the egg mixture evenly to form a beautiful egg drop.

Step 5: Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, if you like, you can add a little chicken essence to enhance the freshness.

Step 6: Finally, sprinkle with chopped green onion and ginger, drizzle a few drops of sesame oil to enhance the fragrance, stir well and turn off the heat.

Step 7: Pour the boiled gourd egg soup into the soup bowl, and a delicious gourd egg soup is complete.

The gourd egg soup is not only delicious, but the gourd is rich in vitamins and minerals, and the eggs provide high-quality protein, and the two are nutritionally balanced.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Fourth: carob melon

Hornnut, also known as zucchini, contains up to 95% water and is ideal for summer hydration, helping to maintain the body's water balance. Scarrot is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, which are essential for boosting immunity, protecting eyesight, and maintaining skin health.

Shell melon is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which play an important role in maintaining heart health, regulating blood pressure, and promoting bone health. Contains dietary fiber, which helps promote intestinal motility and prevent constipation, while also helping to lower cholesterol levels.

The dietary fiber and potassium in carob melon help lower blood lipids and blood pressure, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health. The vitamin C and antioxidants in carob melon help to maintain beauty and healthy skin. Horn melon is cool, has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, is suitable for consumption in hot summer, and helps to cool down the heat. The potassium in the carob helps to regulate the water balance in the body and has the effect of diuresis and swelling.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Stir-fried pork slices with horn melon

1. Wash the squash, peel and remove the seeds, and cut into thin slices.

2. Cut the pork loin into thin slices and marinate in cooking wine, light soy sauce and starch for 10 minutes.

3. Slice the garlic and set aside.

4. Add oil to a hot pan, add garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Add the marinated meat slices and stir-fry quickly until browned.

6. Then add the slices of sliced squatter and stir-fry evenly.

7. Add salt to taste and continue stir-frying until the gourd is soft.

8. Sprinkle chopped green onion garnish before cooking, stir-fry well and then remove from the pan.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Gourd pancakes

1. Wash the cucumber, peel and remove the seeds, and rub it into thin wires with a silk grater.

2. Put the shredded squatter in a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, marinate for 10 minutes, and squeeze out the excess water.

3. Beat eggs into the flour, add an appropriate amount of water, and mix into a batter.

4. Add the pickled shredded squatter to the batter, add pepper and stir well.

5. Add oil to a hot pan, pour in the batter when the oil is hot, and flatten it into a circle with a spatula.

6. Fry over medium-low heat until one side is golden brown, then turn over, and fry until the other side is also golden brown.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Stewed tofu with horn melon

1. Wash the squash, peel and remove the seeds, and cut into cubes.

2. Cut the old tofu into cubes, blanch in boiling water for 1 minute, remove and drain.

3. Cut the green onion into sections and slice the ginger for later use.

4. Add oil to a hot pan, add green onion and ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Add the squatter cubes and stir-fry until the surface is slightly charred.

6. Add the tofu cubes and stir-fry gently.

7. Add soy sauce, cooking wine, salt and sugar and stir-fry well.

8. Add an appropriate amount of water to cover the ingredients.

9. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to low and simmer for 10-15 minutes to allow the carob and tofu to fully absorb the soup.

10. Before cooking, add a little chicken essence according to personal taste, stir-fry well, and then remove from the pan.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

The fifth: bitter gourd

Bitter melon gets its name from its unique bitter taste, but this bitterness comes from the bitter elements it contains, such as bitter melon, which has a variety of health benefits.

Bitter melon is low in calories and contains a lot of water, making it suitable for people who are losing weight and controlling their weight. Bitter melon contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, potassium, calcium, iron, etc., which help to enhance immunity, maintain eyesight, promote blood circulation and maintain bone health. Bitter melon is rich in dietary fiber, which helps promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, and also helps to lower cholesterol levels.

Bitter gourd can be stir-fried, boiled, stewed and other ways to cook, and can also be made into bitter gourd soup, etc. Bitter gourd is cool, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, is suitable for consumption in hot summer, and helps to cool down the heat. Ingredients such as bitter melon in bitter melon are thought to help lower blood sugar levels and may be beneficial for people with diabetes.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Scrambled eggs with bitter melon

1. Wash the bitter gourd, remove the seeds, cut into thin slices, marinate with a little salt for 10 minutes, and then squeeze out the bitter water.

2. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, beat and set aside.

3. Add oil to a hot pan, pour in the egg mixture after the oil is hot, stir-fry quickly until the egg mixture solidifies into lumps, and set aside.

4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add bitter gourd slices and stir-fry.

5. After the bitter gourd is fried until it is broken, add the scrambled eggs and stir-fry quickly.

6. Adjust the salt content according to personal taste, stir-fry well and then remove from the pan.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Stuffed meat with bitter gourd

1. Wash the bitter gourd, remove the seeds, cut it into about 3 cm long pieces, blanch it with boiling water for 1 minute, remove and drain the water.

2. Add minced green onion and ginger, eggs, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine and starch to the minced pork and stir well.

3. Stuff the seasoned meat filling into the bitter gourd segments and fill them up.

4. Add oil to the hot pan, put the stuffed meat of bitter gourd into the pan and fry over low heat until golden brown on both sides.

5. Add an appropriate amount of water, cover the pot, and simmer over medium-low heat until the bitter gourd is soft and the meat filling is cooked through.

6. During the stewing process, it can be turned appropriately to ensure that the bitter gourd stuffed meat is evenly heated.

7. Simmer until the soup is thick, then remove from the pan.

"Eat more melons in summer, don't catch traditional Chinese medicine", these 5 kinds of melons should be eaten often, and the body is healthy and in good spirit

Cold bitter gourd

1. Wash the bitter gourd, remove the seeds, cut into thin slices, marinate with a little salt for 10 minutes, and then squeeze out the bitter water.

2. Blanch the pickled bitter gourd slices in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and soak them in cold water immediately after removing them to keep them crisp and tender.

3. Drain the bitter gourd slices and place them in a large bowl.

4. In a small bowl, add light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt and sesame oil and stir well.

5. Pour the mixed cold sauce into the bitter gourd slices, add the minced garlic and chili oil (if using) and mix well.

6. Serve on a plate and serve.

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