
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council gave a briefing on the situation of various localities visiting and comforting Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises: I hope that Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan businessmen will spend a happy and peaceful Spring Festival holiday

author:Taiwan Net, China

Beijing, 12 Jan (Taiwan) -- The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference this morning, at which Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, answered reporters' questions on recent cross-strait hot topics.

Southeast Satellite TV reporter: The Spring Festival is approaching, and we have noticed that some places have begun to visit And pay tribute to Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises.

Zhu Fenglian: Over the years, governments at all levels on the mainland have paid great attention to and paid close attention to Taiwan compatriots working, studying, and living on the mainland, and will send New Year greetings and New Year greetings to Taiwan compatriots in various ways at the end of each year and the beginning of the year. Affected by the epidemic, a considerable number of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan chambers of commerce stayed on the mainland for the Chinese New Year this year. On the eve of 2022, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council sent a letter of condolence to the All-China Federation of Taiwan Enterprises and the Taiwan Associations of various localities, extending sincere condolences and holiday wishes to Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan businessmen. These days, all localities have practiced the concept of "one family on both sides of the strait," gone deep into enterprises, factories, and schools to carry out visits and condolence activities with rich content and in various forms, held discussions and exchanges with Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan students, conscientiously listened to opinions and suggestions, and promptly resolved the problems they were concerned about.

Yin Li, secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, visited Taiwanese teachers and students working and studying in Xiamen and Zhangzhou during the investigation in Xiamen and Zhangzhou, and encouraged them to integrate their own development into the school and the local area, "being the host and improper guest", and using personal experience and feelings to encourage more Taiwanese youth to come to the dream.

Relevant responsible persons of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Beijing Municipal CPC Committee visited Peking University and Xicheng District to pay respects to the young students of Taiwan, and encouraged them to integrate into the development of Beijing, release the dreams of youth in the vivid practice of realizing the Chinese dream, and live up to Shaohua and the times.

Relevant responsible persons of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee visited and comforted Taiwan compatriots in Guangzhou, encouraging Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan businessmen to actively participate in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and realize their personal ideals.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of Sichuan Province held a New Year tea party for teachers and students in Sichuan and Taiwan at Sichuan Agricultural University to send New Year greetings to teachers and students in Sichuan and Taiwan, encourage everyone to be a bridge for deepening cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, and play a greater role in promoting cross-strait exchanges.

Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places have arranged to visit and pay respects to Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan affiliates, and through activities such as "staying in school for the New Year, sending blessings to schools", etc., Taiwan students who stay in school for the New Year will not be less happy and have a good taste; for those who cannot go to the door for condolences due to the epidemic, they will send condolence letters and condolences to send condolences and condolences to the Taiwan compatriots, and send care and care to Taiwan compatriots. Many Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan businessmen said that they felt the care and warmth of their relatives.

At present, the relevant visits and condolence activities are still in progress, and it is hoped that Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan businessmen from all over the world can spend a happy and peaceful Spring Festival holiday. ( Puyan)

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