
Chef teaches you to cook: let the single dog forget the empty and lonely cold beauty sheep fillet on the weekend

author:Mr. Excelsior

Everyone has the potential of the chef sealed, just need the chef to tell you a few key "methods", plus hands-on practice, you can open this seal, release the unlimited potential, let those who question your ability to cook lick your dinner plate (Mr. Shu)

Dish gossip: A dish created by Su Dongpo in Hangzhou to dispel loneliness

Chef teaches you to cook: let the single dog forget the empty and lonely cold beauty sheep fillet on the weekend

Beauty Chuchu, Yang Liuyi, this is the ancient talent and beauty to talk about the scene often seen, our great literary hero and great love saint and gourmet Su Dongpo was unhappy in his career, his family was not around, and he was lonely and tormented when he took office in Hangzhou. Just as the so-called love boils deep into the dish, only the beauty of the food is true love, Su Dongpo in Hangzhou to the following inspection of the people's feelings, in a farm to see the happy growth of hangzhou pepper, can not help but think of the hometown of the sea pepper (that is, the beauty pepper), and then see the lake willow trees with the wind beckoning, it seems that the beautiful people are waving to him.

Chef teaches you to cook: let the single dog forget the empty and lonely cold beauty sheep fillet on the weekend

In meditation, Su Xueshi created this dish: first of all, the bell pepper and the pepper are cut obliquely into eyebrow segments, the lamb tenderloin is cut horizontally into thin slices, and the cooking wine, pepper, soy sauce, pepper water, and salt are pickled; then the onion, ginger, garlic, and coriander are obliquely cut into small slices, and put into the bowl with cooking wine, sugar, spicy fresh sauce and an appropriate amount of pure water to mix into a bowl of juice; the third pot is added with a small amount of oil, and the hangzhou pepper and the beauty pepper are sautéed in the oil pot for 6 mature; in the fourth step, the oil is added in the pot, and when the oil smoke is slightly emitted, the marinated lamb is fried in the pot, and before the pot is added, the bell pepper, hangzhou pepper, Bowl of juice, the whole stir-frying time is about 35 seconds.

The key method: lamb tenderloin is pickled and mastered

Beauty lamb fillet is a fast-hot stir-fry dish, so it is important to prepare the ingredients. The marinating of lamb tenderloin can not be hung pulp, can only use a variety of spices "pickling", must add pepper water and cooking wine, the fishy taste is removed; ingredients and part of the seasoning should be cut diagonally into segments, easy to ripen under the condition of fast stir-frying.

It is also a key point in the mastery of the heat, and this dish is the easiest test to test whether it can be fried. Because the home kitchen heat and the hotel kitchen heat can not be compared, so the cooking time at home is relatively prolonged, but not too long, 35 seconds is a time data that we summarized with the family kitchen heat.

Flower tips: the accessories should be cut diagonally into segments, coriander with stalks without leaves, hot pot hot oil

Many friends in the cut of the beauty pepper and hangzhou pepper directly horizontal cut, cut into small pepper rings, this cutting method is wrong in this dish, this is mainly because of the mature needs of ingredients, followed by our Chinese cooking also pay attention to the primary and secondary, the type of dish collocation. The other is not to put all the coriander in when making the bowl juice, and only use the coriander stalk part, so as not to stir-fry the oil when the time comes. When the last stir-fry, the pot must first heat the smoke, and then heat the oil to the hot pot hot oil, can not cool the pan cold oil, to avoid the lamb out of the water.

Chef teaches you to cook: let the single dog forget the empty and lonely cold beauty sheep fillet on the weekend


Ingredients: Lamb tenderloin

Ingredients: bell pepper, pepper

Seasoning: pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, garlic, spicy fresh sauce

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