
Lishui specialty introduction: emerald sheep fillet roll

author:Yeosu drawer
Lishui specialty introduction: emerald sheep fillet roll

  Emerald sheep fillet rolls

Legend has it that the people of Jinyun in ancient times were very hospitable, every wedding celebration and other wedding feasts, they would slaughter pigs and slaughter sheep, feast relatives and friends, jinyun village soil cooks, after continuous accumulation of experience, in the lamb braising gradually introduced the old, during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, Shuhong had a soil chef surnamed Li, he split the lamb tenderloin (sheep fillet) into thin slices, slightly processed by condiments, it was rolled into various auxiliary materials, and then slid through the oil pot, and finally added spices to hook the mustard, that is, into a smooth and tender lamb fillet roll, which was deeply loved by the masses. On the basis of traditional dishes, the chefs of Xiandu hotels add celery platters to add delicious taste, which makes guests happy and appreciative.

Source: Boyaa Specialty Network

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