
What are the fruits for the Chinese New Year? This list is the most worth buying

author:Shangguan News

During the Spring Festival, in addition to a variety of delicious and delicious, fruits must not be less.

However, how to buy fruits for the Spring Festival is exquisite.

What are the fruits for the Chinese New Year? This list is the most worth buying


Look at ordinary apples, but they are nutritious and easy to preserve.

Chinese medicine believes that apples are flat, sweet and sour, beneficial to the stomach, relieve troubles and quench thirst and other effects.

The polysaccharides, potassium, pectin, tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, etc., contained in it, can effectively alleviate human fatigue and provide comprehensive nutrition.

During the Spring Festival, people with a lot of chores tend to have a poor complexion, and eating some apples properly can help eliminate the stains on the skin and make the skin glow rosy.


Among the many fruits, the most medicinal value is the orange, in addition to the flesh, its orange network, orange peel, orange core can be used in medicine.

Especially for people who are usually in a bad mood, like to sulk, and often have breast swelling and pain, they can also collect the orange core when eating oranges to dry, and soak water to drink when uncomfortable, which can alleviate the symptoms of discomfort very well.


Oranges contain pectin, which can appetize and help digestion, which is very good for the stomach and intestines, especially suitable for you who eat and drink during the Spring Festival.

In addition, there are many vitamins in oranges, which are good for alleviating cardiovascular disease.

Australian scientists have shown that eating an orange a day can cut the incidence of cancer in the mouth, esophagus and stomach by half, and not only that, but also reduce the incidence of stroke by 19%.

Therefore, during the Spring Festival, everyone should not miss this "health fruit". But beware, diabetics can't eat oranges.


During the Spring Festival, big fish and big meat are on the table, many people always can't help but eat a few more bites, and after eating, they often regret it, and feel braced and swollen.

A study in New Zealand suggested that eating kiwi fruit can alleviate this condition.

This is because the kiwi base unique to kiwifruit can speed up digestion, making it easier to absorb the protein eaten.


Chinese medicine believes that strawberries are flat and cool, sweet and sour, suitable for liver heat, mouth and tongue sores, throat swelling and other symptoms.

It contains a large amount of pectin and fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, improve constipation, and prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids and bowel cancer.

In addition, strawberries also have the effect of disinfection, oil removal, and cleansing. Its rich vitamin A and potassium make hair healthier and brighter, and it is a well-deserved beauty fruit.

It should be noted that although strawberries are good appetizer fruits, but the sex is flat and cool, do not eat too much at one time, especially people with spleen and stomach deficiency, easy diarrhea, excessive stomach acid, wind and cold, eat strawberries to control the amount.


Dragon fruit is a low-energy fruit, and eating some dragon fruit can help us stay away from getting fat.

In addition, dragon fruit contains a lot of water-soluble dietary fiber, which can reduce cholesterol and prevent constipation, and is most suitable for people who have constipation due to eating and drinking during the festival.

It should be noted that although dragon fruit may not be sweet, it is high in sugar, so diabetics should be cautious about eating.


Grapefruit is a winter hydration expert, its energy and fat content are very low, but high in nutrients, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and so on.

Among them, the large amount of vitamin C in grapefruit can keep the skin in the best condition, vitamin C has a vital role in the secretion of collagen, making the complexion plump and smooth.

Moreover, grapefruit can enhance physical fitness, grapefruit contains natural citric acid and inorganic salts, which can protect the liver and clear heat and fire.

It should be noted that the active ingredients such as furan coumarin contained in grapefruit can inhibit the activity of liver drug enzymes in the human body, thereby affecting drug metabolism and excretion.

Therefore, people who are taking antihypertensive drugs, lipid-lowering drugs, and anti-allergic drugs should try to eat as little or no grapefruit as possible.

What are the fruits for the Chinese New Year? This list is the most worth buying

The best way to store fruit

Temperate fruits such as apples and pears are best put into plastic bags, tied into the mouth of the bag, and then stored in the refrigerator.

Tropical fruits can not be placed in the refrigerator, otherwise there will be frost damage, put in the cool place at room temperature, and the bag should leave a little mouth, check frequently to avoid rot.

Do not pile the fruit in a box, avoid squeezing each other, eat the soft ripe first, take out the diseased spots or mold immediately, avoid spreading to other fruits, and gently wash the surface of dirt or mold.

Fruits that need to be ripened can be packed in different bags and ripened in batches.

If you really can't finish eating, you can also make some fruit into jam, soak fruit wine, or soak it in honey.

Editor / Sun Chaohui

Source/ Wellness China

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