
Zhuge Liang did not have a leg disease, why did he always have to use a wheelchair to fight? It is what makes him the most shrewd

Zhuge Liang is a popular character in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms,

Compared with the treacherous Cao Cao and the hypocritical and benevolent monarch Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang's comments are all positive, and most readers praise him for his resourcefulness and single-mindedness. He has shown his amazing talents in many battles, but a detail in the book that has been described many times has left many readers very strange.

Zhuge Liang did not have a leg disease, why did he always have to use a wheelchair to fight? It is what makes him the most shrewd

Fairy Wind Dao Bone

This detail is that Zhuge Liang always sat in a wheelchair when he fought, but the author wrote that he had xianfeng Dao bones, no disease in his legs, and his physical condition was also good, according to the reason, he was a military master.

It should be commanded behind the army, but after careful consideration, I feel that this detail will make Zhuge Liang's image more full.

There are three reasons why Zhuge Liang is in a wheelchair.

Zhuge Liang did not have a leg disease, why did he always have to use a wheelchair to fight? It is what makes him the most shrewd

Personally press the front

First, although Zhuge Liang was a courtier, the Shu army admired him very much, and he played a central role in the battle of the Shu kingdom, although he could not personally go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

However, his decision directly affected the final victory of the battle, in the hearts of the people of the Shu kingdom and the Shu army

He is actually the dawn of victory, so he also plays a role in stabilizing the hearts of the army in front of the battle, and with his personal pressure on the front, the soldiers of the Shu Kingdom have greater hopes for victory, which will affect the victory of the battle.

Zhuge Liang did not have a leg disease, why did he always have to use a wheelchair to fight? It is what makes him the most shrewd


Second, although Zhuge Liang was a military master, although he was resourceful and could predict the plans that the enemy would use, there were too many things that could happen on the battlefield, and not everything could develop as he expected.

So watching the battle in person can bring more possibilities to his plan

The more space he could exert, the greater the possibility of victory in the Shu kingdom, and as a qualified strategist and loyal courtier, Zhuge Liang could be said to have exerted his ultimate talent.

Zhuge Liang did not have a leg disease, why did he always have to use a wheelchair to fight? It is what makes him the most shrewd

Day and night

Third, Zhuge Liang is not a body of steel, he has planned a lot for the Shu kingdom, it can be said that he has worked day and night, and his work is mental work, what he has to take into account is not only the situation of the battle he is leading, there are other battlefields that need his timely help, and even some of the internal affairs of the Shu country also need him to look at them one by one, so his body can not be eaten for a long time, and the wheelchair provides him with a place to rest temporarily, and he can rest on the spot when he feels very tired. Instead of rushing back and forth, the battlefront in ancient times was very long, and the back and forth would only make him feel more tired and reduce efficiency.

Zhuge Liang's move also shows his carefulness.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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