
Wang Lihong's divorce case has given rise to many ideas about leftover women preferring to marry scumbags

#情感点评大赏 #

In recent days, Wang Lihong's divorce incident has been hyped up, triggering a scene

Regarding the war of words between "leftover women prefer to marry scumbags", I have a few comments on this argument.

1, there is no absolute perfection in the world, but there is imperfect warmth.

When it comes to leftover women preferring to marry alone, most people with this idea are influenced by unhealthy original families and subconsciously reject others.

Because there is no absolute perfection in the world, but there is imperfect warmth. With this idea, it is actually a pathology that requires the guidance and treatment of a psychologist.

Wang Lihong's divorce case has given rise to many ideas about leftover women preferring to marry scumbags

It's just that most people in such a situation do not admit that their psychology is not complete, and more people do not realize that they are in trouble.

They often desire the warmth of the family more than ordinary people, unconsciously idealizing love, and absolutely beautified love is like absolute beauty and beauty, which cannot withstand scrutiny.

Once the person they like has a point that does not conform to the image of perfection in their minds, they will subconsciously amplify this imperfection infinitely, and the result will naturally hurt others and hurt themselves.

It is recommended that people who have such thoughts either go to the psychologist or read relevant books to help themselves.

Wang Lihong's divorce case has given rise to many ideas about leftover women preferring to marry scumbags

Self-help sounds a little scary, but some problems are not taken seriously when they first appear, and there is a danger of 'a thousand miles of, collapsing in ant nests'.

The incompleteness of the heart is reflected in the objective world, that is, you cannot see the beauty of life, do not believe in love, and cannot appreciate the sweetness of love and the warmth of home.

2, the feelings of people and people must also follow the law of change of all things in the world, and there must be a process of change in the clouds and clouds.

Everything is changing, and the key is how we choose.

There is a sentence in the world's best-selling Parchment Scroll that changed the way I think about life and gave me a new understanding of my own life.

Wang Lihong's divorce case has given rise to many ideas about leftover women preferring to marry scumbags

The book says: Selectivity is the primary productive force.

Where does the power of choice come from?

It must come from within us, from our thoughts.

If we have a person we like, we are not holding the idea of absolutes that must be perfect and everything is in our own minds, if we can embrace his beauty, his pleasant side, and at the same time accept his shortcomings, accept that he does not attract your favorite side, think more about his good, maybe life will treat us in another way.

Wang Lihong's divorce case has given rise to many ideas about leftover women preferring to marry scumbags

Of course, while accepting, we must clearly realize that his beautiful side must absolutely overwhelm his shortcomings and his unsatisfactory side.

For we must understand that when a speck of dust falls into a pool of clear water, the dust becomes clear, but if a drop of clear water goes into a pile of sludge, the water will be polluted.

After the general direction is determined, the usual way of getting along is the beginning of the interaction.

Life is difficult, personality differences, we will definitely have friction in the future together.

Wang Lihong's divorce case has given rise to many ideas about leftover women preferring to marry scumbags

When there are small cracks in life, we must let ourselves understand that this is the norm of life. Problems can not be avoided, mutual communication, exchange, acceptance, learn to face, find a solution, that is, what we usually call management, is our due attitude.

Again, choice is the first productive force, and your choice determines whether you are alone in life or enrich your life in colorful marital love.

Wang Lihong's divorce case has given rise to many ideas about leftover women preferring to marry scumbags

Finally, I would like to say that love may really not be as perfect as a dream, but married life is really sweet and warm, and it can really enrich your life.

Thank you very much for your attention

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