
Do "good" these 4 points, enhance immunity, fight against colds, and resist viral infections!

You may also find that people who are physically strong are relatively not prone to colds and fevers, but the elderly, children, especially people who are weak, are more likely to catch colds and fevers.

This is actually a matter of immunity.

Do "good" these 4 points, enhance immunity, fight against colds, and resist viral infections!

Take the new crown virus as an example, people with strong immunity, even if infected, are mild or asymptomatic; and most of the elderly, especially the elderly with chronic diseases, are prone to develop severe diseases after infection with the new crown; most of the people who die of the new crown are the elderly with chronic diseases.

Most of the new crown variants caused by The Semicroton are asymptomatic or mild, but as Professor Zhang Wenhong said: strong autoimmunity and better medical resources can effectively resist the threat of the new crown Semicroton.

If the autoimmune is low, then The Omicron will also "bite", that is, people with low immunity may also cause severe patients.

So how can we boost our immunity? Is it to eat something good, use some health care products, and eat some health tea?

None of them!

For people who can eat, drink, and sleep, eat well, sleep well, move well, and have a good heart, doing these 4 "good" is a way to enhance our immunity, rather than spending money to pay IQ tax and buy immunity.

First, eat well

Do "good" these 4 points, enhance immunity, fight against colds, and resist viral infections!

Eating well does not mean eating a lot of meat, nor does it mean eating lightly.

Eating too much meat does not strengthen immunity, and even because of too much fat intake and too much cholesterol, it leads to three highs and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eating too light, not eating meat, not eating oil, etc., is not conducive to good health, long-term vegetarianism, for most people is not suitable, especially not conducive to the development of children and the health of the elderly.

Eating well refers to a comprehensive diet of multiple foods, including a small amount of meat, mainly lean meat, fish, shrimp meat, appropriate eggs and milk, and a variety of vegetables, fruits, and coarse grains. Only a comprehensive variety of foods can provide the various nutrients needed for weight, so as to avoid the decline in immunity due to the lack of certain nutrients in the human body.

On the basis of the above dietary principles, it is recommended that you eat 12 foods a day and 25 foods every week. This can really be done to eat well, so as to ensure our immunity by eating.

Second, sleep well

Do "good" these 4 points, enhance immunity, fight against colds, and resist viral infections!

Every day we study, work, think, do manual labor, and so on, are all consuming our physical strength. If we don't get enough rest, then our physical strength cannot be effectively restored. Stay up late often, and the next day you will find dark circles, loose skin, and most importantly, you are not energetic. This is actually a manifestation of low immunity.

Adequate sleep is an effective way to restore our physical strength. Adults are recommended to sleep about 7 hours a day, and children sleep about 8 hours.

Don't stay up late, sleep well, and ensure our immunity.

Third, move well

Do "good" these 4 points, enhance immunity, fight against colds, and resist viral infections!

If we do not exercise for a long time, our cardiopulmonary function and musculoskeletal function will decline, and our immunity will also decline.

People who insist on exercise will generally be energetic and more immune, and all of them will find a sport that they are interested in, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, playing ball, cycling, etc., stick to it, and enhance immunity.

Some people say: I can't exercise.

I asked: Can you walk? Brisk walking is the simplest exercise.

Some people say: It is inconvenient to go out recently.

I said: You can have a treadmill or a bicycle at home.

Some people say: there is no sports machine in the house.

I said: Jumping at home, jumping rope, playing tai chi, doing morning exercises, is it really not okay to hang out back and forth?

Don't take all kinds of reasons to find a grandiose excuse for being "lazy".

Fourth, good heart

Do "good" these 4 points, enhance immunity, fight against colds, and resist viral infections!

Anxiety, depression, depression, negativity, and other negative emotions can also cause our immunity to decline. So we must be positive, optimistic, sunny, grateful, and have positive emotions to ensure strong immunity.

In fact, at each age stage, we have our own worries, or worries, children worry about exams, middle-aged people worry about making money, women worry about getting old, old people worry about disease...

But to put it bluntly, we can't avoid these worries, let alone to put it bluntly, we have all had these worries, but which one affects our normal life?

Most of these worries are superfluous and unfounded.

Instead of asking for trouble, it is better to live every day, happy, happy, healthy and healthy.

In short, for the vast majority of people, to enhance immunity, the reliable way is: eat well, sleep well, move well, and have a good heart!

Instead of eating something good, using some health products, and eating some health tea?

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