
Sharing of gourmet recipes: denim bone, slippery egg beef, sweet and sour honey meat

author:Culinary arts exhibition

Cowboy bone, also known as beef chops, refers to the short rib of the cow's chest..... But to be clear, in the North American division standards with bones, they are collectively referred to as denim bones, and those without bones are collectively referred to as beef chops. Therefore, the price of beef steaks is usually higher than that of denim bones

Sharing of gourmet recipes: denim bone, slippery egg beef, sweet and sour honey meat

Cowboy bone

Ingredients: Cowboy bone to taste, 1/2 red, yellow and green bell peppers, 1 tsp of minced black pepper, 10 g of onion, 3 cloves of garlic olive oil 30 ml, butter 20 g, stock 200 ML, 1/2 tsp of white pepper powder, 4 tbsp of tomato sauce, 2 tsp of light soy sauce, salt to taste, a little chicken essence.


1. Garlic with garlic forceps press the minced, onion 2/3 into small pieces, 1/3 shredded

2. Cut the bell peppers into diamond-shaped slices

3. Heat the pan with olive oil, fry the cowboy bones on both sides for seven minutes over medium heat and set aside

4. Heat the butter to melt, add the minced garlic and onion and sauté over low heat

5. Add chopped black pepper, white pepper, tomato sauce, soy sauce, a little salt and stir-fry well, add the broth and cook over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes

6. Add the fried cowboy bones and stir-fry for a while, then add the bell pepper, shredded onion and chicken essence. Slippery egg beef is a local specialty dish in Guangdong, which belongs to one of the most distinctive dishes in the Cantonese cuisine family, and slippery egg beef is made of beef and eggs as the main ingredient. It is a Guangdong home-cooked dish with a light yellow color, fresh and smooth meat and rich egg flavor.

Sharing of gourmet recipes: denim bone, slippery egg beef, sweet and sour honey meat

Slippery egg beef

Ingredients: 150g beef tenderloin, 5 eggs, 2 green onions, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tbsp sesame oil, a pinch of pepper, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1/3 tsp soda, 1 tbsp starch, a pinch of water.


1. Prepare the required materials.

2: Cut the beef into thin slices, add cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, baking soda, starch, a little water and mix well, then pour 1 teaspoon sesame oil and marinate for 30 minutes.

3: Beat 1 tbsp egg with water and a little cooking wine and salt to form egg mixture.

4: Pour vegetable oil into a wok and cook until 40% heat, add the beef slices and slide until they are 8 minutes cooked, then set aside.

5: Pour the smoothed sliced beef into the egg mixture and mix well with the chopped green onion.

6: Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the egg mixture containing the beef fillets.

7: Turn off the heat when the egg mixture is not completely solidified, and finally pour a little sesame oil and stir-fry well.

Sweet and sour honey meat is a traditional specialty dish of Guangdong Province, which belongs to the Cantonese cuisine family. The color of the dish is bright red, the outside is tender, the juice is thick and sweet and sour, the sweet and sour taste is always the darling on the table, every bite, the taste buds seem to be addicted, a strong urge you to eat another bite. So a table of delicacies, often a plate of sweet and sour, tender on the outside, rich in flavor of sweet and sour honey meat was first snatched up.

Sharing of gourmet recipes: denim bone, slippery egg beef, sweet and sour honey meat

Sweet and sour honey meat

Ingredients: pork, honey, green onion, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, vinegar, dry starch, water starch.

Slice the pork and pour into a clean bowl. Marinate with soy sauce, salt, cooking wine. Chop the green onion, ginger and garlic into small pieces.

Dip the marinated slices of meat in dry starch. Prepare two small bowls, one bowl of water with a small amount of starch to make water starch. Add honey, vinegar and chicken essence to another bowl to make a honey sauce.

Fry until the surface is golden brown and drain. Leave a little oil in the pan and stir-fry the minced shallots, ginger and garlic until fragrant. Stir-fry the fried slices of meat. Pour in the mixed honey juice first, then pour in the water starch to outline the thin mustard, and drizzle with sesame oil.

The precaution for the preparation of white cut chicken and garlic paste sauce is the ratio of ingredients for the sauce, which can be added or subtracted according to each person's taste and preference.

Sharing of gourmet recipes: denim bone, slippery egg beef, sweet and sour honey meat

White chopped chicken with garlic paste

Ingredients: Chicken boy, sesame oil, green onion, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and minced garlic, salt and pepper, minced pepper, chili pepper.

1: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add ginger slices, peppers and cooking wine after the water boils.

2: Bring to a boil again for about 1 minute and add the cleaned whole chicken.

3: Cook for about 8 minutes, then immediately put the cooked whole chicken into ice water to cool.

4: Drain the cooled chicken, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, and refrigerate it for about 1 hour.

5, cut the chicken into pieces, adjust your favorite seasoning, you can enjoy.

Egg skin vermicelli is a home-cooked dish, and the main ingredients are eggs, vermicelli, cucumber, ham and so on.

Sharing of gourmet recipes: denim bone, slippery egg beef, sweet and sour honey meat

Vermicelli mixed with egg skin shreds

Ingredients: 260 g eggs 150 g Vermicelli Ingredients: 200 g spinach Seasoning: 10 g sesame oil 10 g Vinegar 10 g Dried shrimp 3 g Salt 2 g MONOS glutamate 5 g garlic

1. Soak the vermicelli and the rice in water and set aside;

2. Peel and chop the garlic into minced pieces and set aside;

3. Cut the spinach into 5 cm long segments, blanch it in boiling water, remove it and squeeze it dry with cold boiling water;

4. Cut the water hair vermicelli into 8 cm long segments;

5. Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well with a little salt.

6. Put the wok on the fire, put in the sesame oil and burn until it is 50% hot, pour the egg liquid into the pot, turn the pot around, spread the egg liquid into a thin egg skin, turn over and fry, take out the plate and cut into strips;

7. Put spinach, vermicelli, egg skin shreds, vinegar, salt, monosodium glutamate, minced garlic and sesame oil together in a basin, mix well and put on the plate, sprinkle with water and sea rice.

The nutritious and delicious rolled up bacon enoki mushroom roll, its dish is relatively light, maintaining the original taste of the raw materials, the peigen body is salty, so there is no need to add too many spices.

Sharing of gourmet recipes: denim bone, slippery egg beef, sweet and sour honey meat

Pan-fried bacon enoki mushroom rolls

Ingredients: Bacon, Enoki mushroom, minced black pepper, cooked white sesame seeds

Directions: 1, cut off the roots of the mushroom and wash;

2, bacon in the middle of a one-size-fits-all cut 2 halves;

3. Take an appropriate amount of enoki mushrooms and roll them with bacon;

4. Fix it with a toothpick;

5: Put a little oil in the pan, when it is 50% hot, put in the bacon roll and fry, sprinkle with black pepper and white sesame seeds to decorate

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