
Three behaviors of pregnant mothers can cause fetal arrest? Don't take it lightly!

During pregnancy, the behavior of pregnant mothers can easily affect the development of the fetus. If the pregnant mother does not pay attention, these three behaviors will also cause fetal arrest! I hope that pregnant mothers will not take it lightly.

Three behaviors of pregnant mothers can cause fetal arrest? Don't take it lightly!

Three behaviors of pregnant mothers can cause fetal arrest?

What behaviors of pregnant mothers can cause fetal arrest?

1. Pregnant mothers are not afraid to eat during pregnancy, and their life schedules are irregular, and they often stay up late, drink, overeat and other bad living habits. There is also mental stress, emotional irritability, easy to affect physical health, easy to occur fetal cessation.

2. Living in a bad environment after pregnancy, such as staying in a newly renovated room for a long time, or being exposed to toxic and harmful chemicals, such as engaging in haircuts, hair coloring and other industries, it is easy to cause fetal cessation.

3. Intercourse after pregnancy is too frequent, especially in the early stage of pregnancy, embryo implantation is unstable, husband and wife have sex too frequently, etc., which can easily lead to threatened miscarriage and easy to cause fetal cessation, so after pregnancy, we must pay attention to the above three aspects.

It is worth noting that there are many reasons for fetal arrest, and it is not just the three behaviors of pregnant mothers that cause fetal arrest. If repeated fetal arrest occurs, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible for detailed examination and find the cause and adjust and treat it in time.

Three behaviors of pregnant mothers can cause fetal arrest? Don't take it lightly!

What are the symptoms of fetal arrest of pregnant mothers?

1. Abdominal pain

This is also a very obvious signal, and it will also be accompanied by a drop in body temperature. If the pregnant mother feels that the abdominal pain is obvious, and when the time is relatively long, she also needs to go to the hospital for examination, which is also not sloppy.

2. The reaction of early pregnancy disappears

In the first trimester, nausea, vomiting, and even a feeling of breast swelling and pain may occur, but after these reactions disappear, you also need to pay more attention.

3. Bleeding

After pregnancy, if there is blood in the lower body, and the color is dark red or brown, the pregnant mother needs to pay attention to it, and cannot fully judge whether it is fetal stoppage, but for this phenomenon, go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible. This will also be a little more practical.

Three behaviors of pregnant mothers can cause fetal arrest? Don't take it lightly!

What are the precautions for pregnant mothers during pregnancy?

First, after determining pregnancy, if there is no oral folic acid before, it is best to adhere to oral folic acid every day, which can minimize the probability of fetal malformations.

Second, after pregnancy, every pregnant woman needs to follow the procedure to carry out the obstetric examination, and after each obstetric examination, the time and program of the next obstetric examination should be asked.

Third, we must pay attention to maintaining proper activity and controlling diet after pregnancy to avoid excessive weight gain, because at present, with the improvement of living conditions, most pregnant women have overnutrition.

Fourth, after 16 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of fetal movements, because fetal movement is an important method for pregnant women to self-monitor whether the fetus is hypoxic within the uterine cavity.

After pregnancy, pregnant mothers should pay attention to avoid bad behaviors and living habits, so as not to cause fetal arrest. Pregnant in October, pregnant mothers can not take it lightly, maintain healthy eating and living habits, and wait for the birth of the baby.

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