
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen


Li Wen was born in 1992 Ningxia Xiji is now a special painter of the Ningxia Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Peasants' and Workers' Party In 2017, he visited the Academy of Fine Arts in Nabul, Italy, 2018 graduated from Ningxia University, 2019 graduated from Chinese University, the first oil painting theory and creation research class, 2020, completed in the second phase of the Ningxia Literary and Art Advanced Research Class, and in 2021, he graduated from the second phase of the National City and County Literary and Art Backbone Training Class, a member of the Chinese Ethnic Minority Art Promotion Association, a member of the Asia Alliance Artists Association, a member of the Ningxia Artists Association, a member of the Ningxia Oil Painting Association, a member of the Ningxia Oil Painting Society, a member of the Ningxia Oil Painting Art Committee Collection: 2021 "Shou-Wang" collected by Ningxia Art Museum2021 "Yunqi" collected by Yinchuan Economic Development Zone2019 "Cave Kiln" collected by the American Asia Art Alliance2019 "First Snow" Collected by Beijing M3 Art Museum2021 "Shou-Wang" Participated in the Beautiful New Ningxia Hanmo Song Dang En Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China Art Exhibition and won the second prize Yinchuan 2021 The Fourth Helan Mountain Literary and Art Award "Shouwang" Won the Work Award 2021 "South Long Beach of the Yellow River under the World" Specially invited creators to participate in the celebration of the centenary of Yinchuan Light Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China Art Exhibition Yinchuan 2021 "Yunqi" specially invited to participate in the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Yinchuan Economic Development Zone Literary and Art Works Exhibition Yinchuan 2021 "Beidaihe - NO3" participated in the Winter to Spring - The Third Ningxia Oil Painting Art Exhibition Yinchuan 2020 "Watch" participated in the 6th China Oil Painting Newcomer Exhibition Beijing 2019 "Cave Kiln" participated in the Second Asian Culture and Art Festival in the United States Las Vegas in 2019 7 works participated in the "The Third Hundred Flowers Bloom Here" Beijing *M3 Art Museum 2019 "Taihang Mountain" participated in the "Magnificent 70 Years, Beautiful New Ningxia" Works Exhibition, Excellence Award Yinchuan 2019 "Distant View" Participated in the First Ningxia University Joint Exhibition Yinchuan Contemporary Art Museum 2019 "Green Ridge" Mountains and Rivers Plains - 2019 Ningxia Oil Painting Art Exhibition and Academic Seminar Yinchuan 2019 "Shou. Wang" "Taihang Renjia" "Sea and Sky One Color" participated in the first oil painting theory and creation research class of Chinese University Beijing China Federation of Literary and Art Writers' Home 2019 Participated in the 21st China Shanghai International Art Festival Participated in the 21st China Shanghai International Art Festival Exhibition "Painting exhibition in progress - Zhang Yuan Project" Exhibition Shanghai 2019 Mountains and Rivers Of Origin Ningxia Oil Painting Art Exhibition Huaxia River Map Yinchuan International Printmaking Innovation and Research Center Art Museum Cross-exhibition 2018 Held "Sensory View" Li Wen's solo oil painting exhibition at Ningxia University, A number of works collected by people from all walks of life in 2018 The work "Kui" was selected for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of ningxia Hui Autonomous Region From October 2017 to April 2018, he went to the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, Italy for exchange and study, during which he went to France, the Netherlands, Greece and other places for art investigation in 2017 The work "Chaji Memory" was selected to inherit the new elephant - 2017 Ningxia Oil Painting Annual Exhibition

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil on canvas "South Long Beach of the Yellow River under the Heavens", 140X180cm

Created in: 2021

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil painting on canvas "Praise the Earth", 120X160cm

Created in: 2021

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲ Oil on canvas "Roman Park", 40X50cm

Created in: 2020

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil painting on canvas "Breeze", 120X120cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲ Oil painting on canvas "Taihang Renjia" 40X50cm

Created in: 2019

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲ Oil painting on canvas "Watch", 140X180cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil on canvas "Jinghai", 40X60cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil painting on canvas "One Color of Sea and Sky", 30X60cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil on canvas "Beidaihe NO.2", 60X80cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil on canvas "Beidaihe NO.1", 60X80cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲ Oil painting on canvas "Rembrandt's Workbench", 40X60cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil on canvas "Aoi", 150X100cm

Created in: 2018

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil painting on canvas "Sheng He", 80X60cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲ Oil on canvas "Sheng He 1" 110X80cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil painting on canvas "Early Spring of the Yellow River", 110X80cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil on canvas "Violet", 60X40cm

Created in: 2022

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲ Oil on canvas "Dispute", 150X150cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲ Oil painting on canvas "Cloud Rise", 120X120cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil painting on canvas "Embrace-Dream", 120X120cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil on canvas "Threshing", 110X80cm

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - Invited artist Li Wen

▲Oil painting on canvas "Taihang Mountain", 40X60cm

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